
A Kubernetes Vagrant Multi node environment using kubeadm.

APACHE-2.0 License



This project was based on work from coolsvap/kubeadm-vagrant by @coolsvap, now it is mostly independent.

A demo of the start and destroy of a cluster can be found here: README.md Demo section.


  • make
  • kubectl - Optional when KUBECTL_AUTO_CONF is set to false (default: true).
  • grep
  • cut
  • rsync
  • Source for randomness (only used to generate a kubeadm token, when no custom KUBETOKEN is given):
    • /dev/urandom
    • openssl command - Fallback for when /dev/urandom is not available.
  • Vagrant (>= 2.2.0)
    • Tested with 2.2.2 (if you should experience issues, please upgrade to at least this Vagrant version or higher)
    • Plugins
      • vagrant-reload REQUIRED For BOX_OS=fedora (set by default) and when using the vagrant-reload* targets, the vagrant-reload plugin is needed. An automatic attempt to install the plugin is made. To install manually run one of the following commands:
        • make vagrant-plugins or
        • vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload
  • Vagrant Provider (one of the following two is needed)
    • libvirt (vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt)
      • Tested with libvirtd version 5.10.0.
      • Libvirt support is still a bit experimental and can be unstable (e.g., VMs not getting IPs).
        • Troubleshooting: If your VM creation is hanging at Waiting for domain to get an IP address..., using virsh run virsh force reset VM_NAME (VM_NAME can be obtained using virsh list command) or in virt-manager Force Reset on the VM.
    • Virtualbox (WARNING VirtualBox seems to hang the Makefile randomly for some people, libvirt is recommended)
      • Tested with 6.0.0 (if you should experience issues, please upgrade to at least this version or higher)
      • VBoxManage binary in PATH.

NOTE kubectl is only needed when the kubectl auto configuration is enabled (default is enabled), to disable it set the variable KUBECTL_AUTO_CONF to false. For more information, see the Configuration / Variables doc page.

Hardware Requirements

  • Master
    • CPU: 2 Cores (MASTER_CPUS)
  • 1x Node:
    • CPU: 1 Core (it is recommended to use at least 2 Cores; NODE_CPUS)
    • Memory: 2GB (it is recommended to use more than 2GB; NODE_MEMORY_SIZE_GB)

These resources can be changed by setting the according variables for the make up command, see Configuration / Variables doc page.


To start with the defaults, 1x master and 2x workers, run the following:

$ make up -j 3

The -j3 will cause three VMs to be started in parallel to speed up the cluster creation.

NOTE Your kubectl is automatically configured to use a context for the created cluster, after the master VM is started. The context is named after the directory the Makefile is in.

$ kubectl config current-context
$ kubectl get componentstatus
NAME                 STATUS    MESSAGE              ERROR
scheduler            Healthy   ok
controller-manager   Healthy   ok
etcd-0               Healthy   {"health": "true"}
$ kubectl get nodes
master    Ready     master    4m        v1.17.3
node1     Ready     <none>    4m        v1.17.3
node2     Ready     <none>    4m        v1.17.3

VM OS Selection

There are multiple sets of Vagrantfiles available (see vagrantfiles/) which can be used to use a different OS for the Kubernetes environment.

See VM OS Selection doc page.


Also see Usage doc page.

Starting the environment

To start up the Vagrant Kubernetes multi node environment with the default of two worker nodes + a master (not parallel) run:

$ make up

NOTE Your kubectl is automatically configured to use a context for the created cluster, after the master VM is started. The context is named after the directory the Makefile is in.

Faster (parallel) environment start

To start up 4 VMs in parallel run (-j flag does not control how many (worker) VMs are started, the NODE_COUNT variable is used for that):

$ NODE_COUNT=3 make up -j4

The flag -j CORES/THREADS allows yout to set how many VMs (Makefile targets) will be run at the same time. You can also use -j $(nproc) to start as many VMs as cores/threads you have in your machine. So to start up all VMs (master and three nodes) in parallel, you would add one to the chosen NODE_COUNT.

Show status of VMs

$ make status
master                    not created (virtualbox)
node1                     not created (virtualbox)
node2                     not created (virtualbox)

Shutting down the environment

To destroy the Vagrant environment run:

$ make clean
$ make clean-data

Copy local Docker image into VMs

The make load-image target can be used to copy a docker image from your local docker daemon to all the VMs in your cluster. The IMG variable can be expressed in a few ways, for example:

$ make load-image IMG=your_name/your_image_name:your_tag
$ make load-image IMG=your_name/your_image_name
$ make load-image IMG=my-private-registry.com/your_name/your_image_name:your_tag

You can also specify a new image name and tag to use after the image has been copied to the VM's by setting the TAG variable. This will not change the image/tag in your local docker daemon, it will only affect the image in the VM's.

$ make load-image IMG=repo/image:tag TAG=new_repo/new_image:new_tag

Data inside VM

See the data/VM_NAME/ directories, where VM_NAME is for example master.

make Targets

See make Targets doc page.

Configuration / Variables

See Configuration / Variables doc page.


See Troubleshooting doc page.


See Demo doc page.

Creating an Issue

Please attach the output of the make versions command to the issue as is shown in the issue template. This makes debugging easier.