
Vamp Router integration with Kubernetes


Kubernetes Vamp Router

When dealing with your own Kubernetes Cluster (not hosted in GCE or AWS) you will have trouble to exposes automatically public services. With these cloud providers, we simply have to create a LoadBalancer service and just wait a bit to have an address automatically added in the status of the service.

This bridge for Vamp Router will automatically creates a new route via the Vamp Router API when a service is created or updated (if needed). As well, when the service is removed, then the route is removed.


  • Automatically creates routes on Vamp Router when a LoadBalancer service is created
  • Updates the service's status to declare the created route
  • Read the annotations to create custom hosts


Starting containers

First of all, start your Vamp router on your front-end server:

docker run -d \
    --name=vamp-router \
    --net=host \
    --restart=always \

Then, you just have to start the container sroze/kubernetes-vamp-router with the right environment variables based on your configuration. Be careful about where you run these containers, they need to have access to the running containers.

docker run -d \
    --restart=always \
    --name=kubernetes-vamp-router \
    -e ROOT_DNS_DOMAIN=any.wildcarded.dns.address \
    -e CLUSTER_API_ADDRESS=https://username:[email protected] \
    -e ROUTER_API_ADDRESS=http://your.router.api.address:10001/
    -e INGRESS_TYPE=vamp-router


The configuration can be done by passing some environment variables. Here is the list and the meaning of all environment variables that the container is reading:

Variable Description Expected values Default
CLUSTER_API_ADDRESS Address of the Kubernetes cluster API https://user:password@address
ROUTER_API_ADDRESS Address of the Vamp Router API http://address:10001
ROOT_DNS_DOMAIN The root DNS address that needs to be used. Basically, this (sub)domain name should be a wildcard to the Vamp Router .my-domain.net
INSECURE_CLUSTER If the value is yes, then the SSL certification won't be checked. This should be used for development purposes only! yes or no no
WATCH_SERVICES Needs to be yes if you want to watch LoadBalancer services yes or no no
WATCH_INGRESSES Needs to be yes if you want to watch ingresses yes or no yes
INGRESS_TYPE The type of ingresses to watch string vamp-router
DOMAIN_NAME_SEPARATOR The separator used to create the final domain name string -

Where to run these containers?

You have to run them on a machine which that:

  • Have kube-proxy running (to be able to connect to pods using services' IPs)
  • Is in the cluster network (to be able to actually route traffic to running containers)

The easiest way is to run them on a public node of your cluster but running them outside just requires you to configure the networking and install kube-proxy.

Using custom domain names

Instead of relying of the automated domain name generation, you can also define the domain names you want to use in the service annotations. The configuration is currently compatible with the kubernetes-reverseproxy configuration.

The annotation name is kubernetesReverseproxy and the value should be a JSON encoded string of host names you want to use. For instance, in order to make the Vamp Router routing requests from "example.com" and "sroze.io" to your service, you'll have to create it like that:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    kubernetesReverseproxy: '{"hosts":[{"host":"example.com"},{"host":"sroze.io"}]}'
  name: web
  - name: web
    port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 80
    component-identifier: web
  type: LoadBalancer


go get
CLUSTER_API_ADDRESS=https://master.api.address \
    ROOT_DNS_DOMAIN=your.root.dns.com \
    ROUTER_API_ADDRESS=http://your.router.addrss:10001 \
    go run cmd/k8svamprouter/main.go
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