
GitHub leaderboard for your organisation or repo (Serverless SPA)

MIT License


leaderboard-app - a serverless application

This application is an example of how to write a Single Page App (SPA) with a Serverless approach. It provides a live leaderboard for your GitHub organisation or repos showing comments made and issues opened by your community and contributors.

  • The front-end is written with Vue.js
  • The backing data-store data is Postgres with a remote DBaaS or in-cluster deployment

See a live example tracking the openfaas/openfaas-incubator organizations: https://alexellis.o6s.io/leaderboard-page

To test out the functionality comment on this issue: Issue: Let's test the leaderboard!

Here's a preview of the app when the dark theme is enabled:

Subscribe to events by adding a webhook to the github-sub function:

Blog post / tutorial

Read all the details here on how to build a portable Serverless Single Page App for any cloud:

See also: Blog: How to build a Serverless Single Page App


  • github-sub

Receives webhooks from GitHub via an organization or repo subscription. Secured with HMAC by Alex Ellis

  • leaderboard

Retrieves the current leaderboard in JSON by Alex Ellis

  • leaderboard-page

Renders the leaderboard itself as a Vue.js app by Ken Fukuyama



You can seal your secrets for use with OpenFaaS Cloud:

faas-cli cloud seal \
  --name teamserverless-leaderboard-app-secrets \
  --literal=password="$PASS" \
  --literal=username="$USER" \
  --literal=host="$HOST" \

Running locally

  • Deploy OpenFaaS

The quickest/easiest option is to use Swarm.

  • Grab custom templates
faas-cli template store pull node8-express
faas-cli template store pull golang-middleware
  • Create the required secrets
export PASS=""
export USER=""
export HOST=""
export WEBHOOK="secret"   # As set on the webhook page on GitHub

# Kubernetes
faas-cli secret create leaderboard-app-secrets-password \
  --from-literal=password="$PASS" \
  --from-literal=username="$USER" \
  --from-literal=host="$HOST" \

# Swarm

faas-cli secret create password --from-literal="$PASS"
faas-cli secret create username --from-literal="$USER"
faas-cli secret create host --from-literal="$HOST"
faas-cli secret create webhook-secret --from-literal="${WEBHOOK}"

# Then apply each secret to the required function in local.yml
  • Rename the stack.yml to local.yml

Edit local.yml and rename the functions:

leaderboard => alexellis-leaderboard
github-sub => alexellis-github-sub
leaderboard-page => alexellis-leaderboard-page

Then add a prefix for each function's Docker image name and run faas-cli build -f local.yml

  • Deploy of-router:

Via: https://github.com/openfaas/openfaas-cloud/tree/master/router

Deploy a fake auth function:

faas-cli store deploy figlet

Deploy the router:

docker service rm of-router

docker service create --network=func_functions \
 --env upstream_url=http://gateway:8080 \
 --env auth_url=http://figlet:8080 \
 --publish 8081:8080 \
 --name of-router \
 -d openfaas/cloud-router:$TAG
  • Create entries in: /etc/hosts alexellis.local-o6s.io
  • Initialize Postgres

Provision Postgres 10 and set up your initial table schema and function:

docker run -ti postgres:10 psql ${CONNECTION_STRING}

Copy/paste from schema-1.0.sql

  • Test the JSON function:

  • Test the Vue.js page:


Contributing & license

Please feel free to fork and star this repo and use it as a template for your own applications. The license is MIT.

To contribute see CONTRIBUTING.md

Package Rankings
Top 9.42% on Proxy.golang.org
Extracted from project README