
Simplify and manage your serverless container deployments. Like docker-compose but for Cloud Run.

APACHE-2.0 License


Cloud Run Marathon

Simplify and manage your serverless container deployments. Like docker-compose but for Cloud Run.

What's Cloud Run?

Cloud Run is now GA and it allows you to run your containers in a fully managed, production-ready environment leveraging features like:

  • Autoscaling (including scaling to 0)
  • Regional redundancy
  • Integrated monitoring and logging
  • Easy integration with CloudSQL/PubSub/Tasks/Scheduler
  • Automatic TLS endpoints
  • Authentication and IAM policies
  • Isolation based on gvisor

All of this with a very generous free tier (2mil req/month) and pay-per-use pricing. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal!

Ok.. then what's Cloud Run Marathon?

Cloud Run Marathon is to Cloud Run what docker-compose is to Docker, essentially a nice wrapper to simplify, manage and automate.

If you have just one container docker run .. or gcloud run deploy .. will do the trick, but when you have multiple containers with configs, policies, interactions, dependencies and so on, it gets a bit more complex.

This tool is designed to reduce the friction and cost (mainly time) of getting more complex containers/microservices into production, compared to alternatives like Kubernetes, Terraform or just plain gcloud CLI.


Install (python 3.6+)

$ pip3 install --user run-marathon

$ run --help
usage: run [-h] [--version]
           {deploy,build,init,check,list,ls,describe,desc,invoke} ...

Simplify and manage your serverless container deployments. Like docker-compose
but for Cloud Run.

positional arguments:
    deploy              Deploy services to Cloud Run and setup IAM
    build               Build containers using Cloud Build
    init                Create an example run.yaml
    check               Check that required gcloud services are enabled
    list (ls)           List Cloud Run services
    describe (desc)     Describe Cloud Run service
    invoke              Invoke Cloud Run service

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Also install gcloud SDK and initialize it.

Simple example

cd example/

# Initialize config file
rm run.yaml && run init

# Check that required gcloud services are enabled
run check

# Build containers with Cloud Build
# Running "gcloud config set builds/use_kaniko True" will enable Kaniko builds and layer caching
run build

# Deploy to Cloud Run and setup IAM
run deploy

run ls
run describe service1
run invoke service1 # or visit URL

# Request flow:
# user -----> service1 -----> service2 -----> service3 (also has hourly cron)
#      public          private         private   |
#                                                |
# "Hello from service3" <-------------------------

Configuration (run.yaml)

The configuration structure and options of the run.yaml file. Items not market with 'required' are optional or have a default. You can interpolate first-level variables, like the project or region, with the following notation: ${<variable name>}, e.g. image:${project}/service1:latest.

See example/run.yaml for a simple configuration example.

project (required)

Google Cloud Project

region (required)

Default region where you want to deploy, e.g. europe-west1


The users or groups allowed to run invoke <service>, example:

  - user:[email protected]
  - group:[email protected]


A service definition and its configuration

  • image (required) Container image to deploy and/or build, e.g.${project}/service1:latest

  • dir (required only for run build) The directory of the service and Dockerfile to use for building the container, e.g. apps/service1

  • authenticated Default true, set to false to make the service public

  • region Defaults to the region specified at first-level

  • concurrency Number of concurrent requests one container can receive, default 80

  • max-instances Maximum number of containers, default quota is 1000 (can be raised)

  • cpu CPUs to allocate to each container, default 1, can also be 2

  • memory Memory to allocate to each container, default 256Mi, max 2Gi

  • timeout Number of seconds until a request to a container times out, default 300

  • port Container port, also overrides the PORT env var, default 8080

  • command Overrides the entrypoint of the container

  • args Arguments to pass to the container command

      - --flag1
      - --flag2
  • env Environment variables to add to containers

      KEY: VALUE
  • vpc-connector VPC Connector for the Cloud Run service

  • labels GCP labels to add to the Cloud Run service

      KEY: VALUE
  • cloudsql-instances List of CloudSQL instances to attach to the containers. A unix domain socket will be created per CloudSQL instance in each container at /cloudsql/<instance_name> for MySQL and /cloudsql/<instance_name>/.s.PGSQL.5432 for PostgreSQL. roles/cloudsql.client will be automatically added to the IAM service account of the service on deployment

      - instance_name
  • iam-roles IAM roles to attach to the service account of the service

      - roles/compute.viewer
  • links Creates links to other services by allowing invocation through IAM and by injecting the service URLs into the environment variables on deployment. For the example below, SERVICE2_URL will be injected into service1 env

        - service2
  • cron Creates a Cloud Scheduler job and invokes the service on the specified schedule

    • schedule (required)
      Cron expression, e.g. "0 * * * *"
    • path
      URL path for the invocation request, defaults to /
    • http-method
      HTTP method used for the invocation request, defaults to post


  • Support PubSub
  • Only deploy if container image or config changes (persist + check combo hash)
  • Support domain mappings
  • Cleanup unused IAM service accounts and bindings
  • Document the commands in more depth
  • A more complex example
  • Allow custom variables on first-level in run.yaml


Copyright 2020 Adrian Chifor

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

This project is not affiliated with