
Terraform wrapper to make a Kubernetes cluster.

CC0-1.0 License


Kubernetes Cluster

Builds a DigitalOcean Kubernetes cluster in a way that makes more sense to me, and is more easily wrapped in a manner to keep the Terraform code DRY.


module "cluster" {
  source                = "santiagon610/k8s-cluster/digitalocean"
  version               = "~> 2"
  cluster_name          = "my-awesome-cluster"
  region                = "nyc1"
  vpc_uuid              = data.digitalocean_vpc.production.id
  cluster_tags          = ["production"]
  initial_node_pool = {
    name       = "primary"
    size       = "s-4vcpu-8gb"
    min_nodes  = 1
    max_nodes  = 4
    auto_scale = true
    labels = {
      pizza       = "pepperoni"
      environment = "prod"
  maintenance_policy = {
    start_time = "22:00"
    day        = "monday"


  • If var.k8s_version is defined and not blank, the module will treat the
    version of Kubernetes as pinned and will disable automatic upgrades, and
    as a result will remove the maintenance policy. Although this does not
    make make the var.k8s_version input mutually exclusive with
    var.maintenance_policy, they do render one another essentially inert.


Set the DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN environment variable to your DigitalOcean API token.


CC0 1.0 Universal


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0
digitalocean ~> 2.0


Name Version
digitalocean 2.40.0


No modules.


Name Type
digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.this resource
digitalocean_kubernetes_node_pool.additional resource
digitalocean_kubernetes_versions.this data source


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_node_pools Configuration for additional node pools map(object({ min_nodes = number max_nodes = number size = string auto_scale = bool labels = map(string) })) {} no
cluster_name Display name of Kubernetes cluster string n/a yes
cluster_tags Tags to apply to Kubernetes cluster within DigitalOcean console list(string) [] no
do_registry_integration Enable integration with DigitalOcean Container Registry bool true no
initial_node_pool Configuration for initial node pool object({ name = string min_nodes = number max_nodes = number size = string auto_scale = bool labels = map(string) }) { "auto_scale": true, "labels": { "droplet-size": "s-4vcpu-8gb", "managed-by": "terraform", "purpose": "default" }, "max_nodes": 2, "min_nodes": 1, "name": "initial", "size": "s-4vcpu-8gb"} no
k8s_version Version of k8s control plane to use. If blank, uses data.digitalocean_kubernetes_versions.this.latest_version string "" no
maintenance_policy Maintenance policy for Kubernetes control plane. Ignored if var.k8s_version is defined. object({ start_time = string day = string }) { "day": "sunday", "start_time": "04:00"} no
region DigitalOcean region in which to build Kubernetes cluster string "nyc1" no
vpc_uuid UUID of the VPC network in which to build Kubernetes cluster string n/a yes


Name Description
kubeconfig Kubernetes configuration for the cluster, provided in HCL and YAML.
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