
Terraform module for deploying Vault to GKE


Vault on Kubernetes Terraform Module

Deploy a self contained vault cluster to Kubernetes on GCP.

Based on Kelsey Hightower and Seth Vargo's work with the following differences:

  • does not create a Google project
  • does not create a Kubernetes cluster

Feature Highlights

  • Vault HA - The Vault cluster is deployed in HA mode backed by Google Cloud Storage

  • Production Hardened - Vault is deployed according to the production hardening guide.

  • Auto-Init and Unseal - Vault is automatically initialized and unsealed at runtime. The unseal keys are encrypted with Google Cloud KMS and stored in Google Cloud Storage


Name Description Type Default Required
google_kms_crypto_key_roles list <list> no
google_project The Google Cloud Project ID string - yes
google_region The Google Cloud region where resource will be created string - yes
google_service_account_email Optionally provide a pre-existing service account for Vault string `` no
google_service_account_iam_roles list <list> no
google_storage_bucket_name Optionally provide a pre-existing GCS bucket where Vault will use as it's storage backend. If supplied, it is up to the user to ensure the Vault GCP Service Account has appropriate permissions on the bucket (see var.google_storage_bucket_roles). string `` no
google_storage_bucket_roles list <list> no
istio_mode Flag to indicate if Istio is enable for this deployment. With Istio sidecar injection Vault listens on plaintext HTTP only, and uses the Istio sidecar to encrypt traffic. bool false no
kubernetes_namespace The Kubernetes namespace where Vault resources will be deployed. string default no
vault_image_repository The docker image repository of the vault image string registry.hub.docker.com/library/vault no
vault_image_tag Docker image tag of 'vault' container string 1.1.0 no
vault_init_image_repository The docker image repository of the vault-init image string registry.hub.docker.com/mmorrison/vault-init no
vault_init_image_tag Docker image tag of 'vault-init' container string 2.0.2 no
vault_load_balancer_fqdn FQDN entry that points to the Vault Load Balancer string `` no
vault_load_balancer_ip Reserved IP address that will be used by Vault Kubernetes Service string `` no
vault_load_balancer_is_internal Set to true to create an Internal Load Balancer + IP Reservation bool false no
vault_load_balancer_ip_subnetwork VPC Subnetwork name when IP will be reserved. Must be set when 'vault_load_balancer_type' == 'INTERNAL'. string `` no
vault_replica_count The number of vault replicas to deploy string 3 no
vault_request_cpu Kubernetes CPU Request for Vault pods string 500m no
vault_request_memory Kubernetes Memory Request for Vault pods string 256Mi no
vault_tls_cert The Base64 encoded TLS certificate for vault server. If none is supplied, a CA will be created and used to sign a generated certificate. string `` no
vault_tls_key The Base64 encoded TLS key for vault server. If none is supplied, a private key will be generated. string `` no
vault_service_type One of 'LoadBalancer', 'ClusterIP' OR 'NodePort' string NodePort no


Name Description
address Address of the load balancer
env Script which exports this Vault to the environment variables, e.g. VAULT_ADDR, VAULT_TOKEN. The TLS cert will be written to VAULT_CAPATH, which can be pre-set or defaults to vault_ca.pem.
region Google Region of this module
token Vault Root Token
token_decrypt_command Script which extracts the encrypted Vault Root Token
vault_ca_pem TLS self-signed certificate PEM


# Load environment variables terraform
# assuming:  module "kubernetes-vault" 

$ eval "$(terraform output -module=kubernetes-vault env)"
$ vault status