
A Terraform provider/provisioner for deploying Kubernetes with kubeadm


Terraform kubeadm plugin

A Terraform resource definition and provisioner that lets you install Kubernetes on a cluster.

The underlying resources where the provisioner runs could be things like AWS instances, libvirt machines, LXD containers or any other resource that supports SSH-like connections. The kubeadm provisioner will run over this SSH connection all the commands necessary for installing Kubernetes in those resources, according to the configuration specified in the resource "kubeadm" block.


Here is an example that will setup Kubernetes in a cluster created with the Terraform libvirt provider:

resource "kubeadm" "main" {
  api {
    external = "loadbalancer.external.com"   # external address for accessing the API server
  cni {
    plugin = "flannel"   # could be 'weave' as well...
  network {
    dns_domain = "my_cluster.local"  
    services = ""
  # install some extras: helm, the dashboard...
  helm      { install = "true" }
  dashboard { install = "true" }

# from the libvirt provider
resource "libvirt_domain" "master" {
  name = "master"
  memory = 1024
  # this provisioner will start a Kubernetes master in this machine,
  # with the help of "kubeadm" 
  provisioner "kubeadm" {
    # there is no "join", so this will be the first node in the cluster: the seeder
    config = "${kubeadm.main.config}"

    # when creating multiple masters, the first one (the _seeder_) must join="",
    # and the rest will join it afterwards...
    join      = "${count.index == 0 ? "" : libvirt_domain.master.network_interface.0.addresses.0}"
    role      = "master"

    install {
      # this will try to install "kubeadm" automatically in this machine
      auto = true

  # provisioner for removing the node from the cluster
  provisioner "kubeadm" {
    when   = "destroy"
    config = "${kubeadm.main.config}"
    drain  = true

# from the libvirt provider
resource "libvirt_domain" "minion" {
  count      = 3
  name       = "minion${count.index}"
  # this provisioner will start a Kubernetes worker in this machine,
  # with the help of "kubeadm"
  provisioner "kubeadm" {
    config = "${kubeadm.main.config}"

    # this will make this minion "join" the cluster started by the "master"
    join = "${libvirt_domain.master.network_interface.0.addresses.0}"
    install {
      # this will try to install "kubeadm" automatically in this machine
      auto = true

  # provisioner for removing the node from the cluster
  provisioner "kubeadm" {
    when   = "destroy"
    config = "${kubeadm.main.config}"
    drain  = true

Note well that:

  • all the provisioners must specify the config = ${kubeadm.XXX.config},
  • any other nodes that join the seeder must specify the
    join attribute pointing to the <IP/name> they must join. You can use
    the optional role parameter for specifying whether it is joining as a
    master or as a worker.

Now you can see the plan, apply it, and then destroy the infrastructure:

$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
$ terraform destroy

You can find examples of the privider/provisioner in other environments like OpenStack, LXD, etc. in the examples directory)


  • Easy deployment of kubernetes clusters in any platform supported
    by Terraform, just adding our provisioner "kubeadm" in the machines
    you want to be part of the cluster.
    • All operations are performed through the SSH connection created by Terraform,
      so you can create a k8s cluster in completely isolated machines.
  • Multi-master deployments. Just add a Load Balancer that points
    to your masters and you will have a HA cluster!.
  • Easy scale-up/scale-down of the cluster by just changing the
    count of your masters or workers.
  • Use the kubeadm attributes
    in other parts of your Terraform script. This makes it easy to do things like:
    • enabling SSL termination by using the certificates generated for kubeadm
      in the code you have for creating your Load Balancer.
    • create machine templates (for example, cloud-init code) that can
      be used for creating machines dynamically, without Terraform being involved
      (like autoscaling groups in AWS).
  • Automatic rolling upgrade of the cluster by just changing the base
    image of your machines. Terraform will take care of replacing old
    nodes with upgraded ones, and this provider will take care of draining
    the nodes.
  • Automatic deployment of some addons, like CNI drivers, the k8s Dashboard,
    Helm, etc.

(check the TODO for an updated list of features).


This provider/provisioner is being actively developed, but I would still consider it ALPHA, so there can be many rough edges and some things can change without any previous notice. To see what is left or planned, see the issues list and the roadmap.


Quick start

$ mkdir -p $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins
$ # with go>=1.12
$ go build -v -o $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform-provider-kubeadm \
$ go build -v -o $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform-provisioner-kubeadm \


Running the tests

You can run the unit tests with:

$ make test

There are end-to-end tests as well, that can be launched with

$ make tests-e2e



  • Apache 2.0, See LICENSE file