
workshop about cloud-native security

APACHE-2.0 License


Security Cloud-Native Workshop

Security across Development life cycle in Cloud-Native

Quick Start Workshop (2-hours)

In this quick start hands-on workshop, you will explore the build, infrastructure and runtime in Cloud-Native.

How could you embed security across all stages of Software Development Life Cycle?. Build, infra, and runtime will be the key points of this workshop. We will explore good practices to embed security along the container images, Kubernetes, infrastructure as a code, and workloads and how to DevOps practices will help its adoption together with tools to implement security, compliance and forensic.

Table of Contents


Before you begin, you need the following software:

  • A Linux, stand-alone virtual machine (VM)
  • A kubernetes cluster: minikube, kind, or any kubernetes flavor.
    • Minikube Installation here
    • Kind Installation here
  • Kubernetes command-line tool: kubectl Installation on Linux here

Note: For Infrastructure scanning, it will be used a kind cluster with two nodes. See the kind.yaml

kind create cluster --name k8s-local --config kind.yaml --image kindest/node:v1.20.7


Thank you for attending the workshop. I would love your feedback, or contribution for other cases and samples with other scenaries.


If you find any typos, errors, outdated resources; or if you have a different point of view. Please open a pull request or contact me.

Pull requests and stars are always welcome 🙌