
An AI assistant for jMonkeyEngine and related projects.



An AI assistant for jMonkeyEngine and related projects.

It knows :

  • all the main documentation of jMonkeyEngine and some prominent projects
  • the entire source code of the jMonkeyEngine main repo
  • how to search the forum for basic queries

For more details, check the knowledge base section.


To provide the functionality of the bot, the following libraries are used:

Knowledge base

The bot extends the knowledge of GPT-3 by embedding pieces of information from the following sources:

Static embeddings

Static embeddings are updated periodically and stored in the embeddings/ folder in this repo.

Dynamic embeddings

Dynamic embeddings are generated on the fly for the requested information.

Run without docker

  1. Install Miniconda or Anaconda
  2. Clone this repo and cd into it
  3. Create the environment
conda env create  -f environment.yml
  1. Activate the environment
conda activate jmebot
  1. Install extra dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

5b. If you want to run it on a GPU and you have a CUDA compatible GPU, make sure to have a recent version of CUDA installed and then install the required dependencies

# For Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install  build-essential cmake swig libopenblas-dev libpcre3-dev
bash # Install the required dependencies (note: this builds faiss-gpu from source, so it will take a while)
  1. Export your OpenAI API key
  1. Tweak the config.json file, if you want to run it on a CPU you should change DEVICE to "cpu" and USE_SUMY to true)
  2. Run the bot

or regenerate the embeddings

bash ingest

Usage with Docker

In a docker host

Build (optional)

The snippets below show how to use the prebuild images on github registry, If you want to build your own image:

# For cpu
docker build -t chat-jme .

# For cuda
docker build -t chat-jme:cuda . -f Dockerfile.cuda


mkdir -p /srv/chat-jme/cache
chown -Rf 1000:1000 /srv/chat-jme/cache 

# For CPU
docker run -d --restart=always \
-v/srv/chat-jme/cache:/home/nonroot/.cache \
-p8080:8080 \
--name="chat-jme" \ bot

# For Cuda (recommended)
docker run -d --restart=always \
-v/srv/chat-jme/cache:/home/nonroot/.cache \
-p8080:8080 \
--gpus $GPUID
--name="chat-jme" \ bot

NOTE: To use custom static embeddings specify the INDEX_PATH environment variable

NOTE2: the first run might take some time since it has to download the models.

NOTE3: If you use the cpu you might need to add --security-opt seccomp=unconfined to the docker command if performances are bad (note that this is not recommended)

Rebuild/update static embeddings

mkdir -p /srv/chat-jme/cache
chown -Rf 1000:1000 /srv/chat-jme/cache 

mkdir -p /srv/chat-jme/embeddings
chown -Rf 1000:1000 /srv/chat-jme/embeddings

docker run -d --restart=always \
-eINDEX_PATH="/embeddings" \
-v/srv/chat-jme/cache:/home/nonroot/.cache \
-v/srv/chat-jme/embeddings:/embeddings \
--name="chat-jme" \ ingest


Create maintain a session (should be called periodically)

POST /session


    "sessionSecret":"", // sessionSecret of the session to maintain or nothing to create a new one
    "lang":"en" // || "it" || etc... || "auto",    


    "sessionSecret":"XYZ", // sessionSecret of the session
    "helloText":"???", // Text that can be used to initiate a conversation with the bot (in the chosen language)
    "welcomeText": "..." // Hardcoded welcome text in the specified language

Ask something

POST /query


    "lang":"en",// || "it" || etc... || "auto",
    "question":"Your question"


    "output_text":"???" // Answer to the question

List all supported languages

GET /lang



Frontend usage and configuration

The frontend is server on the 8080 port by default. It supports some configuration parameters that can be passed as document hash parameters. Multiple parameters can be concatenated with the & character.

  • lang the language for questions and answers. (default: en, use auto to get the bot to detect the language automatically)
  • compact if true, the bot will be displayed in a compact mode, good for embedding (default: false)
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