
This tutorial is designed to make working with LangChain.js as easy and approachable as possible.


LangChain.js Tutorial: Building an Advanced Retrieval Chain with Conversation History


This tutorial is designed to make working with LangChain.js as easy and approachable as possible. It provides a hands-on introduction to LangChain, a powerful library for building language model applications. With step-by-step guidance, you will learn how to harness the power of AI and language models in JavaScript without requiring advanced knowledge.

The core concept demonstrated here is the enhancement of a simple retrieval system by adding conversation memory. This allows users to have fluid conversations with the AI, where it remembers prior interactions and delivers context-aware responses.

Use Cases

The advanced retrieval chain with conversation memory can be used in multiple scenarios:

  • Customer Support: Allow customers to have fluid and natural conversations with chatbots that remember past queries, providing faster and more accurate responses.
  • Personal Assistants: Build personal AI assistants that recall your previous conversations to assist with follow-up tasks and reminders.
  • Educational Tools: Create AI tutors that keep track of learners' progress and adapt their answers based on past interactions.
  • Research Assistance: Use the system to recall previously retrieved information and provide detailed, context-driven follow-ups.

File Structure

Here's a brief overview of the important files in the src directory:

  • src/llms.js: Handles the initialization of language models used for processing queries.
  • src/prompt-templates.js: Contains templates for creating structured prompts for the language model.
  • src/output-parsers.js: Defines parsers to interpret the output of the language model and format responses.
  • src/retrieval-chain.js: Implements a basic retrieval chain, querying the vector database.
  • src/conversation-retrieval-chain.js: Enhances the basic retrieval chain by incorporating conversation history for more accurate responses.
  • src/agent.js: Defines the agent responsible for managing the query pipeline and interaction with different modules.
  • src/memory.js: Manages conversation memory, keeping track of user interactions and responses.


To set up and run the project locally, follow these steps:


Ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

  • Node.js (version 16 or higher)
  • NPM (comes with Node.js)


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd langchain-js-tutorial
  2. Install Dependencies Run the following command to install all required node modules:

    npm install
  3. Set Up Environment Variables Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following (replace placeholders with actual values):


How to Run

  1. Run the Application: After setting up your environment variables, start the app using the following command:

    node src/filename.js
  2. Test the Application: The system is now set up to handle conversation-based queries and memory-enhanced retrieval. You can run tests by interacting with the console or integrating the code with a frontend interface.

Future Enhancements

  • Frontend Integration: Connect the conversation retrieval chain to a web or mobile interface to provide a seamless user experience.
  • Database Enhancements: Add support for other vector databases or integrate with knowledge graphs to expand retrieval capabilities.
  • Custom Prompts: Fine-tune the prompt templates and models for specific domains (e.g., customer support, medical assistance).


This project provides a foundational understanding of building advanced AI applications using LangChain.js. By incorporating conversation memory into a retrieval system, we enable fluid and contextual conversations, making language models even more powerful and useful in real-world applications.

For more detailed documentation and future updates, refer to the LangChain.js documentation.