
This GitHub repository integrates Reflection Llama-3.1 70B, the world's top open-source large language model (LLM), in a Streamlit-based user interface. The LLM is trained using a new technique called Reflection-Tuning, which enables it to detect and correct mistakes in its own reasoning.

MIT License


Reflection 70B Chat


  • This GitHub repository integrates Reflection Llama-3.1 70B, the world's top open-source large language model (LLM), in a Streamlit-based user interface. The LLM is trained using a new technique called Reflection-Tuning, which enables it to detect and correct mistakes in its own reasoning.

Libraries Used

  • requests
  • streamlit
  • langchain
  • python-dotenv
  • langchain_community

File and Folder Explanation

  1. lib: contains configuration and utility code files.
  2. images: contains UI image.
  3. main function that will run the Streamlit UI.
  4. lib/ contains functions to load our environment variables and get our api keys.
  5. lib/ contains a function to setup our llm, accept user query and provide response.


  1. Prerequisites
    • Git
    • Command line familiarity
  2. Clone the Repository: git clone
  3. Create and Activate Virtual Environment (Recommended)
    • python -m venv venv
    • source venv/bin/activate for Mac and venv/bin/activate for Windows
  4. Navigate to the projects directory cd ./Reflection-70B-Chat using your terminal
  5. Install Libraries: pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Enter your OPENROUTER_API_KEY in the example.env file then change the file to .env. You can get your OPENROUTER_API_KEY from here.
  7. run streamlit run
  8. open the link that appears on your terminal in your preferred browser.


  • Start by typing your question in the Chat Input located at the bottom of the app.
  • The LLM will provide a response, which will include the action it took to give the answer to the user along with the main response(output).
  • Note that it won't remember previous user interactions (NO MEMORY) as that functionality has not been added.


  • Collaborations are welcomed ❤️



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