
MySQL Database backup package for Laravel

MIT License



Backup is a Laravel package that allow the creation and restoration of database backups in an easy way.

New version 4.* works with laravel 8

Quick Installation

Begin by installing this package through Composer.

You can run:

composer require paulvl/backup 4.*

Or edit your project's composer.json file to require paulvl/backup.

    "require": {
        "paulvl/backup": "4.*"

Next, update Composer from the Terminal:

composer update

Once the package's installation completes, the final step is to add the service provider. Open config/app.php, and add a new item to the providers array:


Finally publish package's configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Backup\BackupServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Then the file config/backup.php will be created.

That's it! You're ready to go. Run the artisan command from the Terminal to see the new backup commands.

php artisan

Mysql commands

mysql-dump - Creating a backup

To make a backup of you current aplication's database you have to run:

php artisan backup:mysql-dump

This will create an .sql file on your configured local-storage.path like /this/is/my/path/dbname_20150101201505.sql, this file is named using current datetime. If you want a custom name run:

php artisan backup:mysql-dump custom_name

This will create an .sql file on your configured local-storage.path like /this/is/my/path/custom_name.sql

--connection=mysql - Specify database connection name

Specify the database connection name, it uses the primary connection name by default.

php artisan backup:mysql-dump --connection=custom-connection

--compress - Enable file compression

From versión 4.* compress option use gzenconde. To have your previous compressed files working with this versión see fix-file command

Enable file compression regardless if is disabled in the configuration file. This option will always overwrite --no-compress option

php artisan backup:mysql-dump --compress

--no-compress - Disable file compression

Disable file compression regardless if is enabled in the configuration file. This option will be always overwrited by --compress option

php artisan backup:mysql-dump --no-compress

mysql-restore - Restoring database from a file

From versión 4.* compress option use gzenconde. To have your previous compressed files working with this versión see fix-file command

To restore a backup to your current aplication's database you have to run:

php artisan mysql:restore filename

This will display a list of your current backup files stored on your configured local-storage.disk.

--filename | -f - Especifiy a backup file name

Especifiy a backup file name

php artisan backup:mysql-restore --filename=backup_filename

--all-backup-files | -A - Display all backup files

Display all available backup files on disk. By default displays files for current connection's database.

php artisan backup:mysql-restore --all-backup-files

--from-cloud | -C - Use cloud disk

Display a list of backup files from cloud disk.

php artisan backup:mysql-restore --from-cloud

--restore-latest-backup | -L - Restore latest backup file

Use latest backup file to restore database.

php artisan backup:mysql-restore --restore-latest-backup

--yes | -y - Confirms restoration action

Confirms database restoration without asking.

php artisan backup:mysql-restore --yes

fix-file - Fix backup file encoding mode

Prior to version 4.* all backup files generated with compression option where compressed using gzenconde, by this the generated file was unable to use with any other uncompression software. Thats why we now use gzencode instead which is friendly to external software.

To fix the encoding mode of a compressed backup file you have to run:

php artisan mysql:fix-file

This will display a list of your current compressed backup files stored on your configured local-storage.disk.

--filename | -f - Especifiy a backup file name

Especifiy a backup file name

php artisan backup:fix-file --filename=backup_filename

--from-cloud | -C - Use cloud disk

Display a list of backup files from cloud disk.

php artisan backup:fix-file --from-cloud

--yes | -y - Confirms fixing action

Confirms file fixing without asking.

php artisan backup:fix-file --yes

Programing backups

If you need to perform a backup for example, every day at midnight, at this like to yor schedule function on app/Console/Commands/Kernel.php:

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)

Contribute and share ;-)

If you like this little piece of code share it with you friends and feel free to contribute with any improvements.