
Navigating Blade views within Laravel projects

MIT License



Navigating Blade views, components, routes and configs within Laravel projects

blade-nav.nvim is a Neovim plugin designed to enhance navigation within Laravel projects. It allows quick access to Blade views and their corresponding classes, enables navigation to the controller associated with a route name, and to configuration files. This plugin simplifies moving between controllers, routes, configuration files, Blade views, and components in Laravel applications.

In a Blade view

From Controller and Routes


From Blade View

  • Navigate to the parent view using @extends('name')
  • Navigate to included views using @include('name')
  • Open Blade components using <x-name />
  • Open Livewire components using <livewire:name /> or @livewire('name')

From Controllers and Routes:

Open Blade views from controller or route definitions like

  • Route::view('url', 'name')
  • View::make('name')
  • view('name')

From any PHP or Blade file:

  • Open the controller associated with the route name: route('name') or to_route('name')
  • Open configuration files using config('file.key')


  • Utilizes the gf (goto file) command for navigation.
  • Provides a custom source for nvim-cmp
    (requires installation and configuration) for component selection.
  • Provides a custom source for coq (requires
    installation and configuration).
  • Has support for Livewire components v2 and v3.
  • Has support for Filament components.
  • Provides support for additional paths for Laravel Blade components.


To get started with blade-nav.nvim, add the plugin to your init.lua or init.vim file:

Using packer:

use {
  requires = {
    "hrsh7th/nvim-cmp",                    -- if using nvim-cmp
    { "ms-jpq/coq_nvim", branch = "coq" }, -- if using coq
  ft = { "blade", "php" },
  config = function()
      cmp_close_tag = true, -- default: true

Using lazy:

    dependencies = { -- totally optional
        'hrsh7th/nvim-cmp', -- if using nvim-cmp
        { "ms-jpq/coq_nvim", branch = "coq" }, -- if using coq
    ft = {'blade', 'php'}, -- optional, improves startup time
    opts = {
        close_tag_on_complete = true, -- default: true


  1. To navigate to a Blade view or its corresponding class:
  • Place the cursor over the file name and use the gf command.

    • If the component view exists but there is no corresponding class, it
      opens the view file.
    • If the class exists but not its view, the class is opened.
    • If neither exists and is a Livewire component, it presents the option to
      create the component using php artisan make:livewire.
    • If neither exists and is a Blade component, it can present two or three
      options, depending on the component type. The options are, create the view
      component and cretate the component via php artisan make:component. A
      third option will be presented if you want to create an Anonymous Index Component.

    If the file does not exist and is in a subfolder that does not exist yet, you should create the directory, it can be done writing the file using ++p

  1. To navigate to a controller associated with a route name:

    • Place the cursor over the route name and use the gf command.
  2. To navigate to a configuration file:

    • Place the cursor over the configuration file name and use the gf command.
  3. Select an existing resource using the custom source, write either:

  • in a Blade file:

    • @extends('
    • @include('
    • <x-
    • <livewire:
    • @livewire('
  • in a Controller or Route:

    • Route::view('
    • View::make('
    • view('
  • in any PHP or Blade file:

    • route('
    • to_route('

    And the list of files will appear, and with the magic of completion the list if filtered while you write.


No additional configuration is required. The plugin works out-of-the-box with the default gf command.

For cmd you should install the plugin.

For coq, you should install the plugin, coq_settings.match.max_results limits the result shown.

For completion to place nice with autopairs, you can set the close_tag_on_complete to false, blade-nav will not close the tag on complete.

  close_tag_on_complete = false, -- default: true

For packages that has Blade components, you should run the Ex command BladeNavInstallArtisanCommand to install the artisan command.

If you want blade-nav to search in other paths when using gf on a Laravel component, you can specify this by enabling the exrc option and adding to one of the supported files, i.e.:

vim.g.blade_nav = {
  laravel_components = {



To check the health of the plugin, run :checkhealth blade-nav.


Feel free to submit issues or pull requests to enhance the functionality of this plugin.


This plugin is open-source and distributed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


Special thanks to the Neovim and Laravel communities for their continuous support and contributions.

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