
Blog / CMS using Laravel Framework - CMS Blog with full control panel functionality with users roles, Also API to retreive data.


Project Description

This is CMS Blog Build with Laravel, It has full control panel functionality with users roles. Recorded Video for the whole project

What I use it this project

  • Laravel Framework 11,
  • Tailwind for front and admin,
  • Laravel Policies,
  • Laravel Gates,
  • Laravel Mail,
  • Laravel Queues ( Building weekly Newsletter ),
  • Custom Validation Rule,
  • Comments, Applied ( Polymorphic relationship ),
  • Applied ( One to many and Many to many ) relationships betwen models,
  • Posts Views Count using Cookies,
  • Faker & Database Seeder,
  • jQuery
  • SEO friendly slug URLS,


Data Base Schema

Admin Panel

Writer Panel

Front Blog

Front Blog - PostView

Project Functionality

Admin Panel

  • Edit General Blog informations,
  • Create/ Update / Delete ( Categories, Posts, Tags and Custom Pages )
  • Manage Roles

Writer Panel

  • Create, Update and Delete it own Posts
  • Create, Update and Delete Tags.


Role Name Role_ID
Admin 1
Writer 2
User 3

Gate Function

There is a gate filter login when the user login to the admin panel if the user is Admin it will have full functions to manage the blog and if a Writer it will have few functions.

Api Routes

Method End_Point Description
GET api/categories Show All Categories
GET api/categories/{id} Show All Posts inside Specific Category
GET api/posts Show All Posts
GET api/posts/{id} Show Specific Post


  • PHP >= 8.2
  • MySQL or other database server
  • Composer
  • NodeJS

How to Install

  1. Clone the project
  2. Go to the project root directory and run composer install and npm install
  3. Create .env file and copy content from .env.example
  4. Run php artisan key:generate from terminal
  5. Change database information in .env
  6. Run migrations by executing php artisan migrate , Then Run php artisan db:seed if you want use faker database records,
  7. Start the project by running php artisan serve

About Me

Iam a Junior Backend Developer with one year of experience, I specialize in PHP, Laravel, and front-end technologies like TailwindCSS and Livewire. I have expertise in developing REST APIs and working with MySQL databases, and I am familiar with software architecture patterns such as MVC and HMVC. I am committed to producing clean, well-documented code that is easily maintainable, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge through various channels. I am eager to take on new challenges and continue to develop my skills.

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