
A VK community callback API driver for framework

MIT License


BotMan VK Community Callback driver

BotMan driver to connect VK Community with BotMan via Callback API.


Contributions are welcome, I would be glad to accept contributions via Pull Requests. πŸ™‚ See Contributors tab for more details.


Table of driver's features:

Feature Is Supported
Sending text messages βœ” Fully supported
Sending images βœ” Supported (no titles for images provided by VK API, pictures can't be uploaded to external albums with community token)*
Sending videos ⚠ Partially supported (uploading videos with community token is not supported by VK API)*
Sending audio ⚠ Partially supported (uploading audio is restricted by VK API)
Sending voice messages βœ” Fully supported via Audio object with addExtras('vk_as_voice', true)
Sending documents (files) βœ” Supported (some files might be restricted by the platform to be uploaded, the updated criteria list is no longer public in VK docs)
Sending links βœ” Supported
Sending locations βœ” Fully supported
Sending stickers βœ” Supported as an additional parameter to reply
Sending wall posts βœ” Supported as an additional parameter to reply
Sending polls βœ” Supported as an additional parameter to reply
Sending market items βœ” Supported as an additional parameter to reply
Sending keyboards βœ” Fully supported
Sending carousels βœ” Supported as an additional parameter to reply
Listening for images βœ” Supported (no titles for images provided by VK API)
Listening for videos ⚠ Partially supported (no video URL provided by VK API, info of copyrighted videos can be unavailable via API)*
Listening for audio βœ” Fully supported
Listening for files βœ” Fully supported
Listening for locations βœ” Fully supported
Listening for voice messages ❌ Not supported yet
Receiving messages with mixed attachments βœ” Fully supported
Typing status βœ” Fully supported (photo or document upload, user call)
Mark seen ⚠ Partially supported (user-created conversations can't be marked via API)
Retrieving user data βœ” Fully supported (use VK_USER_FIELDS property for retrieving custom user fields)
Usage in VK conversations βœ” Supported
Multiple communities handling ❌ Not supported yet
VK Speech Recognition Service ❌ Not implemented yet
VK API low-level management βœ” Fully supported
Events listener βœ” Fully supported (as for 14.08.2020)

* - uploading feature with user token is under construction


Getting the Community API key

From the page of your community, go to Manage -> Settings tab -> API usage -> Access tokens tab. Click Create token button.

Then tick all the permissions in the dialog box.

Copy your created token by clicking Show link.

Installing the driver

Require the driver via composer:

composer require yageorgiy/botman-vk-community-callback-driver

If you're using BotMan Studio, you should define in the .env file the following properties:

VK_ACCESS_TOKEN="REPLACE_ME"                    # User or community token for sending messages (from Access tokens tab, see above)
VK_SECRET_KEY="REPLACE_ME"                      # Secret phrase for validating the request sender (from Callback API tab, see above)
VK_API_VERSION=5.103                            # API version to be used for sending an receiving messages (should be 5.103 and higher) (not recommended to change)
VK_MESSAGES_ENDPOINT= # VK API endpoint (don't change it if unnecessary)
VK_CONFIRM=                                     # DEPRECATED SINCE v.1.4.2, LEAVE BLANK (EMPTY STRING) - see 'Mounting & confirming the bot' section. Confirmation phrase for VK
VK_GROUP_ID="REPLACE_ME"                        # Community or group ID
VK_USER_FIELDS=                                 # Extra user fields (see for custom fields) (leave blank for no extra fields) (note: screen_name is already included!)

If you don't use BotMan Studio, the driver should be applied manually:

// ...

// Applying driver

// Applying settings for driver
    "vk" => [
        "token" => "REPLACE_ME",                    // User or community token for sending messages (from Access tokens tab, see above)
        "secret" => "REPLACE_ME",                   // Secret phrase for validating the request sender (from Callback API tab, see above)
        "version" => "5.103",                       // API version to be used for sending an receiving messages (should be 5.103 and higher) (not recommended to change)
        "endpoint" => "", // VK API endpoint (don't change it if unnecessary)
        "confirm" => "",                            // DEPRECATED SINCE v.1.4.2, LEAVE BLANK (EMPTY STRING) - see 'Mounting & confirming the bot' section. Confirmation phrase for VK
        "group_id" => "REPLACE_ME",                 // Community or group ID
        "user_fields" => ""                         // Extra user fields (see for custom fields) (leave blank for no extra fields) (note: screen_name is already included!)

// ...

Mounting & confirming the bot

⚠ [Migrating from v.1.4.1 and older] Method of confirming the bot has changed since driver version 1.4.2: validation should be managed by using events listener, VK_SECRET_KEY (or $botmanSettings["vk"]["confirm"]) should be blank (empty string).

From the page of your community, go to Manage -> Settings tab -> API usage -> Callback API tab:

  • Find the string (validation code) in section String to be returned:
  • Add the following code to routes/botman.php file, replace REPLACE_ME with the validation code (e.g. 1a2b3c4d5e):
$botman->on("confirmation", function($payload, $bot){
    // Use $payload["group_id"] to get group ID if required for computing the passphrase.
  • Click Confirm button.

Quick guide with examples

In usage examples, the used file is routes/botman.php.

Sending simple message

If bot receives Hello message, it will answer Hi, <First Name>:

$botman->hears('Hello', function ($bot) {
    $bot->reply('Hi, '.$bot->getUser()->getFirstName());

Typing activity

Bot will wait 10 seconds before answering the question:

$botman->hears("What\'s your favourite colour\?", function ($bot) {
    $bot->reply('Let me think...');
    $bot->reply("I guess it's orange! πŸ˜„");

After all, it will answer:

Attaching image

If bot receives Gimme some image message, it will answer Here it is! with an attached image:

use BotMan\BotMan\Messages\Attachments\Image;
use BotMan\BotMan\Messages\Outgoing\OutgoingMessage;

$botman->hears('Gimme some image', function ($bot) {
    // Create attachment
    $attachment = new Image('');
    // $attachment->addExtras("vk_photo", "photo123456_123456"); // Or send an already uploaded photo (driver will ignore image url)    

    // Build message object
    $message = OutgoingMessage::create('Here it is!')

    // Reply message object

Attaching video

Example of sending an already uploaded video:

Note: uploading videos to VK is not supported by the driver yet.

use BotMan\BotMan\Messages\Attachments\Video;
use BotMan\BotMan\Messages\Outgoing\OutgoingMessage;

$botman->hears('Gimme some video', function ($bot) {
    // Create attachment
    $attachment = new Video('http://unused-video-url');
    // Attaching already uploaded videos is the ONLY way to send them (as for now):
    $attachment->addExtras("vk_video", "video-2000416976_41416976"); // Send an already uploaded video (driver will ignore video url)

    // Build message object
    $message = OutgoingMessage::create('Here it is!')

    // Reply message object

Attaching audio

Example of sending an already uploaded audio:

Note: uploading audio to VK is restricted by the platform.

use BotMan\BotMan\Messages\Attachments\Audio;
use BotMan\BotMan\Messages\Outgoing\OutgoingMessage;

$botman->hears('Gimme some audio', function ($bot) {
    // Create attachment
                            // URL can be uploaded ONLY as voice message (due to restrictions of VK)
    $attachment = new Audio('https://unused-audio-url');
    $attachment->addExtras("vk_audio", "audio371745438_456268888"); // Send an already uploaded audio (driver will ignore audio url and vk_as_voice parameter)

    // Build message object
    $message = OutgoingMessage::create('Here it is!')

    // Reply message object

Sending voice message

Voice messages can be send using Audio with extra parameter vk_as_voice = true.

Example of sending a voice message with message text:

Note: better to upload an *.ogg file rather than *.mp3, *.wav and others. See Uploading Voice Message for more info.

use BotMan\BotMan\Messages\Attachments\Audio;
use BotMan\BotMan\Messages\Outgoing\OutgoingMessage;

$botman->hears('Sing me a song', function ($bot) {
    // Create attachment
                            // URL can be uploaded ONLY as voice message (due to restrictions of VK)
    $attachment = new Audio('https://url-to-ogg-file');
//  $attachment->addExtras("vk_audio", "audio371745438_456268888"); // Send an already uploaded audio (driver will ignore audio url and vk_as_voice parameter)
    $attachment->addExtras("vk_as_voice", true);                    // Send as voice message (better to use *.ogg file)

    // Build message object
    $message = OutgoingMessage::create('Well...')

    // Reply message object

During upload, the driver will send "recording audio" activity:

The result:

Attaching document (file)

Example of sending file:

Note: not all files are available to upload. See Uploading documents for more info.

use BotMan\BotMan\Messages\Attachments\File;
use BotMan\BotMan\Messages\Outgoing\OutgoingMessage;

$botman->hears("Any files\?", function ($bot) {
    $attachment = new File('https://url-to-file');
//  $attachment->addExtras("vk_doc", "doc123456_123456"); // Send an already uploaded document (driver will ignore audio url and vk_doc_title, vk_doc_tags parameters)
    $attachment->addExtras("vk_doc_title", "Cool guy.gif"); // Title
    $attachment->addExtras("vk_doc_tags", "cool, guy"); // Document tags

    // Build message object
    $message = OutgoingMessage::create('Yep!')

    // Reply message object

Uploading a file will also trigger "sending message" activity.

Attaching location

Example of sending location (taken from BotMan docs):

use BotMan\BotMan\Messages\Attachments\Location;
use BotMan\BotMan\Messages\Outgoing\OutgoingMessage;

$botman->hears('Any locations\?', function($bot) {
    // Create attachment
    $attachment = new Location(61.766130, -6.822510, [
        'custom_payload' => true,

    // Build message object
    $message = OutgoingMessage::create('Locations are also supported!')

    // Reply message object

The result:

Additional parameters

Additional parameters are used to append or replace message request parameters.

Note: v and access_token fields are ignored to be replaced. Change their parameters in .env file or in configuration array.

Example of replacing message text:

$botman->hears('Show me the replaced message', function($bot) {
    $bot->reply("This string will be ignored", [
        "message" => "This message string will be sent"

See messages.send method for more info.

Sending question buttons (simple keyboard)

Example of sending simple keyboard via adding buttons to question. Keyboard will be shown as one_time = true (shown once) and inline = false (default non-inline keyboard), one button in a row. See Sending full-supported keyboard section for in-depth setup.

use BotMan\BotMan\Messages\Outgoing\Actions\Button;
use BotMan\BotMan\Messages\Outgoing\Question;
$botman->hears("List of functions\?", function ($bot) {
    $question = Question::create('My list of functions:')
            Button::create('Function 1')->value('f1'),
            Button::create('Function 2')->value('f2'),
            Button::create('Function 3')->value('f3'),
            Button::create('Function 4')->value('f4'),
            Button::create('Function 5')->value('f5')

    $bot->ask($question, function ($answer) {
        // Detect if button was clicked:
        if ($answer->isInteractiveMessageReply()) {
            $selectedValue = $answer->getValue(); // Contains button value e.g. 'f1', 'f2', ...
            $selectedText = $answer->getText(); // Contains title e.g. 'Function 1', 'Function 2', ...

Note: don't use $answer->getText() for validation purposes as it can be changed by the client (user). Use $answer->getValue() instead.

Note: better to send keyboards only in Conversation class, asking a question with buttons. See more here.

Customizing the question buttons (simple keyboard)

⚠ [Migrating from v.1.4.x and older] Fields of __x and __y are now ignored by the driver. Use VKKeyboard serializing class to build a keyboard and add it to $additionalParameters of your outcoming message.

You can also change button's properties via additional parameters such as colour:

$botman->hears("List of functions\?", function ($bot) {
    $question = Question::create('My list of functions:')
            Button::create('Function 1')->value('f1')->additionalParameters([
                "color" => "secondary" // Colour (see available colours here -
            Button::create('Function 2')->value('f2')->additionalParameters([
                "color" => "negative"
            Button::create('Function 3')->value('f3')->additionalParameters([
                "color" => "primary"
            Button::create('Function 4')->value('f4')->additionalParameters([
                "color" => "primary"
            Button::create('Function 5')->value('f5')->additionalParameters([
                "color" => "primary"

    $bot->ask($question, function ($answer) {

See VK documentation page for available colours, types and other features. Just add new fields in array of additional parameters as it is shown in the example above.

Sending native keyboard

Native keyboard can be send as an additional parameter (works only for VK!):

use BotMan\Drivers\VK\Extensions\VKKeyboard;
use BotMan\Drivers\VK\Extensions\VKKeyboardButton;
use BotMan\Drivers\VK\Extensions\VKKeyboardRow;

$botman->hears('keyboard', function(BotMan $bot) {
    $keyboard = new VKKeyboard();
    $keyboard->setInline(false);    // Setting the inline mode ("inline" parameter)
    $keyboard->setOneTime(false);   // Setting "one_time" parameter
        // Top row
        new VKKeyboardRow([
            // Text example
            ( new VKKeyboardButton() )->setColor("primary")->setText("Sample text")->setValue("button1"),
            // UTF-8 text example
            ( new VKKeyboardButton() )->setColor("primary")->setText("ВСкст для ΠΏΡ€ΠΈΠΌΠ΅Ρ€Π°")->setValue("button2"),
        // Middle row
        new VKKeyboardRow([
            // Long text trim example
            ( new VKKeyboardButton() )
                // Colour (see available colours here -                
                // Long text will be trimed with ellipsis at the end of the label
                ->setText("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nec ultrices purus, ut sollicitudin arcu.")

                // Set button value
        // Bottom row
        new VKKeyboardRow([
            // Emoji example
            ( new VKKeyboardButton() )->setColor("negative")->setText("β›”")->setValue("button4"),
            ( new VKKeyboardButton() )->setColor("primary")->setText("⚠")->setValue("button5"),
            ( new VKKeyboardButton() )->setColor("positive")->setText("βœ…")->setValue("button6"),

    $bot->reply("Native keyboard:", [
        "keyboard" => $keyboard->toJSON()

You can also send a Question with additional parameters with keyboard:

// ...
$bot->ask($question, function ($answer) {
    // Detect if button was clicked:
    if ($answer->isInteractiveMessageReply()) {
        $selectedValue = $answer->getValue(); // Contains button value e.g. 'f1', 'f2', ...
        $selectedText = $answer->getText(); // Contains title e.g. 'Function 1', 'Function 2', ...
}, [
    "keyboard" => $keyboard->toJSON()
// ...

Listening for images

Native way for receiving images.

Note: no message text will be provided via receivesImages() method.

$botman->receivesImages(function($bot, $images) {
    foreach ($images as $image) {
        $url = $image->getUrl(); // The direct url
        $title = $image->getTitle(); // The title (empty string as titles are not supported by VK)
        $payload = $image->getPayload(); // The original payload

        $bot->reply("Detected image: {$url}");

Listening for videos

Native way for receiving videos.

Note: no message text will be provided via receivesVideos() method.

$botman->receivesVideos(function($bot, $videos) {
    foreach ($videos as $video) {
        $url = $video->getUrl(); // The direct url
        $payload = $video->getPayload(); // The original payload

        // For YouTube videos title can be accessed in the following way:
        $bot->reply("Detected video: {$payload["title"]}");

Listening for audio

Native way for receiving audio.

Note: no message text will be provided via receivesAudio() method.

$botman->receivesAudio(function($bot, $audios) {
    foreach ($audios as $audio) {
        $url = $audio->getUrl(); // The direct url
        $payload = $audio->getPayload(); // The original payload

        $bot->reply("Detected audio: {$url}");

Listening for documents (files)

Native way for receiving files.

Note: no message text will be provided via receivesFiles() method.

$botman->receivesFiles(function($bot, $files) {
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        $url = $file->getUrl(); // The direct url
        $payload = $file->getPayload(); // The original payload

        $bot->reply("Detected file (document): {$url}");

Listening for location

Native way for receiving location.

Note: no message text will be provided via receivesLocation() method.

$botman->receivesLocation(function($bot, $location) {
    $lat = $location->getLatitude();
    $lng = $location->getLongitude();

    $bot->reply("Detected location: $lat $lng");

Receiving messages with mixed attachments

Message with mixed attachments can be asked via hears(), ask() or fallback() method (IncomingMessage with message text and attachments with all supported types).

Example with video and image attachments:

$botman->hears('I have both image and video for you.', function ($bot) {

    // Scanning for images
    $images = $bot->getMessage()->getImages() ?? [];
    foreach ($images as $image) {

        $url = $image->getUrl();

        $bot->reply("Image found: {$url}");

    // Scanning for videos
    $videos = $bot->getMessage()->getVideos() ?? [];
    foreach ($videos as $video) {
        $payload = $video->getPayload();

        $bot->reply("Video found: {$payload["title"]}");

Retrieving extra user data

Extra user fields should be defined in .env file and can be accessed via getUser()->getInfo() method.

⚠ [Migrating from v.1.5.x and older] screen_name is now used by the driver too. Remove screen_name value from user_fields parameter to prevent sending screen_name twice. Use $bot->getUser()->getUsername() to get username.

Example contents of .env:

# ...
# ...

Example route:

$botman->hears('Gimme my photo_200_orig', function ($bot) {
    $bot->reply('Here it is: '.$bot->getUser()->getInfo()["photo_200_orig"]);

Multiple fields should be comma-separated:

# ...
VK_USER_FIELDS="photo_200_orig, photo_50"
# ...

See User object for available fields.

Retrieving extra client information

Information about supported features of user's VK client can be accessed via $bot->getMessage()->getExtras("client_info"):

Note: the feature works only with new messages sent (message_new event).

$botman->hears('my info', function(BotMan $bot) {
    // Prints raw "client_info" array
    $bot->reply(print_r($bot->getMessage()->getExtras("client_info"), true));

See Information about features available to the user for more details.

Mark seen example

Every message will be marked as seen even if there is no response for it:

$botman->hears("Don\'t answer me", function ($bot) {
    // Do nothing

Listening to events

List of supported events:

  • confirmation
  • message_allow
  • message_deny
  • message_typing_state *
  • message_event *
  • photo_new
  • photo_comment_new
  • photo_comment_edit
  • photo_comment_restore
  • photo_comment_delete
  • audio_new
  • video_new
  • video_comment_new
  • video_comment_edit
  • video_comment_restore
  • video_comment_delete
  • wall_post_new
  • wall_repost
  • wall_reply_new
  • wall_reply_edit
  • wall_reply_restore
  • wall_reply_delete
  • board_post_new
  • board_post_edit
  • board_post_restore
  • board_post_delete
  • market_comment_new
  • market_comment_edit
  • market_comment_restore
  • market_comment_delete
  • market_order_new *
  • market_order_edit *
  • group_leave
  • group_join
  • user_block
  • user_unblock
  • poll_vote_new
  • group_officers_edit
  • group_change_settings
  • group_change_photo
  • vkpay_transaction *
  • app_payload *
  • like_add *
  • like_remove *

* - missing english version in VK docs, but feature exists (as for 14.08.2020)

** - missing in VK docs, but feature exists (as for 14.08.2020)

Note: events of message_new, message_reply, message_edit are assessable via Hearing Messages functions (e.g. $botman->hear()).

Full list of events (VK docs)

Example of sending message when the typing state changed:

$botman->on("message_typing_state", function($payload, $bot){
    // $payload is an array of the event object ("Object field format"),
    // excepting Confirmation event, where $payload contains full root JSON schema.
    // See for more info
    $bot->say("Hey! You're typing something!", $payload["from_id"]);

Note: $bot->reply() is not supported here, use $bot->say("...", $peer_id_from_data) instead.

The result:

ℹ️ Don't forget to enable a Typing status event in Callback API -> Event types tab.

Sending low-level API requests

Example of sending a sticker via $bot->sendRequest():

Note: it is also possible to send stickers via additional parameters.

$botman->hears('sticker', function($bot) {
    // API method
    $endpoint = "messages.send";
    // Arguments ("v" and "access_token" are set by driver, no need to define)
    $arguments = [
         "peer_id" => $bot->getUser()->getId(), // User ID
         "sticker_id" => 12, // Sticker ID
         "random_id" => 0 // required by VK API

    $test = $bot->sendRequest($endpoint, $arguments);
    // $test now equals to ["response" => 1234];

The result:

Sending carousels

The driver also ships with implemented wrapper for attaching native carousel objects.

For example:

use BotMan\Drivers\VK\Extensions\VKKeyboardButton;
use BotMan\Drivers\VK\Extensions\VKCarousel;
use BotMan\Drivers\VK\Extensions\VKCarouselActionOpenLink;
use BotMan\Drivers\VK\Extensions\VKCarouselElement;

$botman->hears('carousel', function($bot) {
    $carousel = new VKCarousel();

    for($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++){
            new VKCarouselElement(
                "Element {$i}",
                "Description {$i}",
                    ( new VKKeyboardButton() )
                        ->setColor("secondary")->setText("Button {$i}")->setValue("button1")
                "-00000_11111", // This is an example icon ID:
                                // replace `00000` with community ID, the `11111` - with image ID
                new VKCarouselActionOpenLink("https://some-url/")

    $bot->reply("Native carousel:", [
        "template" => $carousel->toJSON()

See also


VK Community Callback driver is made under the terms of MIT license. BotMan is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

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License: MIT Packagist