
All-in-one Laravel/Lumen image processing

MIT License


All-in-one Laravel image processing

This package includes the following:

  • images database table migration;
  • images Eloquent model;
  • controller for uploads and on-the-fly/on-demand image processing/caching;
  • service provider.

Any uploaded or generated image is automatically optimized using the spatie/image-optimizer package.

On-the-fly image generation just uses intervention/image package.


  • PHP 7.1
  • Laravel or Lumen 5


sudo apt-get install pngquant gifsicle jpegoptim optipng
composer require mr-timofey/laravel-aio-images


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Intervention\Image\ImageServiceProviderLaravel5"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MrTimofey\LaravelAioImages\ServiceProvider"
php artisan migrate

Migration will create the aio_images table which contains a json field props. You can change it to text if your database does not support JSON/JSONB fields. Although it is not recommended.

If you want to use storage/app/public as a place to store all your images (configured by default):

php artisan storage:link

For Laravel <= 5.4 add Intervention\Image\ImageServiceProvider, MrTimofey\LaravelAioImages\ServiceProvider to your app.providers config.

See config/aio_images.php file for a further configuration instructions. Do not forget to configure aio_images.pipes!


Add Intervention\Image\ImageServiceProviderLumen, MrTimofey\LaravelAioImages\ServiceProvider service providers to bootstrap/app.php.

Copy contents of config.php to config/aio_images.php.

Create a migration php artisan make:migration create_aio_images_table and copy contents from here to the just created migration file (database/migrations/xxxx_xx_xx_xxxxxx_create_aio_images_table).

See config/aio_images.php file for a further configuration instructions. Do not forget to configure aio_images.pipes!

Predefined routes

  • route('aio_images.upload'), POST multipart/form-data - image uploads handler.
    Both multiple and single image uploads are supported.
    Field names does not matter since the controller just uses Illuminate\Http\Request@allFiles() to get your uploads.
  • route('aio_images.original', $image_id) - original image path.
  • route('aio_images.pipe', [$pipe, $image_id]) - processed image path.

Usage example:

// add relation to a table
/** @var Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint $table */
	->onDelete('set null');

// add relation to a model
public function avatarImage()
	$model->belongsTo(ImageModel::class, 'avatar_image_id');

// create pipe config in config/aio_images.php
	// ...
	'pipes' => [
		// /storage/images/avatar/image-id.jpg
		'avatar' => [
			// $interventionImage->fit(120)
			['fit', 120],
			// $interventionImage->greyscale()

// display original avatar
echo '<img src="' . route('aio_images.original', ['image_id' => $model->avatar_image_id]) . '" alt="Original avatar" />';
// display 120x120 squared grey colored avatar
echo '<img src="' . route('aio_images.pipe', ['pipe' => 'avatar', 'image_id' => $model->avatar_image_id]) . '" alt="Processed with pipe [avatar]" />';

// same with ImageModel instance
echo '<img src="' . $image->getPath() . '" alt="Original avatar" />';
echo '<img src="' . $image->getPath('avatar') . '" alt="Processed with pipe [avatar]" />';

// upload image manually from any of your custom controllers

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use MrTimofey\LaravelAioImages\ImageModel;

function upload(Request $req)
	return ImageModel::upload($req->file('image'));