
Laravel API Rate Limiter is an open-source package designed to help developers easily implement and manage rate limiting for their API endpoints in Laravel applications. This package aims to provide a flexible and configurable solution for protecting APIs from excessive requests, ensuring optimal performance and preventing abuse.

MIT License


Laravel API Rate Limiter

Laravel API Rate Limiter is an open-source package designed to help developers easily implement and manage rate limiting for their API endpoints in Laravel applications. This package aims to provide a flexible and configurable solution for protecting APIs from excessive requests, ensuring optimal performance and preventing abuse.

Table of Contents


You can install the package via composer:

composer require avnsh1111/laravel-api-rate-limiter


Before publishing the configuration file, you need to add the LaravelApiRateLimiterServiceProvider to the providers array in your config/app.php:

'providers' => [
    // ...

After adding the ServiceProvider, publish the configuration file to configure the rate limiting settings:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Avnsh1111\LaravelApiRateLimiter\LaravelApiRateLimiterServiceProvider"

This will create a laravel-api-rate-limiter.php configuration file in your config folder.

In the configuration file, you can set the default rate limit, rate limiting method, response headers, and whitelist/blacklist specific IP addresses, users, and routes.

return [
    'default_limit' => 60, // default number of requests allowed per minute

    'rate_limit_by' => 'ip', // rate limit by 'ip', 'user', or 'route'

    'response_headers' => true, // include rate limit headers in responses

    'whitelist' => [
        'ips' => [], // IP addresses to whitelist
        'users' => [], // User IDs to whitelist
        'routes' => [], // Route names to whitelist
    'blacklist' => [
        'ips' => [], // IP addresses to blacklist
        'users' => [], // User IDs to blacklist
        'routes' => [], // Route names to blacklist



To apply rate limiting to specific routes or route groups, use the provided middleware:

use Avnsh1111\LaravelApiRateLimiter\Middleware\RateLimiter;

Route::middleware([RateLimiter::class])->group(function () {
    Route::get('/api/endpoint', 'ApiController@index');

You can also customize the rate limit for specific routes by passing the limit as an argument to the middleware:

Route::get('/api/endpoint', 'ApiController@index')->middleware(RateLimiter::class . ':100'); // 100 requests per minute


  1. Integration with Laravel's built-in caching system to store and manage rate limiting data efficiently.
  2. A user-friendly dashboard for monitoring rate limiting statistics, such as the number of requests, blocked requests, and whitelisted/blacklisted IPs or users.
  3. Support for automatically adjusting rate limits based on server load or other performance metrics.
  4. Integration with popular third-party API management and monitoring tools, such as Postman or Swagger, to provide additional insights and control over API usage.


If you encounter any issues or require assistance, please check the comprehensive documentation or reach out to the community through the issue tracker on GitHub.


Contributions are welcome! If you would like to contribute to the project, please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Be sure to follow the coding standards and provide tests for any new features or bug fixes.


The Laravel API Rate Limiter package is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.