
Example project for laravel-chunk-upload


Laravel Chunked Upload Example

This example covers all supported versions of Laravel. This implementation allows testing across all versions simultaneously.

This repository contains a full example for the laravel-chunk-upload package. You can either explore an example app or run tests against all supported versions of Laravel.


git clone [email protected]:pionl/laravel-chunk-upload-example.git --recurse-submodules
npm install


  • PHP Installed if running locally
  • Node.js
  • Docker and Docker Compose installed


To install and run a specific version of Laravel, use the X.* version format.

node run.js "8.*"

Pass --ignore-example to ignore updating and building the example.

Pass --verbose for debug information.

Open http://localhost:8000


The current version of laravel-chunk-upload is tested against:

Laravel PHP Run Tests
10.* 8.2-node-20, 8.2-node-20 node run "11.*" node tests.js "11.*"
10.* 8.1-node-17, 8.2-node-18 node run "10.*" node tests.js "10.*"
9.* 8.0-node-17, 8.1-node-17, 8.2-node-18 node run "9.*" node tests.js "9.*"
8.* 7.4-node-17, 8.0-node-17, 8.1-node-17 node run "8.*" node tests.js "8.*"
7.* 7.4-node-17 node run "7.*" node tests.js "7.*"


Pass --verbose for debug information.

Run tests on all Laravel versions (install them before using it) using docker

node tests.js

Run tests on a desired Laravel version

node tests.js "8.*"

Running Tests Locally

  • In one terminal, run php 7.\*/artisan serve --host= --port=8000.
  • In a second terminal, run tests with ./node_modules/.bin/codeceptjs run --steps.
  • npm run test-debug will show the browser while tests are running.


  • Environment variables should be passed: IMAGE_VERSION (PHP version) and LARAVEL_VERSION.
  • abort-on-container-exit needs to be used to stop the Laravel server.
IMAGE_VERSION=7.4 LARAVEL_VERSION=8.\* docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-tests.yml up --abort-on-container-exit

Testing Your Contribution

Do not commit your changes - use a pull request in the main repo.

  • Replace the laravel-chunk-upload folder with your repository (clone your fork).
  • Or you can pull changes from your fork with with given bash script: <your-github-username> <branch = default is master> <repository-name = laravel-chunk-upload>
  • Run tests on all versions with node tests.js to ensure backward compatibility.

Adding Support for a New Laravel Release

  • Docker and Docker Compose installed.
  • Node.js installed.

Do not commit your changes - use a pull request in the main repo.

  • Add a new version to the versions.json file.
  • Add your changes to the laravel-chunk-upload folder.
  • Test the Laravel version with node tests.js "10.\*".
  • Run tests on all versions with node tests.js to ensure backward compatibility.

Example Code

Uploading to Amazon S3 (or Any Other Cloud Storage)

  • It is recommended to upload the file in a separate queue JOB. Uploading can take time (for large files), and the request could get timed out.
  • It is important to stream the file to the cloud (not using file_get_contents), which would consume your memory.
  • Also, don't forget to remove the uploaded file after the upload.

Example code found at ./example/src/Http/Controllers/UploadController.php.


  • If you make changes in assets, do not forget to call node compile.js to compile the changes and publish them to all versions (you can also pass the desired version).


  • Improve example controller.
  • Add tests to Dropzone.
  • Clean storage after tests.
  • Add tests for parallel save.

Running Tests on the Latest Laravel Release

I did not find a way to install Laravel on master with the latest changes from the framework. Let me know if you know how.

Copyright and License

laravel-chunk-upload-example was written by Martin Kluska and is released under the MIT License.

Copyright (c) 2017 and beyond Martin Kluska and all the contributors (Thank you ❤️)

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