
Build a domain-oriented Api on Laravel Framework

MIT License


Laravel Domain Oriented

This package builds a structure to domain-oriented APIs (not DDD, they are different things). With search filters, validations and clean code.


  • PHP 7.2+, 8.0 (new version)
  • Laravel 7.x, 8 (prefer-stable)


My need was simple: build structures in an organized and productive way. A structure that supports filters, validations and data caching (CQRS).

Before proceeding, take a look at the final structure:

├── ...
├── Domain
   └── Dummy
       ├── DummyFilterService.php
       ├── DummyPersistenceModel.php
       ├── DummyPersistenceService.php
       ├── DummyPolicy.php
       ├── DummyResource.php
       ├── DummySearchModel.php
       ├── DummySearchService.php
       └── DummyValidateService.php
├── Http
   ├── Controllers
   │   ├── ...
   │   └── DummyController.php
├── ...
├── factories
   └── ...
   └── DummyFactory.php
├── migrations
   ├── ...
   └── 2021_01_06_193044_create_dummies_table.php
└── seeders
    ├── DatabaseSeeder.php
    └── DummySeeder.php

You must be asking yourself:

  1. Why not use Repository Pattern?
    A. It is not possible to obtain a database abstraction more than what Eloquent offers. 1
  2. What is the idea of PersistenceModel, and SearchModel?
    A. In fact, I go further. Model instances of Eloquent should not be returned. So we guarantee a "read-only" instance (which is not used for persistence in the database) 2 3
  3. There are a lot of files, how do I build it all?
    A. It's simple, get a coffee and let's do it...


  1. Run this Composer command to install the latest version
$ composer require adhenrique/laravel-domain-oriented
  1. If you prefer, you can export the location files:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LaravelDomainOriented\ServiceProvider" --tag="lang"
  1. Run this command to build the domain structure:
$ php artisan domain:create Dummy
  1. Stay calm. If the structure already exists, the console asks you if you want to rewrite it, unless you pass the --force flag:
$ php artisan domain:create Dummy --force
  1. And of course, if you want to remove the structure, just run this command:
$ php artisan domain:remove Dummy

That's it enjoy!


Adjust your Models

Our Model's follow the Eloquent Model Conventions

  • PersistenceModel: used only for persistence in the database. Define your fields, casts, etc...
  • SearchModel: used for searches. It is very likely that your relationship will be here.

Adjust your Migrations

Our Migrations follow the Laravel Migration Structure

Adjust your Seeders and Factories

Here, too, we follow the Laravel way of doing things:

Adjust your Policy

Again, Policies follow the Laravel Policy Authorization

Note: You don't have to worry about registering your policies, as we do it behind the scenes. However, here we follow a class name convention. When creating a domain, your class must be named SomethingPolicy and belong to the App\Domain\Something namespace.

Config your validations

ValidateService is located at app/Domain/YourDomainName/*:

use LaravelDomainOriented\Services\ValidateService;

class DummyValidateService extends ValidateService
    protected array $rules = [
        // You can define general validation rules, which will be inherited
        // for all actions, or you can define validation rules for each action:

        // General rules validation.
        // If any action validation rule is not defined, it will inherit from here.
        'name' => 'required|string',

        // Specific action rules validation. If set, ignores general validations.
        self::SHOW => [
            'id' => 'required|integer',
        self::UPDATE => [
            'id' => 'required|integer',
            'name' => 'required|string',
        self::DESTROY => [
            'id' => 'required|integer',

Config routes

We follow Laravel routes pattern. But as we are dealing with API, modify the file routes/api.php, adding the following routes:

Route::get('dummies', 'App\Http\Controllers\DummyController@index');
Route::get('dummies/{id}', 'App\Http\Controllers\DummyController@show');
Route::post('dummies', 'App\Http\Controllers\DummyController@store');
Route::put('dummies/{id}', 'App\Http\Controllers\DummyController@update');
Route::delete('dummies/{id}', 'App\Http\Controllers\DummyController@destroy');


Before Search filters

In the SearchService class you have two methods that help you to pre-start queries according to your needs: beforeAll and beforeFindById. Each method receives 2 parameters: builder with the Eloquent instance started and auth, with the user session - if are logged in. You just need to override the methods, but ensure that the return is eloquent's Builder. Look:

class DummySearchService extends SearchService
    protected SearchModel $model;
    protected FilterService $filterService;

    public function __construct(DummySearchModel $model, DummyFilterService $filterService)
        $this->model = $model;
        $this->filterService = $filterService;

    public function beforeAll(Builder $builder, Guard $auth): Builder
        return $builder;

    public function beforeFindById(Builder $builder, Guard $auth): Builder
        return $builder;

In my use case, logged in as admin, I usually filter from the list of users my own user. Look:

// ...
public function beforeAll(Builder $builder, Guard $auth): Builder
    return $this->removeLoggedFromSearches($builder, $auth);

private function removeLoggedFromSearches($builder, $auth)
    $id = $auth->id();
    return $builder->where('id', '<>', $id);

Searching with filters

You can filter and paginate the data on the listing routes. To do this, send a payload on the request, using your favorite client:

Simple Where:

    "name": "adhenrique",
    "email": "[email protected]"

Where in:

    "id": [1,2,3]

Where by operator (like, >, =>, <, <=, <>):

    "name": {
        "operator": "like",
        "value": "%adhenrique%"

Where between:

    "birthdate": {
        "start": "1988-13-12",
        "end": "2021-01-01"

Paginate results

    "paginate": {
        "per_page": 1,
        "page": 1

Note: You can use the filters and pagination together.


  • CQRS
  • Support for old Laravel versions
  • Or Where filter
  • OOP improvements
  • Add beforeAll and beforeFindById tests
  • Ask to confirm name
  • Add way to test Policies


$ composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Reading Articles

[1] Please, stop talking about Repository pattern with Eloquent [2] Useful Eloquent Repositories? [3] Você entende Repository Pattern? Você está certo disso? Laravel — Why you’ve been using the Repository Pattern the wrong way

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