
STOMP native queue driver for Laravel

MIT License


Laravel Stomp driver

This package enables usage of Stomp driver for queueing natively inside Laravel.


Package is installed through composer and is automatically registered as a Laravel service provider.

composer require asseco-voice/laravel-stomp

In order to connect it to your queue you need to change queue connection driver in .env file:


Connection variables:

STOMP_PROTOCOL      protocol (defaults to TCP)
STOMP_HOST          broker host (defaults to
STOMP_PORT          port where STOMP is exposed in your broker (defaults to 61613)
STOMP_USERNAME      broker username (defaults to admin)
STOMP_PASSWORD      broker password (defaults to admin)

You can subscribe to queues to read from or to write to with:


Both have same nomenclature when it comes to subscribing:

topic                        <-- will read from all queues on the topic
topic::queue1                <-- will read only from queue1 on the topic
topic::queue1;topic::queue2  <-- will read from queue1 and queue2 on the topic

Subscribing with client acknowledgement option (ENV variables):

STOMP_CONSUMER_WIN_SIZE=819200      // number of bytes that Broker will send to client before it expects ACK
STOMP_CONSUMER_ACK_MODE=auto		// mode: client (ACK needs to be sent) | auto (no ACK, and window-size has to be -1 in that case)

Options for Laravel worker:

STOMP_CONSUMER_ALL_QUEUES = default;	// which queue name(s) represent that all queues from Config should be read
STOMP_READ_MESSAGE_DB_LOG = false		// write POP-ed events in DB table `stomp_event_logs`

You can see all other available .env variables, their defaults and usage explanation within the config file.

If horizon is used as worker, library will work side-by-side with Laravel Horizon and basic configuration will be automatically resolved:

'environments' => [
    'production' => [
        'supervisor-1' => [
            'connection' => 'stomp',
            'queue' => [env('STOMP_READ_QUEUES', 'default')],

    'local' => [
        'supervisor-1' => [
            'connection' => 'stomp',
            'queue' => [env('STOMP_READ_QUEUES', 'default')],

If you need a custom configuration, publish Horizon config (check Horizon documentation) and adapt to your needs.

Non-Laravel events

It is possible to handle outside events as well. By default, if event is not a standard Laravel event it gets re-thrown as a stomp.* event with payload it received.

If the frame you received belongs to a topic::test_queue queue, system will throw a stomp.topic.test_queue event, otherwise if for some reason the queue name can't be parsed it will dispatch a stomp.event event.

You can listen to it by including this in EventServiceProvider::boot():

Event::listen('stomp.*', function ($event, $payload) {

Failed jobs

For the sake of simplicity and brevity StompJob class is defined in a way to utilize Laravel tries and backoff properties out of the box (official documentation).

Upon failure, jobs will retry 5 times before being written to failed_jobs table.

Each subsequent attempt will be tried in attempt^2 seconds, meaning if it is a third attempt, it will retry in 9s after the previous job failure.

Note that job properties by default have precedence over CLI commands, thus with these defaults in place the flags --tries and --backoff will be overridden.

You can turn off this behavior with following env variables:

  • STOMP_AUTO_TRIES - defaults to true. Set to false to revert to Laravel default of 0 retries.
  • STOMP_AUTO_BACKOFF - defaults to true. Set to false to revert to Laravel default of 0s backoff.
  • STOMP_BACKOFF_MULTIPLIER - defaults to 2. Does nothing if STOMP_AUTO_BACKOFF is turned off. Increase to
    make even bigger interval between two failed jobs.

Job will be re-queued to the queue it came from.


Due to the fact that Laravel doesn't save event headers to failed_jobs table, this package is circumventing this by storing headers as a part of the payload in _headers key. This is all done automatically behind the scenes so no interaction is needed with it.

If you want to append additional headers to your events, you can do so by implementing HasHeaders interface.

Raw data

In case you need your service to communicate with external non-Laravel services it is possible to circumvent Laravel event wrapping by implementing HasRawData interface. This will enable you to provide a custom payload to the broker.


Logs are turned off by default. You can include them by setting env key STOMP_LOGS=true.

In case you want to change the default log manager, it can be done in the asseco-stomp config file. The new log manager must extend Illuminate\Log\LogManager.


You can use library now like being native Laravel queue. For usage, you can check official Laravel queue documentation.