
Modal window with Livewire 3 + Alpinejs with Bootstrap, Tailwind


Modal Dialogs with Livewire 3

👉 For Backend Coding Enjoyers 😉

Create modal dialog easily with laravel project with livewire 3 + Alpinejs & manage modal dialog as livewire component.

Still on beta version


composer require larawire-garage/larawire-modals


publish configurations

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=larawire-modals-configs


Currently supports 2 themes.

  • Bootstrap
  • Tailwind

Bootstrap Installation

You can use CDN Link to apply bootstrap. If you are using package managers like npm use Bootstrap Documentation to install. When Importing Bootstrap add below code to app.js file.

// Import all of Bootstrap's JS
import * as bootstrap from 'bootstrap'

window.bootstrap = bootstrap; // 👈 required 

Tailwind Installation

You can use CDN Link to apply Tailwindcss. If you are using package managers like npm use Tailwindcss Documentation to install. Then Add below code to tailwind.config.js file.

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = { 
    content: [
        "./vendor/larawire-garage/larawire-modals/**/*.blade.php", // 👈 Add this line

If not working correctly? Check Here

Change Theme

You can add theme your proejct used in larawire-modals config file.

// configs/larawire-modals.php
return [
    'theme' => 'bootstrap',
    // OR
    'theme' => 'tailwind',

    // ....

Also you can change theme in your modal variable inside the modal component.

// app/Livewire/MODAL_PATH/MYMODAL.php

class MYMODAL extends ModalComponent{
    public array $modal = [
        'theme' => 'bootstrap',
        // OR
        'theme' => 'tailwind',


create modal component using below command.

php artisan make:modal MyModal

Now you can use modal component like regular livewire component. By default this command create component:

  • Class : app/Livewire/Modals
  • View : resources/views/livewire/modals

directories. You can change it in the larawire-modals config file.

// configs/larawire-modals.php
return [
    'class_namespace' => 'App\\Livewire\\Modals',
    'view_path' => resource_path('views/livewire/modals'),

    // ....

To show the modal dialog


To close the modal dialog

  • From other component:
  • From modal component:


Modal component has $modal public variable containing modal options.

public array $modal = [
    'id' => 'my-modal',
    'title' => 'My Modal',

Available Options

  • id - Modal ID
  • title - Modal title text on the header
  • theme - Theme using in the project (bootstrap or tailwind). Can be defind in the larawire-modals config file
  • resetBeforeShow - if this is true, public variables in the modal component automatically reset before show the modal. Can be defind in the larawire-modals config file
  • resetValidationBeforeShow - if this is true, Reset the validation error bag of modal component automatically before show the modal. Can be defind in the larawire-modals config file


  • showModal() - Show the modal dialog
  • closeModal() - Close the modal dialog

You can define:

  • beforeShow() - Runs before show the modal dialog
  • beforeClose() - Runs before close the modal dialog

Add Form

If your modal contains form, add formSubmit attribute to modal component. When formSubmit attribute defined, modal body and footer slots automatically covered by form tag with wire:submit="[form-submit-value]" attribute.

<x-larawire::modal :modal="$modal" formSubmit="createNewUser"> 
                                    <!-- 👆 Add form submit parameter here -->
    <x-slot name="body">
        <!-- Modal body content -->

         <!-- Add form content here -->
          <input type="text" class="" name="name" id="name-input" wire:model="name">

    <x-slot name="footer" :defaultClose="true">
        <!-- Modal footer content -->
        <!-- 👇 Add button for submit the form -->
        <button type="submit" wire:loading.attr="disabled" wire:target='createNewUser'>
            <span wire:loading.class="d-none hidden">Create</span>
            <span wire:loading wire:target="createNewUser">Creating...</span>




In the larawire-modals config file you can change classes of the containers of the modal. Also can change in the modal variable of the modal component.

// configs/larawire-modals.php

return [
    // ...
     'theme-classes'             => [
        'bootstrap' => [
            'backdropClasses'       => '',
            'containerClasses'      => '',
            'windowClasses'         => '',
            'headerClasses'         => '',
            'headerCloseBtnClasses' => '',
            'bodyClasses'           => '',
            'footerClasses'         => '',
            'footerCloseBtnClasses' => '',
        'tailwind'  => [
            'backdropClasses'       => '',
            'containerClasses'      => '',
            'windowClasses'         => '',
            'headerClasses'         => '',
            'headerCloseBtnClasses' => '',
            'bodyClasses'           => '',
            'footerClasses'         => '',
            'footerCloseBtnClasses' => '',
// app/Livewire/MODAL_PATH/MYMODAL.php

class MYMODAL extends ModalComponent{
    public array $modal = [
        /** available if needs to customize */
        'backdropClasses'       => '',
        'containerClasses'      => '',
        'windowClasses'         => '',
        'headerClasses'         => '',
        'headerCloseBtnClasses' => '',
        'bodyClasses'           => '',
        'footerClasses'         => '',
        'footerCloseBtnClasses' => '',

Changing classes still not working for you ? To customize appearance of the modal, you can publish the views and edit it.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=larawire-modals-views


Also you can change animation of the modal.

Bootstrap Theme : In bootstrap, follow bootstrap documentation to change the modal animation.

Tailwind Theme : In tailwind theme under animation key in them larawire-modals config file. Also you can change it in the modal variable in the modal component.

// app/Livewire/MODAL_PATH/MYMODAL.php

class MYMODAL extends ModalComponent{
    public array $modal = [
        /** Only for tailwind */
        'animation' => 'slide-down', // <==  slide-down, scale-up

For deep customize animation classes check under animation-classes key in larawire-modals config file. In Tailwind theme, modal use alpinejs & tailwindcss animation classes to animate modals.

Not Working Correctly


In case modal not working correctly, Eg:

  • Modal not rendering correctly
  • Animation not working

Add below array of classes to safelist array

If you change the classes in config file or in class modal variable, that classes also need to include here

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = { 
    content: [
        "./vendor/larawire-garage/larawire-modals/**/*.blade.php", // 👈 Add this line

     * ⚠️⚠️⚠️ If in-case (content path) 👆 not working.⚠️⚠️⚠️ 
     * 👇 Add this block
    safelist: [ 
        'bg-white', 'bg-gray-400', 'bg-gray-800/30', 'bg-red-300',
        'border', 'border-b', 'border-t',
        'dark:bg-gray-900', 'dark:text-gray-100',
        'duration-200', 'duration-300',
        'ease-in', 'ease-out',
        'fixed', 'inset-0',
        'flex', 'flex-none', 'grow', 'items-center', 'justify-between', 'self-end',
        'h-fit', 'h-screen',
        'hover:bg-gray-800', 'hover:text-gray-100', 'hover:text-red-600',
        'opacity-0', 'opacity-100',
        'overflow-y-auto', 'overflow-y-hidden',
        'p-5', 'px-2', 'px-5', 'py-1', 'py-2', 'py-3', 'md:p-14',
        'rounded-b-lg', 'rounded-lg', 'rounded-t-lg',
        'sm:scale-100', 'sm:scale-95',
        'text-3xl', 'text-black', 'text-end', 'text-gray-900',
        'transition', 'transition-all',
        'translate-y-0', 'translate-y-4', 'sm:translate-y-0', '-translate-y-8',
        'w-full', 'w-3/5',

!!! 🎉🎉🎉 Enjoy 🎉🎉🎉 !!!