
small laravel ecommerce project


A simple e-commerce project using laravel 5


I'm updating the project to take advantage of the new features in the laravel framework. Will commit soon...

To get the project up and running on your local machine, do the following. I assume you already know how to go about laravel, bower composer and npm, so i'll be brief

  • clone it => git clone
  • Run composer install, to install dependencies
  • Run npm install to install npm dependencies
  • Run bower install to install bower dependencies
  • Edit the created .env file at the root of your project, to add database credentials, etc
php artisan key:generate
  • create your DB and run the migrations, and database seeders found in the migrations folder, using the commands below
# run all migrations
php artisan migrate
# seed the database. seed data isn't available just yet, but will be added soon
php artisan db:seed
  • Run the following command => gulp default
  • Once the assets are published, run the command
php artisan serve
  • visit the site at localhost:8000

  • NB# This is just an experimental project, done for fun, trying to learn more of the laravel framework.

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