
online-formation" repository houses a comprehensive set of code and resources dedicated to an online education platform.


Online Formation


Welcome to the "online-formation" repository! This project is dedicated to the development of a comprehensive online education platform, crafted by Florent BEZARA, an experienced computer science engineer specializing in web application development.

Technologies Used

  • Backend:

    • Laravel
  • Frontend:

    • Volt
    • Livewire


  • Robust backend system powered by Laravel and Livewire.
  • Integration of Livewire for enhanced interactivity.
  • AI-powered tools for an innovative online learning experience.

Getting Started

To get started with the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:
  2. Installation:

    cd online-formation
    composer install            # Install Laravel dependencies
    config file .env            # Copy.env.example to .env and add your database informations
    php artisan key:generate    # Generate key
    npm run build               # Start the frontend
    php artisan migrate         # Migrate database
    php artisan db:seed         # DB Seeder
    php artisan serve           # Start the Laravel backend
  3. Access the Application:

    Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:8000

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