
An easy to use Validator for Vue components and any kind of objects based on the Laravel Validator.

GPL-3.0 License



An easy to use Validator for Vue components and any kind of objects based on Laravel Validation.

  • Works within components
  • Works within methods
  • Works within mixins


$ npm install --save vue-simple-validator
import VueSimpleValidator from 'vue-simple-validator';

// Register Plugin
Vue.use(VueSimpleValidator, {
    // Use to overwrite the current errorMessage (or translate)
    errorMessage: {
        required: '{field} really, like really needs to be filled in dude.'

How it works

1) Within components - Basic usage

The basic usage within a component is to call the validator with input this as the data context and this.rules as second parameter. The validate() method returns a boolean and to retrieve the errors you can retrieve them with the errors() method.

export default {
    name: 'ExampleComponent',
    data() {
        return {
            name: 'John Doe',
            age: 0,
            email: '',
            errors: null,
            rules: {
                name: 'required|string|min:3',
                age: 'required|integer|between:18,99',
                email: 'required|email',
    methods: {
        submit() {
            if (!this.$validator.validate(this, this.rules)) {
                this.errors = this.$validator.errors();


            // Execute the rest of the code..
2) Within components - Rules per method

The rules can also be declared in the method itself:

submit() {
    let rules = {
        name: 'required|string|min:3',
        age: 'required|integer|between:18,99',
        email: 'required|email',

    if (!this.$validator.validate(this, rules)) {
        this.errors = this.$validator.errors();


    // Execute the rest of the code..
3) Within components - Data and Rules per method

You can also validate custom datasets, see the params variable in the example below:

submit(params) {
    let rules = {
        name: 'required|string|min:3',
        age: 'required|integer|between:18,99',
        email: 'required|email',

    if (!this.$validator.validate(params, rules)) {
        this.errors = this.$validator.errors();


    // Execute the rest of the code..
4) Anywhere else.

The validator can be accessed globally throughout Vue just by calling the this.$validator or this.$root.$validator.

mixinMethod(name, age, email) {
    let rules = {
        name: 'required|string|min:3',
        age: 'required|integer|between:18,99',
        email: 'required|email',

    let data = {
        name: name,
        age: age,
        email: email

    if (!this.$validator.validate(data, rules)) {
        this.$root.errors = this.$validator.errors();


    // Execute the rest of the code..

Plugin Documentation

Validator methods:

All public methods for the Validator class:

Method Return Description
$validator.validate(Object data, Object rules); Boolean Validates the given data against the given rules.
$validator.errors(); ErrorBag Returns the Errorbag of the last validation, for more info about the ErrorBag see methods below.
$validator.failed(); Boolean Returns if is the last validation has failed or not.
$validator.registerRule(String ruleName, Rule rule, String errorMessage); void You can register the own custom Rule, for more info see section Custom Rule.
$validator.setErrorMessages(Object errorMessages); void Here you can add custom / new error messages specified as an associative array (object)
ErrorBag methods:

All public methods for the ErrorBag class:

Method Return Description
errorBag.add(String key, String message); void Lets you add a custom error for the given key.
errorBag.all(); Object Returns all the errors in the error bag as an associative array (object).
errorBag.any(); Boolean Returns if the error bag contains any errors.
errorBag.count(); Number Returns the number of errors in the error bag.
errorBag.get(String key); `String null`
errorBag.has(String key); Boolean Checks if a certain key is found within the known errors in the error bag.

Defined rules

The current rules which the plugin starts of with. More rules are being implemented soon.

Rule Description
alpha Checks wether the value contains only alphabetically charachters.
alpha_numeric Checks wether the value contains only alphanumeric charachters.
between:{min},{max} Checks wether the value is between a {min} / {max}.
decimal / float Checks wether the value is a decimal / float.
email Checks wether the value is a valid email address.
int / integer Checks wether the value is an integer.
len:{length} / length:{length} Checks wether the value has a certain length of {length}.
min:{min} Checks wether the value has a minimal value of {min}.
max:{max} Checks wether the value has a maximal value of {max}.
numeric Checks wether the value is a valid number.
required Checks wether the value is given.
required_if:{other_field} Checks wether the value is given, when the {other_field} is given.
required_without:{other_field} Checks wether the value is given, when the {other_field} is NOT given.
slug Checks wether the value is a valid slug (example: lower-case-slug).
string Checks wether the value is a valid string.
url Checks wether the value is a valid url.

Custom rule

You can also define custom rules and add them to the validator.

1) First create your rule class

The rule class should extend the Abstract Rule class.

import Rule from './rule';

export default class Contains extends Rule {
     * @param {*} value
     * @param {Array} ruleParams
     * @param {Object} context
     * @returns {Boolean}
    validate(value, ruleParams, context) {
        // You can extract the params from the given rule (rulename:params,comma,separated)
        const needle = ruleParams[0]; // Will return the first param

        // Do you validation check and return if it validates true or false.
        return value.indexOf(needle) !== -1;

     * @param {String} message
     * @param {String} field
     * @param {Array} ruleParams
    failureMessage(message, field, ruleParams) {
        const needle = ruleParams[0];

        // In some cases the failureMessage should contain more info.
        // With this method you can inject the info into the message.
        // The {field} replacement is highly recommended.
        return message
            .replace('{field}', field)
            .replace('{needle}', needle);
2. Register your custom rule in the Validator:

Your rule should be registered in the main Validator so the validator knows it can be used.

import VueSimpleValidator from 'vue-simple-validator';
import Contains from `./path-to-your-rules/contains';

// Register Plugin
Vue.use(VueSimpleValidator, { errorMessage: { .. }} });

// Add custom rule(s)
this.$root.$validator.registerRule('contains', new Contains(), '{field} must contains the value {needle}.');
