
Advanced Task: Build a Task Management Dashboard Objective: Create a task management dashboard where authenticated users can manage projects and tasks. The application should use Laravel for the backend, Livewire for real-time updates, and TailwindCSS for a responsive and modern UI.


Project Overview

Task Management Dashboard

This application provides a task management dashboard where authenticated users can manage projects and tasks. It uses Laravel for the backend, Livewire for real-time updates, and TailwindCSS for a modern, responsive UI.

Table of Contents

  1. Project Overview

  2. [API Endpoints](https://github.com/AzozzALFiras/qi-task/tree/main/api)

  3. Screenshots


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • PHP: ^8.1
  • GuzzleHTTP: ^7.2
  • Laravel Framework: ^10.10
  • Laravel Sanctum: ^3.3
  • Laravel Tinker: ^2.8
  • Livewire: ^3.5
  • Composer: For managing PHP dependencies

To install and set up the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone https://github.com/AzozzALFiras/qi-task.git
    cd qi-task
    1. Install Dependencies

    Use Composer to install the PHP dependencies specified in composer.json.

    composer install
  2. Set Up Environment

    Copy the .env.example file to .env and configure your environment variables as needed.

    cp .env.example .env
    1. Generate Application Key

    Run the following command to generate a new application key.

    php artisan key:generate
    1. Run Migrations

    Migrate the database to create the necessary tables.

    php artisan migrate
    1. Start the Development Servers

    Use Laravel’s built-in server to start the application.

    php artisan serve


  1. User Authentication:

    • Implement user registration, login, and logout using Laravel's built-in authentication.
  2. Projects and Tasks:

    • Users can create, update, and delete projects.
    • Each project can have multiple tasks.
    • Tasks can be marked as complete or incomplete.
    • Use Livewire to manage interactions for creating, updating, deleting, and marking tasks.
  3. Dashboard:

    • Display a dashboard showing all projects and their associated tasks.
  4. Styling:

    • Use TailwindCSS to design a clean, modern, and user-friendly interface.
  5. API:

    • Build an API to handle the above functionalities.
