
Laravel package that simplifies workflows with clear actions definition and event tracking.

MIT License


Laravel Workflow

Laravel Workflow combines feature details into one class, allowing for action definition and event tracking, simplifying understanding and revealing hidden logic.


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require safemood/laravel-workflow

Create a Workflow

You can create a workflow using the artisan command:

php artisan make:workflow PaymentWorkflow

Create Actions

You can create an action using the artisan command:

php artisan make:workflow-action ValidateCartItems

namespace App\Actions;

use Safemood\Workflow\Action;

class ValidateCartItems extends Action
    public function handle(array &$context)
        // Simulate extra validation logic
        if (empty($context['cart'])) {
            throw new \Exception('Cart is empty');

       // you can pass data to the next action if you want
	  $context['validated'] = true; 

Basic Example

Once you have set up your workflows and actions, you can define your business logic and orchestrate them within your Laravel application.

Define Workflow Logic

In your PaymentWorkflow class, you define the sequence of actions and conditions that make up your workflow:


namespace App\Workflows;

use App\Actions\CalculateTotal;
use App\Actions\MakePayment;
use App\Actions\ValidateCartItems;
use App\Events\PaymentProcessed;
use App\Jobs\SendEmails;
use App\Observers\UserObserver;
use App\Models\Order;
use Safemood\Workflow\WorkflowManager;

class PaymentWorkflow extends WorkflowManager
    public function handle()
        // Actions to be executed before the main action
            new ValidateCartItems(),
            new CalculateTotal()

        // The main action of the workflow
        $this->addMainAction(new MakePayment());

        // Actions to be executed after the main action
        $this->addAfterAction(new SendEmails()); // Normal laravel Job in this example

        // Observers to register for specific entities
            Order::class => OrderObserver::class,

        // Good Debugging or if you want to understand what is happining during the workflow execution: 
       // $this->trackAllEvents(); // or

       // $this->trackEventsIn('App\Events\\'); 


Execute Workflow


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Workflows\PaymentWorkflow;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class PaymentController extends Controller
    public function payment(Request $request)
        // Example context data representing a user's cart and user information
        $context = [
            'cart' => [
                ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Product A', 'price' => 100, 'quantity' => 2],
                ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'Product B', 'price' => 50, 'quantity' => 1]
            'user_id' => 123

        // Execute the PaymentWorkflow with the provided context
        $paymentWorkflow = (new PaymentWorkflow)->run($context);

        // Check if the workflow execution was successful
        $success = $paymentWorkflow->passes();

        // Check if the workflow execution failed
        $failure = $paymentWorkflow->failed();

        // Dump the workflow for debugging
        // $paymentWorkflow->dd();

        // Handle the response based on the workflow outcome
        if ($success) {
            return $paymentWorkflow->successResponse();

        return $paymentWorkflow->failureResponse();

Conditional Action Execution

You can use the when method to conditionally execute an action.


namespace App\Workflows;

use App\Actions\CalculateTotal;
use App\Actions\MakePayment;
use App\Actions\ValidateCartItems;
use App\Actions\SendEmailReceipt;
use Safemood\Workflow\WorkflowManager;

class PaymentWorkflow extends WorkflowManager
    public function handle()
        $this->when(false, function () {

        $this->when(true, function () {
                DummyModel::class => DummyModelObserver::class,

        $this->when(true, function () {
                new DummyAction(),
                new DummyAction(),

             value: false,
             callback: fn () => $this->trackAllEvents(),
             default: fn () => $this->doSomething()