
Currency component for Laravel 5

MIT License


Currency component for Laravel 9


Install the package using composer

composer require sebastiansulinski/laravel-currency

Service Provider and Facade

To use the package with the IOC Container, add its SSD\Currency\CurrencyServiceProvider to the list of providers inside of the config/app.php under the providers:

'providers' => [



To use it as a Facade, add it under the aliases:

'aliases' => [

    'Currency'  => SSD\Currency\CurrencyFacade::class

now run:

php artisan vendor:publish

This will add a new file config/currency.php with the following structure:


return [
    "key" => "currency",
    "default" => \SSD\Currency\Currencies\GBP::code(),
    "currencies" => [
    "value_as_integer" => false,
  • The key is used as the session key, which stores the currently selected currency.
  • The default states the default currency code.
  • The currencies contains a list of available currencies.
  • The value_as_integer indicates whether your prices are stored as integers or float / decimal.


Package comes with two implementations / providers:

  • SSD\Currency\Providers\CookieProvider, which stores selected currency in the encrypted cookie
  • SSD\Currency\Providers\SessionProvider, which will store the selected currency using default session driver

You can create additional providers by:

  • extending SSD\Currency\Providers\BaseProvider

There are 3 methods that the new Provider needs to implement - these are: get, set and is. Please see SSD\Currency\Providers\CookieProvider to get a better idea.

Once you have a new implementation ready, create the new ServiceProvider and replace it within config/app.php.

Adding more currencies

Package comes with 3 currencies out of the box: GBP, USD, EUR.

If you'd like to add more, first create a new currency class, which:

  • extends SSD\Currency\Currencies\BaseCurrency

For instance, implementation for Japanese Yen would be (assuming you keep your currencies under App\Components\Currencies namespace):


namespace App\Components\Currencies;

use SSD\Currency\Currencies\BaseCurrency;

class JPY extends BaseCurrency
     * Get symbol.
     * @return string
    public static function symbol(): string
        return '¥';

     * Get code.
     * @return string
    public static function code(): string
        return 'JPY';

All you need to do now to be able to use it is to add it to the config/currency.php file:


return [
    "key" => "currency",
    "default" => \SSD\Currency\Currencies\GBP::code(),
    "currencies" => [
    "value_as_integer" => false,

Currencies with symbol after the value

Some currencies place symbol after the value. To indicate it you can overwrite the method BaseCurrency::symbolAfterValue and if you need a space between the symbol and value BaseCurrency::symbolSpace:


namespace App\Components\Currencies;

use SSD\Currency\Currencies\BaseCurrency;

class PLN extends BaseCurrency
     * Get symbol.
     * @return string
    public static function symbol(): string
        return '';

     * Get code.
     * @return string
    public static function code(): string
        return 'PLN';

     * Determine if symbol should be placed after the value.
     * @return bool
    protected static function symbolAfterValue(): bool
        return true;

     * Determine if there is a space between symbol and the value.
     * @return bool
    protected static function symbolSpace(): bool
        return true;

The above class would now return 75.00 zł with withSymbol and 75.00 zł PLN with withSymbolAndCode methods.

Usage examples

The most common way of displaying currencies is to either have them displayed as clickable buttons or as a form select menu, which is what I'm going to demonstrate below.

First let's create a form select element with all options displayed. We can either use a Currency facade or simply pull currency from within the container using app('currency'):

    <select id="currency">
        @foreach(app('currency')->options() as $option)
                value="/currency/{{ $option->value }}"
                {{ app('currency')->selected($option->value) }}
            >{{ $option->label }}</option>

Now we need have some JavaScript so that when the change event occurs, the call is made to the given route, where action of the controller sets the new currency and page reloads reflecting that change.

Simply bind change event to the select element using JavaScript:

// vanilla JavaScript
(document.getElementById('currency')).addEventListener('change', function (event) {
    window.location.href =;

// or using jQuery
$('#currency').on('change', function () {
    window.location.href = $(this).val();

Next we need to add the Controller with Action and Route for it:

// app/Http/routes.php

Route::get('currency/{currency_id}', 'CurrencyController@set');

// app/Http/Controllers/CurrencyController.php


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;

use Currency;

class CurrencyController extends Controller
     * Set currency cookie.
     * @param $id
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
    public function set($id)

        return new JsonResponse(['success' => true]);

Now if you'd like to display price based on the selected currency, make sure that your model can provider an array of prices for a given item in the following format:

    'GBP' => 10.00,
    'EUR' => 11.56,
    'USD' => 17.60,
    'JPY' => 18.50

// or if you're using prices as integers

    'GBP' => 1000,
    'EUR' => 1156,
    'USD' => 1760,
    'JPY' => 1850

Let's assume our Product model has a prices() method, which will return the array formatted as above. To use it with the currency you can now simply call:

 * Array of prices.
 * @return array
public function prices()
    return [
        'GBP' => $this->price_gbp,
        'EUR' => $this->price_usd,
        'USD' => $this->price_eur,
        'JPY' => $this->price_jpy

 * Price formatted with the currency symbol.
 * @return string
public function priceDisplay()
    return Currency::withSymbol($this->prices(), null, 2);

The priceDisplay() method will return the price with the currency symbol i.e. £10.00 (depending on the currently selected currency).

Formatting methods

We have the following methods available on our Currency object instance / facade:

  • decimal($values, $currency = null, $decimal_points = 2) : gets the value and gives it back in the decimal format.
  • integer($values, $currency = null) : gets the value as integer i.e. 20.53 will become 20, but 2053 will be 2053.
  • withSymbol($values, $currency = null, $decimal_points = null) : gets the value and gives it back with the currency symbol at the beginning.
  • withCode($values, $currency = null, $decimal_points = null) : gets the value and gives it back with the currency code at the end.
  • withSymbolAndCode($values, $currency = null, $decimal_points = null) : gets the value and gives it back with the currency symbol and code.

Four of the above methods accept 3 arguments (integer method only first 2):

  • $values : either array as above or a single float / int
  • $currency : currency code - null by default, which is when the currency will be taken from the cookie - otherwise, you can state what currency you'd like to use.
  • $decimal_points : how many decimal points you'd like it to return the value with.

More methods

  • options() : returns an array of SSD\Currency\Option - each representing one currency. SSD\Currency\Option has 2 properties value and label.
  • selected($currency) : to be used with select option element to make the given option selected="selected" if it is set as current.
  • get() : gets currently selected currency.
  • set($currency) : sets the currency.
  • is($currency) : checks if the currency passed as argument is currently selected.