
Send a message to a Slack channel when an error occurs in your Laravel Application (Laravel 5.5)

MIT License


Slack Error Notifier (Alternative to Bugsnag/Sentry) (Laravel 5.5)

If you can't use Bugsnag or Sentry for monitoring your production Laravel application, here is a really simple solution to get notified when anything goes wrong.

This is a plug-and-play Laravel package to send a message to a Slack channel via an Incoming WebHook when error/exception occurs in your application.

Note: Logging feature had major updates in Laravel 5.6. you may use Laravel Log Enhancer package for it.


  • PHP 7.0+
  • Laravel 5.5


  1. Install the package by running this command in your terminal/cmd:
composer require freshbitsweb/slack-error-notifier
  1. Import config file by running this command in your terminal/cmd:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=slack-error-notifier-config
  1. Create an Incoming WebHook in your Slack account and put Webhook URL in your .env file for SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL variable
  1. Optinal: Change configuration settings:
  • (bool) add_memory_usage => Set to true if you wish to send memory usage in the slack message

  • (bool) add_request_headers => Set to true if you wish to send request headers in the slack message

  • (bool) add_session_data => Set to true if you wish to send session data in the slack message

  • (bool) add_input_data => Set to true if you wish to send input data in the slack message

  • (array) ignore_request_fields => If input data is being sent, you can specify the inputs from the user that should not be sent to Slack for example, password,cc number, etc.

  • (env) SLACK_LOG_LEVEL => Specify minimum error level (#1) to notify slack.

And it's done. Yeah, that simple. Here's a video demo for a quick look:


This package uses Monolog library and sends a notification message based on the log_level configuration setting. So, if you set it to alert, only alert and emergency level errors will be considered.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

Special Thanks to

  • Laravel Community