
Core files for the Squire 2 web application.

GPL-3.0 License



Dev Setup (using Docker)

  1. Install Git and Docker (with Compose)
  2. Clone the repository using git clone https://github.com/april-knights/Squire.git.
  3. Create a Reddit application and set the redirect URI to http://localhost/login/reddit/callback.
    The other fields can be set to anything
  4. Copy .env.default to .env and modify the Reddit client ID and secret to the values you got from Reddit
  5. Run docker compose up --build in the .docker directory. Once everything is initialized properly, you can reach the page at http://localhost/
  6. While the project is running, run the following commands in another window (in the .docker directory) to have better coding assistance:
docker compose exec app php artisan ide-helper:generate
docker compose exec app php artisan ide-helper:meta # Only if you use PHPStorm
docker compose exec app php artisan ide-helper:models

Dev Setup (running directly)

  1. Install git, php, composer and npm.
  2. Clone the repository using git clone https://github.com/april-knights/Squire.git.
  3. Enter the Squire directory and run composer install.
  4. Copy .env.example to .env and modify whatever you need.
  5. Start the development server using php artisan serve
  6. While the project is running, run the following commands in another window (in the .docker directory) to have better coding assistance:
php artisan ide-helper:generate
php artisan ide-helper:meta # Only if you use PHPStorm
php artisan ide-helper:models

Compiling CSS/JS changes

  1. Install the required Javascript dependencies using npm install.
  2. Run npm run dev to recompile css and js files.

Automatically recompile CSS/JS and refresh browser

  1. Change the redirect_uri in .env and on reddit to
  2. Run npm run watch. Whenever you make a change to the application, your browser is automatically reloaded.


  1. Properly set up your webserver.
  2. Install git, php and composer.
  3. Clone the repository using git clone https://github.com/april-knights/Squire.git.
  4. Enter the Squire directory and run composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev.
  5. Install the required Javascript dependencies using npm install.
  6. Run npm run prod to generate the minified static files.
  7. Copy .env.prod to .env and set up the DB connection and Reddit API.
  8. Run php artisan key:generate to generate an app key for secure session storage.
  9. Run php artisan config:cache to combine all config files into a single one. Rerun this whenever you make changes to .env!
  10. Point your webserver to squire/public.