
A Simple Laravel(5.5) web application that help students during University admission time


SUST Admission Helpline

A Simple Laravel(5.5) web application that help students during University admission time

How to host the project.

• Install the xamp from these link:

• Start Apache and MySql

• Install composer from these link:

• Set-up composer path.

• Open cmd terminal

1.. git clone projectname


Download project as a zipped file.

2.. cd projectname

03.. composer install

04.. php artisan key:generate

05.. copy .env.example .env

• Open a tab from the browser and go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin link to create a database.

• if you use MySQL in .env file :

01..set DB_DATABASE name

02..set DB_USERNAME name


• You find a database name sustAdmissionHelpline.sql. You my import database.

• If you don’t import Database. Then, open cmd terminal

01..php artisan migrate –seed

02..php artisan serve

• Then go to browser and open a tab with the url http://localhost:8000 . The project will be run.

• To visit the admin panel, visit http://localhost:8000/login

• For admin:

Email: [email protected]

Passoword: password

• N.B., If project do not run the do the following things.

• Clear the cache with the following command by opening the command prompt under the SCDN folder.

01..php artisan config:cache

02..php artisan config: clear

Then run the project again by “php artisan serve” command.

• If the 8000 port does not work then change it.

Then run the project again by “php artisan serve” command.

Developer Document:

 Using Software and framework:

 Laravel 5.5 (PHP frame work), Mysql (Database) , HTML5 , JvaScript, CSS , Botstrap 3.3, Xamp , Apache, Composer, Adminlte,

 You can modify admin email and password in yourProjectFolder\database\seeds\UserSeed.php

 I am using laravel 5.5 you can update that if possible.

 If you fail any problem, simply contact with me: [email protected]

 You can update home page manually, because this is a static page

 You can update home/guideline for user page page manually, because this is a static page

 You can modify background in yourProjectFolder\database\public\css\ shop-homepage.css

User Document

Transport: Select your starting point and ending point. Hit enter button. Then, you will find the route in google map.

Association: You can find your expected association. If you don’t find , then you can type your district name on the upper right side. Then If you don’t find, simply contact with me: [email protected]

Hotel: You can find your expected association. If you don’t find , then you can type your expected name on the upper right side. Then If you don’t find , simply contact with me: [email protected]

Restaurant: You can find your expected association. If you don’t find , then you can type your expected name on the upper right side. Then If you don’t find , simply contact with me: [email protected]


This App is not for only SUST you may use it in your education institution. Please use and re-use however you want.