
TweetNow is a Twitter clone created with Vue.js and Laravel. It is a social media platform that allows users to post short messages, follow other users, and engage in conversations through comments and likes.

MIT License



TweetNow is an open-source social media platform created with Vue.js + Inertia SSR and Laravel. It allows users to post short messages, follow other users, and engage in conversations through comments and likes.
The dashboard provides users with a comprehensive overview of their social media activity. It includes metrics such as follower count, engagement statistics, trending topics, and personalized recommendations based on user behavior.
The profile page is where users manage their personal information, including bio, profile picture, and privacy settings. It also displays a timeline of their posts, comments, and interactions with other users.
In the settings section, users can customize their experience by adjusting notification preferences, privacy settings, language preferences, and other account-related configurations to personalize their usage.
The login screen ensures secure access to the platform, requiring users to enter their credentials (username/email and password) to authenticate their identity and gain entry to their account.


  • login, registration and password reset
  • Profile view, editing
  • Create Post and story
  • Follow/Unfollow users
  • Search users, (ongoing post search)
  • Post Feed
  • More changes and features on the way.

Technologies Used

This project is a web application built with Laravel, utilizing Vue.js and Inertia.js for a modern frontend experience.

Getting Started

These instructions will guide you to set up a local development environment for TweetNow.


  • PHP 8.1
  • Node.js: Make sure Node.js is installed on your system. ( v18.12.1 )
  • Composer: Make sure Composer is installed on your system.
  • MySQL: Install and set up a MySQL database server.


  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the './src/' folder.

  2. Install PHP dependencies using Composer:

    composer install
  3. Copy the '.env.example' file and make the required configuration changes in the '.env' file

     cp .env.example .env
  4. Generate an application key:

    php artisan key:generate
  5. Give database credentials to '.env' file and Migrate tables to database by running the below command:

    php artisan migrate
  6. Seed a the database:

    php artisan db:seed
  7. Install JavaScript dependencies using npm:

    npm install
  8. Inside 'tweetnow/src/' In a separate terminal run:

    npm run dev
  9. Inside 'tweetnow/src/' In another terminal run:

    php artisan serve

    The application should start at this link:

    If you have seeded the database then you can use this test user credential for testing and development:

    [email protected]

Contribute in this repository

Comming soon ...