
wwz ecommerce built with the powerful Laravel 10 framework!

MIT License


wwz shop

About WWZ

wwz is built with php and laravel. wwz is a ecommerce. wwz is suitable for developers who want to learn more about Laravel and know how to use technologies.

Installation With Docker

git clone https://github.com/Hilsonxhero/wwz

# set environment
copy .env.example .env

# install composer
composer install

# Start docker in os
./vendor/bin/sail up -d

./vendor/bin/sail artisan key:generate

./vendor/bin/sail artisan storage:link

./vendor/bin/sail artisan passport:install

./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate

./vendor/bin/sail artisan module:seed

./vendor/bin/sail artisan queue:work

./vendor/bin/sail artisan schedule:work


./vendor/bin/sail artisan test

Fake data

./vendor/bin/sail artisan module:seed


If you use elasticsearch,you must create index.

./vendor/bin/sail artisan scout:index products

./vendor/bin/sail artisan scout:import "\Modules\Product\Entities\Product"

and then you can see other information in kibana


Infrastructure Description

  • This project is built with laravel and php
  • This project offers a special api for shop
  • [laravel 10 with php 8.1]
  • Docker is used for containers
  • Rabbitmq is used for queues
  • Redis is used for several features
  • Octane is used for optimizing

Database Description

Laravel is flexible in determining database but i performed

  • Mysql for main database
  • Redis for cache database
  • Elasticsearch for search engine

Webserver Description

  • Octane

Other Description

  • Use Kibana for dashboard and management elastic
  • Has continuous integration(GitHub actions)

Pull Requests

Thank you for investing your time in contributing to our project.

Database Diagram


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