
Ultra-modern feature-packed LaTeX 3 class for dissertations and reports

LPPL-1.3C License


🌵 Desert – dissertation class

Powerful modern LaTeX 3 class for dissertations, reports, and the like. Configure just about everything (spacing, numbering, theorems, glues, positioning, fonts, styles, etc.) with ~250 well-organized key–value options.

Presets for the PhD dissertation requirements at UC Berkeley, Cambridge, University of Chicago, Carnegie Mellon University, Harvard, Stanford, University College London, UC San Diego, and UC San Francisco.

Try it on Overleaf! 🍃

Requires LuaTeX and updated packages (e.g. Tex Live 2022). Make sure to copy the lib/ directory in Overleaf or get more recent copies from CTAN. Generally stable, but you may run into tricky situations, like with all LaTeX classes. Feel free to ask a question on GitHub.

Source files

  • desert.cls (main class)
  • textiles.sty (e.g. style = red;semi-bold;allcaps;underline)
  • info.sty (save and recall doc info with variable styling)
  • fontworthy.sty (helper for fontspec, siunitx, and microtype)
  • noms.sty (tools for nomencl: convenient creation and grouping under subheadings)
  • semantic.sty (e.g. \foreign, \code, \doi, ieeeauthor)
  • pidgin.sty (compatibility between language-aware packages)
  • tarmac.sty (internal utils for spacing)
  • glue.sty (internal macros to manipulate glues)

🍁 Contributing

Why is it called Desert? Because deserts are sparsely populated yet beautiful biomes, rich in diversity of their flora and fauna. Really, I don't know why.

New issues and pull requests are welcome. Please refer to the contributing guide and security policy.

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