
package reledmac for latex



The reledmac package is for typesetting critical editions. The reledpar package is an extension of reledmac enabling parallel typesetting in columns or on facing pages.

Reledmac and reledpar are successors of eledmac and eledpar, which were successor of ledmac and ledpar. Ledmac was a LaTeX port, and extension, of the plain TeX EDMAC, TABMAC and EDSTANZA macros.

The package is available on CTAN.

Copyright and Licence


  • Peter Wilson (Herries Press) herries dot press at earthlink dot net,
  • Maïeul Rouquette (new maintainer since june 2011)


  • Copyright 2003 --- 2005 Peter R. Wilson
  • Copyright 2011 --- .. Maïeul Rouquette


This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version.

The latest version of the license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2003/06/01 or later.

This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".

This work consists of the files:

  • README (this file),
  • reledmac.dtx,
  • reledmac.ins,
  • reledpar.dtx,
  • reledpar.ins,

and the derived files:

  • reledmac.sty,
  • reledpar.sty,
  • reledmac.pdf, (200+ pages)
  • reledpar.pdf, (100+ pages)

The distribution consists of the following files:

  • README (this file)
  • reledmac.dtx
  • reledmac.ins
  • reledmac.pdf
  • reledpar.dtx
  • reledpar.ins
  • reledpar.pdf
  • makefile
  • latexmrc
  • examples/
    • *.tex
    • *.pdf
    • makefile


This package is included in the two main TeX distributions: TeXLive (and MacTeX) and MikTeX. However, if you want to install it manually:

  • run: latex reledmac.ins (which will generate reledmac.sty) and latex reledpar.ins (which will generate reledpar.sty)
  • move reledmac.sty and reledpar.sty to a location where LaTeX will find it (for more information on this see the FAQ of your distribution).

To generate a second copy of the manual (which is already supplied as a PDF file):

  • run: make reledmac.pdf && make reledpar.pdf


Debug and feature requests

Suggestions and bug reports are welcome.

Maïeul Rouquette is the only one maintainer. To help him in his work, please follow these rules:

  • Go to the issues page.
  • Open one issue for each problem, even if problems are similar.
  • You can write in English, or better in French if it is your native language.
  • Add a minimal working example.
  • If your report is really a bug, Maïeul Rouquette will open a "branch" to solve your problem. This branch will be called "issueXXX", where "XXX" is the issue number.
  • Once the problem has a possible solution, Maïeul Rouquette will ask you to test the new branch:
    • Download the zip file of the branch (or, if you know Git, go to the branch there):
      • Go to the project page.
      • Choose the correct branch in the "branch" menu.
      • Choose "Download zip" in the "Code" (green) menu, on the right side.
      • Unzip the file
    • Run the .ins files with pdflatex, to obtain the .sty files.
    • Put the .sty files with your test files (in the same folder).
    • Look on file issueXXX.tex get a MWE of the new feature.
    • Make your report.


We maintain two collaborative bibliographies:

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