
My CV/resume. Typesetted using XeTeX


Martin Madsens's CV

My CV, using my fork of ashee/cv, which uses XeTeX adds font-awesome social icons, removes bibliography loading, loads microtype, Fontspec to use the Helvetica font type, among others.


Ensure you have the submodule initialized for this repository. You can do this on clone. Alternatively

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

And ensure you have the dependencies installed

$ sudo tlmgr install latexmk textpos fontawesome
$ brew cask install font-xits

Note: to run tlmgr you will need to have TeX Live installed on your OS.

If you get an error loading FontAwesome (see StackOverflow here), you may need to manually install the fontawesome font from the fontawesome TeX package. You can do this by visiting the folder output in tlmgr info --list fontawesome containing the .otf file and double-clicking on it to install it to your font book.

You should now be able to run make and generate a new PDF.

$ make

For hot compilation you can run the below command, which will open your PDF viewer of choice and automagically recompile on source file changes.

$ make watch

Voila. If you have any issues with this process, do open a new issue.