
A literal cookbook. Typeset with Pandoc.

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Pandoc Cookbook

This is a WIP project to typeset a recipe book using Pandoc as a front-end for LaTeX. Recipes and document layout are defined entirely in YAML and are used to populate a tufte-book LaTeX template.

Recipe format

The recipe format is loosely based on the Open Recipe Format with the following differences (subject to further change):

  • Additional optional fields cookware, type, and categories are added to each recipe. Recipes will be indexed by type and category tags when the output document is produced.

  • The field recipe_name is simply called name and recipe_uuid is unsupported.

  • Recipe sources are represented differently:

    source: # All fields optional.
        title: Book title
         - first: First name
           last: Last name
      other: Other or additional information on the source.
  • The oven_time field is not used. This is far too restrictive to account for the many things one may want to time while cooking. Instead, a times block is used as follows:

      - name: Cook time
        hh: 1           # hours (optional)
        mm: 30          # minutes (optional)
        ss: 15          # seconds (optional)
  • A new oven block is introduced, which can identify whether a convection fan is used, what the starting temperature should be, and optionally what unit the oven temp is described by.

      fan: on  # on, off, or false to omit rendering
      temp: 375
      degrees: F # Assumed to F (Fahrenheit) if omitted, but can be overridden.
  • The ingredient dict structure is slightly simplified. Substitutions are represented differently. A full example follows.

      - name: Carrot
        amount: 1
        unit: ea.
        processing: sliced
        notes: The tastiest root vegetable.
          hint: Pick one or more
          list: # A list of ingredients (as above) without the substitutions field.
            - name: Potato
            - name: Turnip
            - name: Onion
  • Specifying the amount. Sometimes a recipe needs a mix of amounts, (ie. 1 cup, 2 tps.) so there is an optional amounts dict that can be used instead of amount.

      - name: Flour
         - amount: 1
           unit: cup.
         - amount: 2
           unit: tsp.
  • The steps list is split into prep and method lists. Hazard control points are not currently supported.

Template use

The included Pandoc LaTeX template is based on the tufte-book class which is usually included in LaTeX distributions. This book class makes extensive use of margin notes, which I like for recipes.

There are however several issues with this class, and at the moment several compilation steps are required to create a good output PDF. It is also a highly specialized template, which does not adhere to all of the expectations of the default Pandoc LaTeX template.

Three types of YAML files are used in this template.

  1. metadata.yml contains document metadata. Title, subtitle, author information, copyright information, and some other directives for typesetting the book.

    This file must begin with a YAML document stream delimiter ---

  2. layout.yml lays out the recipes into chapters. A chapter currently consists of a name string and recipes list. To keep the source files organized appropriately, YAML anchors are used to refer to the recipes.

    This file must end with a YAML document stream terminator ...

  3. recipes are defined in their own YAML files according to the recipe format above. There is nothing that restricts having multiple recipes per file, or even from including the recipes directly in the layout.yml file, but for simplicity, the examples in this repository define one recipe per file as a named dict. Markdown and LaTeX can be written directly in the YAML and will be rendered appropriately.

The included Makefile will:

  1. Concatenate metadata.yml, all recipe YAML files, and layout.yml in this order.
  2. The resulting YAML document is converted to JSON, then used as a Pandoc metadata-file to fill in the tufte LaTeX template.
    The conversion to JSON is important since Pandoc's metadata file processing doesn't seem to respect the merge dict key (<<).
  3. Produce an output .tex file.
  4. Compile the tex file to a PDF using latexmk

A full example of a recipe book is included in the example directory of this repository.


To use this template, you'll need:

  • GNU Make
  • TeXLive with pdflatex and latexmk (xelatex is not currently supported).
  • Pandoc v2.11 or higher.
  • yaml2json (get it with npm install -g yamljs).


The template and recipes included in this repository are licensed under the CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 International license.

Related works

If you want to produce individual PDF documents for each YAML recipe, check out iwismer/pandoc-recipe-template which inspired this project.