
A collection of personal templates for Quarto


Quarto Templates

This repository contains a collection of personal Quarto PDF templates. The templates share a similar style, using Pandoc Markdown, Libertine and Inconsolata fonts, British English spelling, coloured links, double spacing, back references, and numbered sections. Future updates will include templates for presentations and academic posters.

To compile the PDFs, you need to install Quarto and TinyTex. If you prefer TeX Live, you can find instructions for installing it here: https://tug.org/texlive/.

The templates require Python and Jupyter for optimal functionality, thus installing these is advised. R users should remove the jupyter: python line from the YAML header within the templates and install both the quarto-r and rmarkdown packages in addition to the Quarto-cli.

Every folder contains a PDF file displaying the template's output. Check them out to see how the documents look like. A screenshot of the article template is shown below.

Comments and suggestions are most welcome. Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. If you find the templates useful, please consider starring the repository. Thank you!