
@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum is a Node.js module to mask various kinds of data. With the help of @xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum, you can mask email, phone number, card number, JSON fields, password, etc... <br/>Also, it provides uti

MIT License


@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum is a Node.js module to mask various kinds of data. With the help of @xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum, you can mask email, phone number, card number, JSON fields, password, etc... Also, it provides utility methods to get a field, or replace a field from any complex/nested JSON.

Table of Contents


  • Mask Card numbers
  • Mask Email ids
  • Mask Password
  • Mask Phone numbers
  • Mask the given words/substrings from throughout a String
  • Mask UUIDs
  • Mask JWT tokens
  • Mask JSON - JSON can contain cards, emails, passwords, phones, strings, and UUIDs. Mask all of them with a single call using - Mask JSON fields
  • Get nested field from JSON
  • Set/Replace nested field values from JSON
  • Maskdata for typescript

Install @xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum

npm i @xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum

Release Features

Version 1.3.1

Version 1.2.6

  • JWT token masking: Mask JWT tokens with configs to mask as per your need. More details: Mask JWT Token
  • Mask Json now supports JWT token masking also. More details: Mask JWT in a JSON
  • Bug fix in maskJson2 where it was not checking for the empty/null/undefined fields and was resulting in error "TypeError: validatedConfig[typeToFunctionMap[key][1]] is not iterable"
  • Better test coverage to the module with the addition of new test cases

Version 1.2.3

How to Use

const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

Maskdata for Typescript

Follow this document for more details: Maskdata for typescript

Mask card number

This will mask the digits in a card number.This will mask only the numerical data and not any non-numeric delimiters, alphabets, or any other types of data

const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

const maskCardOptions = {
  // Character to mask the data. The default value is '*'
  maskWith: "*",

  // Should be positive Integer
  // If the starting 'n' digits need to be visible/unmasked
  // Default value is 4
  unmaskedStartDigits: 4,

  // Should be positive Integer
  // If the ending 'n' digits need to be visible/unmasked
  // Default value is 1. 
  unmaskedEndDigits: 1 

const cardNumber = "1234-5678-1234-5678";

const cardAfterMasking = MaskData.maskCard(cardNumber, maskCardOptions);

//Output: 1234-****-****-***8

Mask Email id

Use this method instead of maskEmail(). To mask with the default options, don't pass the configurations.

const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

const emailMask2Options = {
    maskWith: "*", 
    unmaskedStartCharactersBeforeAt: 3,
    unmaskedEndCharactersAfterAt: 2,
    maskAtTheRate: false

const email = "[email protected]";

const maskedEmail = MaskData.maskEmail2(email, emailMask2Options);

//Output: my.********@**********om

Consider an email: [email protected]


  • number of characters before @ -> 4
  • number of characters after @ --> 9
  1. unmaskedStartCharactersBeforeAt --> number of starting characters (before @)not to be masked.
    • If unmaskedStartCharactersBeforeAt > number of characters before @, then it will not mask the characters before @
  2. unmaskedEndCharactersAfterAt --> number of characters not to be masked starting from the end till @.
    • If unmaskedEndCharactersAfterAt > number of characters after @, then it will not mask the characters after @

Mask only the characters before '@'

const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

const emailMask2Options = {
    maskWith: "*", 
    unmaskedStartCharactersBeforeAt: 0,
    unmaskedEndCharactersAfterAt: 257, // Give a number which is more than the characters after @
    maskAtTheRate: false

const email = "[email protected]";

const maskedEmail = MaskData.maskEmail2(email, emailMask2Options);

//Output: ****@email.com

Mask Email id with the default configuration

To mask with the default options, don't pass the configurations.

const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

/** Default Options
    maskWith: "*", 
    unmaskedStartCharactersBeforeAt: 3,
    unmaskedEndCharactersAfterAt: 2,
    maskAtTheRate: false
const email = "[email protected]";

const maskedEmail = MaskData.maskEmail2(email);

//Output: my.********@**********om


This is the new functionality in version 1.2.0+ to handle masking of multiple types of data in the JSON object with a single mask function call.

const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

// Default configs are as below. If specific masking changes are needed, use the corresponding configs for each type of field.
const defaultjsonMask2Configs = {
    cardMaskOptions: defaultCardMaskOptions, // Optional 
    cardFields: [], // List of card fields to be masked

    emailMaskOptions: defaultEmailMask2Options, // Optional 
    emailFields: [], // List of email fields to be masked

    // For passwords, tokens, etc...
    passwordMaskOptions: defaultPasswordMaskOptions, // Optional 
    passwordFields: [], // List of password fields to be masked

    phoneMaskOptions: defaultPhoneMaskOptions, // Optional 
    phoneFields: [], // List of phone fields to be masked

    stringMaskOptions:  defaultStringMaskOptions, // Mandatory if stringFields are given. Otherwise, stringFields won't be masked
    stringFields: [], // List of String fields to be masked

    uuidMaskOptions: defaultUuidMaskOptions, // Optional 
    uuidFields: [], // List of UUID fields to be masked

    jwtMaskOptions: defaultJwtMaskOptions, // Optional 
    jwtFields: [], // List of JWT fields to be masked

    genericStrings: [
        config: defaultStringMaskV2Options,
        fields: []

NOTE: For details on the configs mentioned above, refer: defaultCardMaskOptionsdefaultEmailMask2Options defaultPasswordMaskOptions defaultPhoneMaskOptions defaultStringMaskOptions defaultUuidMaskOptions defaultJwtMaskOptions defaultStringMaskV2Options / generic String Maksing

const defaultjsonMask2Configs = {
    cardMaskOptions: {
        maskWith: "*",
        unmaskedStartDigits: 4,
        unmaskedEndDigits: 1
    cardFields: [],

    emailMaskOptions: {
        maskWith: "*",
        unmaskedStartCharactersBeforeAt: 3,
        unmaskedEndCharactersAfterAt: 2,
        maskAtTheRate: false
    emailFields: [],

    passwordMaskOptions: {
        maskWith: "*",
        maxMaskedCharacters: 16,
        unmaskedStartCharacters: 0,
        unmaskedEndCharacters: 0
    passwordFields: [],

    phoneMaskOptions: {
        maskWith: "*",
        unmaskedStartDigits: 4,
        unmaskedEndDigits: 1
    phoneFields: [],

    stringMaskOptions:  {
        maskWith: "*",
        maskOnlyFirstOccurance: false,
        values: [],
        maskAll: false,
        maskSpace: true
    stringFields: [],

    uuidMaskOptions: {
        maskWith: "*",
        unmaskedStartCharacters: 0,
        unmaskedEndCharacters: 0
    uuidFields: [],

    jwtMaskOptions: {
        maskWith: '*',
        maxMaskedCharacters: 512,
        maskDot: true,
        maskHeader: true,
        maskPayload: true,
        maskSignature: true
    jwtFields: [],
    // To extend the mask function to other types of data. 
    genericStrings: [
        config: {
          maskWith: "*",
          maxMaskedCharacters: 256,
          unmaskedStartDigits: 0,
          unmaskedEndDigits: 0
        fields: []

JSON mask examples


const jsonInput = {
  'credit': '1234-5678-8765-1234', 
  'debit': '0000-1111-2222-3333', 
  'primaryEmail': '[email protected]', 
  'secondaryEmail': '[email protected]',
  'password': 'dummyPassword',
  'homePhone': "+1 1234567890",
  'workPhone': "+1 9876543210",
  'addressLine1': "This is my addressline 1. This is my home",
  'addressLine2': "AddressLine 2",
  'uuid1': '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000',
  'randomStrings': {
    'row1': 'This is row 1 random string',
    'row2': ['Entry1', 'Entry2', 'Entry3'],
    'row3': {
      'key1': 'Row3 Object 1',
      'key2': 'Row3 Object 2',
      'key3': ['Entry1', 'Entry2', 'Entry3']

const jsonMaskConfig = {
    cardFields: ['credit', 'debit'],
    emailFields: ['primaryEmail', 'secondaryEmail'],
    passwordFields: ['password'],
    phoneFields: ['homePhone', 'workPhone'],
    stringMaskOptions:  {
      maskWith: "*",
      maskOnlyFirstOccurance: false,
      values: ["This"]
    stringFields: ['addressLine1', 'addressLine2'],
    uuidFields: ['uuid1'],
    genericStrings: [
          fields: ['randomStrings.row1'],
          config: {
            maskWith: '*',
            unmaskedStartCharacters: 2,
            unmaskedEndCharacters: 3,
            maxMaskedCharacters: 8
        { fields: ['randomStrings.row2.*'], config: { maskWith: 'X', unmaskedEndCharacters: 1 } },
        { fields: ['randomStrings.row3.key1'] },
          fields: ['randomStrings.row3.key3.*'],
          config: { maskWith: '@', unmaskedEndCharacters: 1 }

const maskedJsonOutput = maskData.maskJSON2(jsonInput, jsonMaskConfig);

  credit: '1234-****-****-***4',
  debit: '0000-****-****-***3',
  primaryEmail: 'pri****@*******om',
  secondaryEmail: 'sec******@*******om',
  password: '*************',
  homePhone: '+1 1********0',
  workPhone: '+1 9********0',
  addressLine1: '**** is my addressline 1. **** is my home',
  addressLine2: 'AddressLine 2',
  uuid1: '********-****-****-****-************',
  randomStrings: {
    row1: 'Th***ing',
    row2: ['XXXXX1', 'XXXXX2', 'XXXXX3'],
    row3: {
      key1: '*************',
      key2: 'Row3 Object 2',
      key3: ['@@@@@1', '@@@@@2', '@@@@@3']

Example2: Mask with custom configs for each/any type of fields

const jsonInput2 = {
  'credit': '1234-5678-8765-1234', 
  'debit': '0000-1111-2222-3333', 
  'primaryEmail': '[email protected]', 
  'secondaryEmail': '[email protected]',
  'password': 'dummyPasswordANDdummyPassword',
  'homePhone': "+1 1234567890",
  'workPhone': "+1 9876543210",
  'addressLine1': "This is my addressline 1. This is my home",
  'addressLine2': "AddressLine 2",
  'uuid1': '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000'

const jsonMaskConfig2 = {
    // Card
    cardMaskOptions: { maskWith: "X", unmaskedStartDigits: 2,unmaskedEndDigits: 4 },
    cardFields: ['credit', 'debit'],

    // Email
    emailMaskOptions: { maskWith: "*", unmaskedStartCharactersBeforeAt: 2, unmaskedEndCharactersAfterAt: 2, maskAtTheRate: false },
    emailFields: ['primaryEmail', 'secondaryEmail'],

    // Password
    passwordMaskOptions: { maskWith: "*", maxMaskedCharacters: 10, unmaskedStartCharacters: 0, unmaskedEndCharacters: 0 },
    passwordFields: ['password'],

    // Phone
    phoneMaskOptions: { maskWith: "*", unmaskedStartDigits: 2, unmaskedEndDigits: 1 },
    phoneFields: ['homePhone', 'workPhone'],

    // String
    stringMaskOptions: { maskWith: "*", maskOnlyFirstOccurance: false, values: [], maskAll: true, maskSpace: false },
    stringFields: ['addressLine1', 'addressLine2'],

    // UUID
    uuidMaskOptions: { maskWith: "*", unmaskedStartCharacters: 4, unmaskedEndCharacters: 2 },
    uuidFields: ['uuid1']

const maskedJsonOutput2 = maskData.maskJSON2(jsonInput2, jsonMaskConfig2);


  credit: '12XX-XXXX-XXXX-1234',
  debit: '00XX-XXXX-XXXX-3333',
  primaryEmail: 'pr*****@*******om',
  secondaryEmail: 'se*******@*******om',
  password: '**********',
  homePhone: '+1**********0',
  workPhone: '+1**********0',
  addressLine1: '**** ** ** *********** ** **** ** ** ****',
  addressLine2: '*********** *',
  uuid1: '123e****-****-****-****-**********00'

Example3: Mask nested json fields -> Use dot(.) and Array([]) notation to specify the inner fields.

const jsonInput2 = {
  cards: {
    creditCards: ['1234-5678-8765-1234', '1111-2222-1111-2222'],
    debitCards: ['0000-1111-2222-3333', '2222-1111-3333-4444']
  emails: {
    primaryEmail: '[email protected]', 
    secondaryEmail: '[email protected]'
  passwords: [
    ['dummyPasswordANDdummyPassword', 'dummyPasswordANDdummyPassword']
  phones: {
    homePhone: "+1 1234567890",
    workPhone: "+1 9876543210",
  address: {
    addressLine1: "This is my addressline 1. This is my home",
    addressLine2: "AddressLine 2"
  uuids: {
    uuid1: '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000'
  jwt: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1MTYyMzkwMjJ9.tbDepxpstvGdW8TC3G8zg4B6rUYAOvfzdceoH48wgRQ'

const jsonMaskConfig2 = {
    // Card
    cardMaskOptions: { maskWith: "X", unmaskedStartDigits: 2,unmaskedEndDigits: 4 },
    cardFields: ['cards.creditCards[0]', 'cards.creditCards[1]', 'cards.debitCards[0]', 'cards.debitCards[1]'],

    // Email
    emailMaskOptions: { maskWith: "*", unmaskedStartCharactersBeforeAt: 2, unmaskedEndCharactersAfterAt: 2, maskAtTheRate: false },
    emailFields: ['emails.primaryEmail', 'emails.secondaryEmail'],

    // Password
    passwordMaskOptions: { maskWith: "*", maxMaskedCharacters: 10, unmaskedStartCharacters: 0, unmaskedEndCharacters: 0 },
    passwordFields: ['passwords[0][0]]', 'passwords[0][1]'],

    // Phone
    phoneMaskOptions: { maskWith: "*", unmaskedStartDigits: 2, unmaskedEndDigits: 1 },
    phoneFields: ['phones.homePhone', 'phones.workPhone'],

    // String
    stringMaskOptions: { maskWith: "*", maskOnlyFirstOccurance: false, values: [], maskAll: true, maskSpace: false },
    stringFields: ['address.addressLine1', 'address.addressLine2'],

    // UUID
    uuidMaskOptions: { maskWith: "*", unmaskedStartCharacters: 4, unmaskedEndCharacters: 2 },
    uuidFields: ['uuids.uuid1']

    // JWT
    jwtMaskOptions: { maskWith: '*', maxMaskedCharacters: 512, maskDot: true, maskHeader: true, maskPayload: true, maskSignature: true},
    jwtFields: ['jwt']

const maskedJsonOutput2 = MaskData.maskJSON2(jsonInput2, jsonMaskConfig2);
  cards: {
    creditCards: [ '12XX-XXXX-XXXX-1234', '11XX-XXXX-XXXX-2222' ],
    debitCards: [ '00XX-XXXX-XXXX-3333', '22XX-XXXX-XXXX-4444' ]
  emails: {
    primaryEmail: 'pr*****@*******om',
    secondaryEmail: 'se*******@*******om'
  passwords: [ [ '**********', '**********' ] ],
  phones: { homePhone: '+1**********0', workPhone: '+1**********0' },
  address: {
    addressLine1: '**** ** ** *********** ** **** ** ** ****',
    addressLine2: '*********** *'
  uuids: { uuid1: '123e****-****-****-****-**********00' },
  jwt: '*********************************************************************************************************'

Mask Password

const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

const maskPasswordOptions = {
  // Character to mask the data
  // default value is '*'
  maskWith: "*",

  // To limit the *s in the response when the password length is more
  // Default value is 16
  maxMaskedCharacters: 16,

  // To show(not mask) first 'n' characters in the password/secret key. 
  // Default value is 0. 
  unmaskedStartCharacters: 0,

  // To show(not mask) last 'n' characters in the password/secret key. 
  // Default value is 0. 
  unmaskedEndCharacters: 0

const password = "Password1$";

const maskedPassword = MaskData.maskPassword(password, maskPasswordOptions);

//Output: **********

## Mask Password with the default configuration
To mask with the default options, don't pass the configurations.
const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

  /** Default Options
    maskWith: "*"
    maxMaskedCharacters: 16,
    unmaskedStartCharacters: 0,
    unmaskedEndCharacters: 0

const password = "Password1$";

const maskedPassword = MaskData.maskPassword(password)

Example: Mask password OR secretKey with some meta info at the end

const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

const maskPasswordOptions = {
  maskWith: "X",
  maxMaskedCharacters: 20, // To limit the output String length to 20.
  unmaskedStartCharacters: 4,
  unmaskedEndCharacters: 9 // As the last 9 characters of the secret key is meta info which can be printed for debugging or other purposes

const password = "TEST:U2VjcmV0S2V5MQ==:CLIENT-A";

const maskedPassword = MaskData.maskPassword(password, maskPasswordOptions);

maskPasswordOptions.unmaskedStartCharacters = 0;

const maskedPassword = MaskData.maskPassword(password, maskPasswordOptions);

Mask Phone Number

const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

const maskPhoneOptions = {
  // Character to mask the data
  // default value is '*'
  maskWith: "*",

  //Should be positive Integer
  // If the starting 'n' digits need to be unmasked
  // Default value is 4
  unmaskedStartDigits: 5, 

  // Should be positive Integer
  //If the ending 'n' digits need to be unmasked
  // Default value is 1
  unmaskedEndDigits: 1 

const phoneNumber = "+911234567890";

const maskedPhoneNumber = MaskData.maskPhone(phoneNumber, maskPhoneOptions);
//Output: +9112*******0

Mask Phone Number with the default configuration

To mask with the default options, don't pass the configurations.

const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

/** Default Options
  maskWith: "*"
  unmaskedStartDigits: 4
  unmaskedEndDigits: 1 
const phoneNumber = "+111234567890";

const maskedPhoneNumber = MaskData.maskPhone(phoneNumber);

//Output: +911********0

Generic string masking

This functionality can be used to mask any string with the below configs.


const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

const defaultStringMaskV2Options = {
  // Character to mask the data
  // default value is '*'
  maskWith: "*",

  // This is to limit the maximun characters in the output.
  // Default value is 256
  maxMaskedCharacters: 256,

  // To show(not mask) first 'n' characters of the string.
  // Default value is 0. 
  unmaskedStartCharacters: 0,

  // To show(not mask) last 'n' characters of the string.
  // Default value is 0. 
  unmaskedEndCharacters: 0

const string1 = "Password1$";

const maskedString = MaskData.maskStringV2(string1, defaultStringMaskV2Options);

//Output: **********


const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

const stringMaskV2Options = {
  maskWith: "X",
  maxMaskedCharacters: 20, // To limit the output length to 20.
  unmaskedStartCharacters: 4,
  unmaskedEndCharacters: 9

const secret = "TEST:U2VjcmV0S2V5MQ==:CLIENT-A";

const maskedSecret = MaskData.maskStringV2(password, stringMaskV2Options);

stringMaskV2Options.unmaskedStartCharacters = 0;

maskedSecret = MaskData.maskStringV2(password, stringMaskV2Options);

Mask the characters or words in the string

This will mask the characters or words if present in the given string.

const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

const maskStringOptions = {
  // Character to mask the data. The default value is '*'
  maskWith: "*",

   * It is the words/substrings to mask. 
   * Should be an array of strings.
   * Can give multiple words/substrings.
   * values[] can be used only when maskAll is false. If maskAll is true, then this is of no use.
  values: ['is', 'test'], 

   * If to mask only the first occurrence of each word/substring in the given string
   * Should be boolean
   * Default value is false
  maskOnlyFirstOccurance: false,

   * If to mask all the characters in a string make maskAll: true
   * If maskAll is true, the words/substrings inside values[] will not be considered. 
   * Default value is false
  maskAll: false,

   * This is to mask/not mask the spaces in a string when masking all the characters.
   * Can be used ONLY when maskAll: true
   * If maskSpace is false, the spaces in the string will not be masked.
   * This feature is to know the words and each word's length but to hide the content
   * Default value is true
  maskSpace: true

const str = "This is a test String";

const strAfterMasking = MaskData.maskString(str, maskStringOptions);

//Output: Th** ** a **** String

Mask all characters in the String

const str = "This is a test String";

const strAfterMasking = MaskData.maskString(str, maskStringOptions);

const stringMaskOptions = {
  maskWith: "*",
  values: [],
  maskAll: true,
  maskSpace: false   // Maks all characters except spaces

// Output: **** ** * **** *****

const str = "This is a test String";

const strAfterMasking = MaskData.maskString(str, maskStringOptions);

const stringMaskOptions = {
  maskWith: "*",
  values: [],
  maskAll: true,
  maskSpace: true   // Mask all characters including spaces

// Output: ********************


This will mask the alphanumeric characters in a UUID.This will not mask the hyphen present in the UUID. Masking is done, only when the input is a valid UUID with only a-f, A-F, and 0-9 and has 36 characters (32 alphanumerics + 4 hyphens, and should work with the regex:


If the input is not a valid UUID, it will return the input itself without masking.

const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

const maskUuidOptions = {
  // Character to mask the data. The default value is '*'
  maskWith: "*",

  // Should be a positive Integer <= 32
  // If the starting 'n' alphanumeric characters need to be visible/unmasked
  // Default value is 0
  unmaskedStartCharacters: 0, 
  //Should be a positive Integer <= 32
  //If the ending 'n' alphanumeric characters need to be visible/unmasked
  // Default value is 0 
  unmaskedEndCharacters: 0

const uuidInput = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000";

const uuidAfterMasking = MaskData.maskUuid(uuidInput, maskUuidOptions);

// Output: ********-****-****-****-************

Mask JWT Token

This function returns the masked JWT tokens. A JWT token consists of 3 parts separated by 2 dots. i.e, {header}.{payload}.{signature}. Based on the usecase, we will have to mask/keep a part/s of jwt token. With @xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum you can mask JWT tokens with all possible combinations. If the input is null, undefined, non-string, string with length < 5, doesn't contain 2 dots(invalid JWT format), the function will return the input as it is without masking.

const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

const jwtMaskOptions = {
  // Character to mask the data. The default value is '*'
  maskWith: '*',

  // Max masked characters in the output(EXCLUDING the unmasked characters). Default value is 512
  maxMaskedCharacters: 512,

  // Config to mask OR keep the dots(.). Default value is true, i.e, mask dots
  maskDot: true,

  // Config to mask OR keep the first part of the JWT. i.e, the header part. Default value is true, i.e, mask the header part
  maskHeader: true,

  // Config to mask OR keep the second part of the JWT. i.e, the payload part. Default value is true, i.e, mask the payload part
  maskPayload: true,

  // Config to mask OR keep the third part of the JWT. i.e, the signature part. Default value is true, i.e, mask the signature part
  maskSignature: true

const jwt =

/** In this example,
 * Header = eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9
 * Payload = eyJpYXQiOjE1MTYyMzkwMjJ9
 * Signature = tbDepxpstvGdW8TC3G8zg4B6rUYAOvfzdceoH48wgRQ
const maskedJwt = MaskData.maskJwt(jwt, jwtMaskOptions);

// Output:

Example: Mask only the signature part

const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

const jwtMaskOptions = {
  maskWith: '*',
  maxMaskedCharacters: 512,
  maskDot: false,
  maskHeader: false,
  maskPayload: false,
  maskSignature: true

const jwt =

/** In this example,
 * Header = eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9
 * Payload = eyJpYXQiOjE1MTYyMzkwMjJ9
 * Signature = tbDepxpstvGdW8TC3G8zg4B6rUYAOvfzdceoH48wgRQ
const maskedJwt = MaskData.maskJwt(jwt, jwtMaskOptions);

// Output:

Example: Mask header and the signature part

const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

const jwtMaskOptions = {
  maskWith: '*',
  maxMaskedCharacters: 512,
  maskDot: false,
  maskHeader: true,
  maskPayload: false,
  maskSignature: true

const jwt =

/** In this example,
 * Header = eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9
 * Payload = eyJpYXQiOjE1MTYyMzkwMjJ9
 * Signature = tbDepxpstvGdW8TC3G8zg4B6rUYAOvfzdceoH48wgRQ
const maskedJwt = MaskData.maskJwt(jwt, jwtMaskOptions);

// Output:

Example: Mask all parts except dots and limit the max masked characters in the output to lower value, say 16

const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

const jwtMaskOptions = {
  maskWith: '*',
  maxMaskedCharacters: 16,
  maskDot: false,
  maskHeader: true,
  maskPayload: true,
  maskSignature: true

const jwt =

/** In this example,
 * Header = eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9
 * Payload = eyJpYXQiOjE1MTYyMzkwMjJ9
 * Signature = tbDepxpstvGdW8TC3G8zg4B6rUYAOvfzdceoH48wgRQ
const maskedJwt = MaskData.maskJwt(jwt, jwtMaskOptions);

// Output:

Get Nested JSON Property

This method returns the value of the nested JSON property if it exists. Otherwise, it returns undefined

const MaskData = require('./@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum');

const innerPropety = Maskdata.getInnerProperty(object, field);


const nestedObject = {
  level1: {
    field1: "field1",
    level2: {
      field2: "field2",
      level3: {
        field3: "field3",
        field4: [ { Hello: "world" }, { Hello: "Newworld" }, "Just a String" ]
  value1: "value"

const innerPropety = Maskdata.getInnerProperty(nestedObject, 'level1.level2.level3.field4[0].Hello');

Replace the value of a JSON field

To replace a value by keeping the type.

const input = {
  name: "John",
  age: 33,
  married: true

let afterReplacing = MaskData.replaceValue(input, 'age', 99);
afterReplacing = MaskData.replaceValue(input, 'married', false);

Before replacing: {"name":"John","age":33,"married":true}
After replacing: {"name":"John","age":99,"married":false}

Type of age: number
Type of married: boolean

Mask Multiple Fields

const jsonInput = {
  cards: [
      number: '1234-5678-8765-1234'
      number: '1111-2222-1111-2222'
      number: '0000-1111-2222-3333'
      name: "No card number here"
  emails: {
    primaryEmail: '[email protected]', 
    secondaryEmail: '[email protected]',
    moreEmails: ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", {childEmail: "[email protected]", secondChild: {nestedkid: "[email protected]"}}]
  array: ["element1", "element22", "element333"],
  jwt: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJsb2wiLCJuYW1lIjoiVGVzdCIsImlhdCI6ImxvbCJ9.XNDxZcBWWEKYkCiu6XFGmAeuPF7iFnI7Sdv91gVZJMU'

const jsonMaskConfig = {
  cardMaskOptions: { maskWith: "X", unmaskedStartDigits: 0, unmaskedEndDigits: 0},

  emailMaskOptions: { maskWith: "*", unmaskedStartCharactersBeforeAt: 0, 
  unmaskedEndCharactersAfterAt: 0, maskAtTheRate: false },

  stringMaskOptions: { maskWith: "?", maskOnlyFirstOccurance: false, values: [], maskAll: true, maskSpace: false },
  jwtMaskOptions: { maskWith: '*', maxMaskedCharacters: 32, maskDot: false, maskHeader: true, maskPayload: true, maskSignature: true},

  cardFields: ['cards[*].number'],
  emailFields: ['emails.*'],
  stringFields: ['array.*'],
  jwtFields: ['jwt']

const maskedOutput = maskData.maskJSON2(jsonInput, jsonMaskConfig);

// Output: 
  "cards": [
      "number": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"
      "number": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"
      "number": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"
      "name": "No card number here"
  "emails": {
    "primaryEmail": "*******@*********",
    "secondaryEmail": "*********@*********",
    "moreEmails": [
        "childEmail": "*****@*********",
        "secondChild": {
          "nestedkid": "*****@*********"
  "array": ["????????", "?????????", "??????????"],
  "jwt": "************.**********.**********"

Report Bugs

If there is any help needed with the library functionalities or if there is any bug/issue, please raise an issue in GitHub: https://github.com/xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum/issues

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You can give a star at: https://github.com/xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum/stargazers


Licensed under MIT Licence

Copyright (c) 2019 Sumukha H S

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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