
A simple pythonic build system for Web and Cordova projects (JS, Less, Sass...)

MIT License



A simple pythonic build system for Web and Cordova projects (JS, Less, Sass...)

  • Python alternative to webpack, grunt or gulp.
  • Supports Python 2.7 or 3.2+.
  • Builds based on a webmakefile.py script in your project root.
  • Automatically detects dependencies and builds only what's changed.
  • Can be used from the command line, on demand or in "watch for changes" mode.
  • Automatically generates source maps in debug mode, minifies in release mode.
  • Your source code (HTML/JavaScript) stays identical whether in debug or release mode - no conditional script or CSS inclusion.
  • Middleware plugin for use with Django.
  • Build hook for use with Cordova.
  • Currently supports:
    • Browserify (vendor libs, user libs, project-specific sources)
    • Browserify plugins: ES2015, React JSX
    • Less compilation
    • Sass compilation
    • Minification
    • Copy assets (images, fonts, etc)
    • Concatenation


  1. Ensure you have build tools, node.js <https://nodejs.org/en/>_ and npm installed.::

     # Ubuntu
     sudo apt-get install  build-essential nodejs npm
  2. Install from PyPI::

     pip install webmake

    Or directly from git::

     pip install -e git+https://github.com/bazzisoft/webmake.git@master#egg=webmake
  3. Run from the command line::

     webmk -h


Sample Project

You can find a sample project in the Git repo at tests/test_project.

Creating Your Makefile

For webmake to do anything useful, you need to create a makefile in your project root directory. This should be called webmakefile.py. This is a standard python module that exposes a MAKEFILE list telling webmake what to build. Here is a basic template::

# webmakefile.py

from webmake import api

# Arbitrary python helper functions/variables can go here

    # webmake API commands go here, eg:
    api.copy_files('www-dev', 'www', 'index.html'),

Command-line Invocation

Build in debug mode, with verbose output::

webmake -v

Build in debug mode, and actively watch for changes::

webmake -vw

Force a rebuild of everything in release mode (minify, no source maps)::

webmake -fr

Webmake API

The following commands can go inside the MAKEFILE list:

Copy static assets::

api.copy_files(src_dir='node_modules/bootstrap/fonts', dst_dir='www/fonts', filespec='*', recursive=False)

Compile LESS::

api.compile_less(input_file='www-dev/less/base.less', output_file='www/css/base.css')

Compile Sass::

api.compile_sass(input_file='node_modules/ratchet/sass/ratchet.scss', output_file='www/css/ratchet.css')

Browserify vendor javascript libs from node_modules::

# Top of webmakefile.py
NODE_MODULES = ['jquery', 'underscore', 'bootstrap', 'fastclick', 'react']

# Inside MAKEFILE list
api.browserify_node_modules(module_name_list=NODE_MODULES, output_file='www/js/vendor.js')

Browserify user libs::

# Usage: var Cookie = require('jslib/Cookie');
api.browserify_libs(lib_dirs=['www-dev/jslib'], output_file='www/js/jslib.js', use_reactjs=False)

Browserify an entry point that require()'s all its dependencies. Use export_as=xxx to expose it as a require()'able module named xxx::

api.browserify_file(entry_point='www-dev/js/website.js', output_file='www/js/website.js', use_reactjs=False, export_as=None)

Concatenate and compile standalone JSX files with react-tools. If using browserify, use above APIs instead with use_reactjs=True::

# Top of webmakefile.py
JSX_INPUTS = api.list_matching_files('www-dev/jsx', extensions='jsx', recursive=False)

# Inside MAKEFILE list
api.compile_reactjsx(input_files=JSX_INPUTS, output_file='www/js/reactjsx.js'),

Minify standalone CSS. Concatenates in debug mode, minifies in release mode::

api.minify_css(input_files=['www-dev/less/styles.css'], output_file='www/css/styles.css')

Minify standalone JS. Concatenates in debug mode, minifies in release mode::

api.minify_js(input_files=['www-dev/js/standalone.js'], output_file='www/js/standalone.js')

Concatenate files with no further processing::

api.concatenate(input_files=['www-dev/js/standalone.js'] * 2, output_file='www/js/standalone-x2.js')

Django Integration

Add the built in webmake middleware to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES in DEBUG mode. This will automatically run webmk, check for changes a recompile as necessary for each request::


For production, see the Deployment Integration section below.

Cordova Integration

Copy the provided build hook webmake/cordova/hooks/before_prepare/runwebmake.py into your Cordova project's hooks directory, and give it executable permissions. You may need to modify the script to find your python executable.

The script will automatically invoke webmk -v or webmk -frv as part of the cordova prepare command.

Deployment Integration

Add a step to your deployment script that calls webmk -fr to force a recompile in release mode. Then Rsync or package the files directly from your output directories.

Webmake Development

Development Installs

  1. Create a Python 2.7 or Python 3 virtualenv.

  2. For a development (--editable) install (where webmake is editable in place)::

     pip install -e /path/to/webmake


     pip install -e git+https://github.com/bazzisoft/webmake.git@master#egg=webmake
  3. To test a production installation::

     pip install /path/to/webmake

PyPI Releases

  1. Update CHANGELOG.

  2. Update version number in setup.py.

  3. Start Python3 virtualenv from tests/test_project/venv.

  4. Create packages to test with. Ensure both source and wheel installations work::

     python setup.py sdist
     python setup.py bdist_wheel
  5. Build & submit new release on test site (source distribution only)::

     twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/webmake-x.y.z.tar.gz
  6. Build & submit new release on live PyPI (source distribution only)::

     twine upload dist/webmake-x.y.z.tar.gz
Package Rankings
Top 21.95% on Pypi.org
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