
My dotfiles for alacritty, nvim and Awesome window manager (AwesomeWM)


I just get this dotfiles, and remade it

This dotfiles contains only terminal (alacritty) and WM setting!!!




  • Fetch (in top) use remade pfetch script
  • Crutch top (in bottom) use ps utility,so it shows how much the program consumes cpu per 1 core (if you have 4 cores, then divide the process’s CPU indicator by 4 and this will be its load on the entire CPU)
  • If you want the slider to work in your browser, then download plasma-browser-integration package and plasma integration extension in your browser and uncheck Enhanced Media Control in extension settings


Theme changer

Wallpapers launcher


  • Put your wallpaper in a ~/.walls
  • Uses Lutgen in the form of a binary file, which is located inside the repository

Calendar + Notification center

Greenclip (rofi)

App launcher (rofi)

type 1 type 2 type 3 type 4
type1 type2 type3 type4



  • You can focus to option with keyboard arrow
  • You can activate option with press x or Enter or click


Require a awesome-git version

Install dependencies

  1. Lite dependencies:
    • In Void linux:
      $ sudo xbps-install alacritty feh fontconfig NetworkManager rofi flameshot alsa-utils xclip xrdb picom polkit-gnome ImageMagick playerctl brightnessctl nerd-fonts-symbols-ttf neovim
      $ fc-cache -f -v
    • In Arch linux:
      $ sudo pacman -S alacritty feh fontconfig networkmanager rofi flameshot alsa-utils xclip picom polkit-gnome imagemagick playerctl brightnessctl ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols neovim
      $ fc-cache -f -v
    • In Ubuntu:
      $ sudo apt-get install feh fontconfig network-manager rofi flameshot alsa-utils xclip picom policykit-1-gnome imagemagick playerctl brightnessctl neovim
      $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mmstick76/alacritty
      $ sudo apt install alacritty
      $ wget
      $ unzip
      $ cp ~/Downloads/NerdFontsSymbolsOnly/NerdFontsSymbolsOnly*.otf ~/.local/share/fonts/
      $ fc-cache -f -v
  2. Hard dependencies:
    • Install PipeWire, WirePlumber
    • Download JetBrainsMono Nerd font
      $ wget
      $ unzip
      $ cp ~/Downloads/JetBrainsMono/JetBrainsMono*.otf ~/.local/share/fonts/
      $ fc-cache -f -v

Install dotfiles

$ git clone --depth=1 --recursive
$ cd awesome-dotfiles
$ cp -R awesome ~/.config/
$ cp -R alacritty ~/.config/
$ cp -R nvim ~/.config/
$ cp -R fontconfig ~/.config/
$ cp .xinitrc ~/
And put your wallpapers in '~/.walls' for wallpaper launcher

I recommend this wallpaper repository:

$ git clone --depth=1
$ mkdir .walls
$ cp -r walls/* .walls/
$ rm -r walls

Or my

$ git clone --depth=1
$ cp -r my_walls/.walls ~/
$ rm -r my_walls

Keybinding Description
Mod+Shift+r Restart awesomewm
Mod+Enter Open terminal
Print Take screenshot
Mod+d Open app launcher (rofi)
Mov+v Open greenclip (rofi)
Mod+Shift+b Hide bar
F keys Control volume
F keys Control bright
F keys Control player
Mod+c Open calendar
Mod+w Open control
Mod+x Open powermenu
Mod+f Fullscreen focused client
Mod+s Floating focused client
Mod+q Kill focused client
Client binds Description
Mod+ _/= Resize focused client gaps
Mod+Shift+ _/= Resize all client gaps
Mod+ l/h/Right/Left Move focus client
Mod+Ctrl+ k/j/h/l/Up/Down/Left/Right Resize focused client
Mod+Shift+ k/j/h/l/Up/Down/Left/Right Move or swap by direction
Mod+Shift+Ctrl+ k/j/h/l/Up/Down/Left/Right Relative move floating client

Mousebinding Description
Mod+Left button Move client
Mod+Right button Resize client

  • Correct dpi
  • Make the code more optimal
  • Replace the liblua_pam with a more convenient solution

If you have any problems, write to me in telegram. (in other social networks i rarely appear) !!!

See also