




The following repository contains my personal Linux configuration files. The most interesting part probably is my Hyprland rice (desktop configuration with some eye candy).

Here is a quick overview about the key components of the setup:

  • WM: Hyprland (-git)
  • OS: EndeavourOS
  • Shell: ZSH
  • Editor: Neovim
  • Launcher: Rofi
  • Notification Daemon: Dunst
  • Dock/Bar: Waybar




I am using EndeavourOS, hence using an AUR helper. For other distributions please refer to the build instructions of the specific project. Please open a new issue if a dependency is missing.

If your device has a nvidia graphics card, install the hyprland-nvidia-git dependency instead of hyprland-git.

Assuming your AUR helper is yay

yay -S acpi acpid battop btop dunst dolphin eww-wayland firefox foot gammastep hwinfo hyprland-git hyprpicker-git light-git lightly-git nwg-look pavucontrol-qt playerctl psuinfo python-pip qt5ct rofi-lbonn-wayland-git slurp stow swaylock-effects swww waybar-hyprland-git waylock yaru-sound-theme zsh
pip install dbus-python PyGObject python-mpd2 requests Wand

Then just clone the repository into your $HOME directory and stow it.

git clone $HOME/.dotfiles
cd $HOME/.dotfiles && stow .
fc-cache -v

File structure - Hyprland

Everything specifically related to the Hyprland rice can be found in $HOME/.config/hypr/. In the directory you will find the following files/folders:

  • hyprland.conf: The main configuration file
  • Wallpaper.png: The wallpaper loaded at the start of the desktop
  • plugins/: Plugins loaded by Hyprland, compile them again before using them (explained in the Hyprland wiki)
  • scripts/: Scripts used by the desktop, mostly very simple stuff which makes life easier
  • ui/: UI stuff such as the notification daemon, the widgets or the bar(s)


If any questions or issues occur, first check if a issue regarding your problem already exists. If there isn't any, then you can of course create a new one. Please take the time to explain your problem thoroughly, as this is the only way I can help you. Thank you!