
Create Linux users from list of SSH keys.


[CR]eate [USER] -> cruser

Tool to create users on Linux system.

Mechanism of users creation are inspired by Google Cloud, when username are automatically taken from SSH-key(and email after).

List of users are need to be provided in the authorized_keys file format.


Tool don't use any external libraries, but relies on some default(in most Linux distros) CLI tools:

  • id - used to check, if user exist in the system, get user's gid and uid
  • useradd - used for user creation
  • visudo - used for validation of sudoers lines


  • File users:
ssh-rsa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [email protected]
ssh-rsa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb [email protected]
ssh-rsa cccccccccccccccccccccc [email protected]
ssh-rsa cccccccccccccccccccccc [email protected]
  • Result of running command cruser -file users will be:
    • Created users test and hello
    • Sudoers lines are generated and validated with visudo
    • Line test ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL added to the file /etc/sudoers.d/test
    • Line hello ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL added to the file /etc/sudoers.d/hello
    • Provided SSH keys are added to the /home/test/.ssh/authorized_keys and /home/hello/.ssh/authorized_keys
    • Duplicated lines are skipped
    • [email protected] and [email protected] are added as comment entry in the /etc/password file


make build

Running demo:

make demo

Missing features:

  • Adding SSH-keys for existing users. Currently only newly created users supported
  • Reading SSH-keys list form remote location(S3, github, etc)
  • More flexible Sudoers configuration(only NOPASSWD:ALL are supported now)