
A modern linux development environment based on docker.



A modern linux development environment based on docker, inspired by the-art-of-command-line, awesome-shell and modern-unix, but more than that.


  • Awesome vim powered by xvim.
  • Awesome tmux with true color support.
  • Awesome ssh to connect other mechine including your local host and remote host, support relay mode.
  • Useful bash alias and function definition in .bashrc.
  • All tools introduced in modern-unix.
  • GUI support driven by X11.
  • More lightweight than virtual machines.
  • Build once, run anywhere. Especially handy when you get a new computer.
  • Works out of the box.
  • more waiting for you to discover.



You should prepare those environments first:

export USER_NAME      = your_dockerhub_user
export IMAGE_NAME     = image_name_you_want
export IMAGE_VERSION  = image_version_you_want
export NORMAL_USER    = normal_user_name_you_want
export NORMAL_PASSED  = normal_user_password_you_want
export ROOT_PASSWD    = root_password_you_want
export CONTAINER_NAME = dev-linux-env #or any name you want

#If you want to use ssh easily, prepare:
export HOST_USER        = your_host_user
export HOST_PASSWD      = your_host_passwd
export COMPANY_USER     = your_name_in_company
export COMPANY_PASSWD   = your_passwd_in_company
export RELAY_ADDR       = relay_addr_in_company

If you have a VPN, you may need to add the --build-arg proxy='socks5://host.docker.internal:1080' parameter when build the image.


docker build -t ${USER_NAME}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_VERSION} --network=host --build-arg NORMAL_USER=${NORMAL_USER} --build-arg NORMAL_PASSWD=${NORMAL_PASSWD} --build-arg ROOT_PASSWD=${ROOT_PASSWD} -f dockerfile_centos .


docker build -t ${USER_NAME}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_VERSION} --network=host --build-arg NORMAL_USER=${NORMAL_USER} --build-arg NORMAL_PASSWD=${NORMAL_PASSWD} --build-arg ROOT_PASSWD=${ROOT_PASSWD} -f dockerfile_ubuntu .



docker exec -it `docker run -d --name ${CONTAINER_NAME} -v /Users/${HOST_USER}/Downloads:/home/${USER_NAME}/downloads -w /home/${USER_NAME}/downloads --network=host -e HOST_USER -e HOST_PASSWD -e COMPANY_USER -e COMPANY_PASSWD -e RELAY_ADDR --privileged=true ${USER_NAME}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_VERSION}` /bin/bash


docker run -it --name ${CONTAINER_NAME} -v /Users/${HOST_USER}/Downloads:/home/${USER_NAME}/downloads -w /home/${USER_NAME}/downloads --network=host -e HOST_USER -e HOST_PASSWD -e COMPANY_USER -e COMPANY_PASSWD -e RELAY_ADDR --privileged=true ${USER_NAME}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_VERSION} /bin/bash

keep in view

  1. If you want to use tmux, need to invoke tmux source ~/.tmux.conf in command line and <Ctrl-b>+I in tmux after login with normal user;
  2. You need to update your user_name and email of git in .gitconfig located /home/${NORMAL_USER}/;
  3. If you want to show GUI, please install xquartz on your host:
brew install xquartz socat
open -a XQuartz

and then, check Allow connections from network clients in Preferences - Security and restart xquartx. last step, run:

socat TCP-LISTEN:6000,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:\"$DISPLAY\"


If you want to mount volumns on MacOS, use mutagen or docker-sync instead of -v args, like:

mutagen sync create --name ${SESSION_NAME} --sync-mode=two-way-safe --symlink-mode=posix-raw --ignore .DS_Store --ignore "*.sw[a-p]" ${CODE_PATH_ON_HOST} docker://${NORMAL_USER}@${CONTAINER_NAME}${CODE_PATH_ON_CONTAINER}