
Use EuroScope and Audio for VATSIM on Linux/Mac

MIT License


VATSIM EuroScope and Audio for VATSIM on non-Windows

This is a script that's meant to facilitate installing an ATC-environment for Linux/Mac users.

If everything goes well, it does not require any additional interaction.

It uses wine for the Windows-only programs.

Current recommendation

2022-02: Audio for VATSIM does currently not run with wine. Installing EuroScope in wine works though and runs fine. But we don't need Audio for VATSIM any more because there is now a project that aims to provide a native client for all platforms:.


Use this script only to install EuroScope (see "Usage" below).

For audio use the Mac/Linux AfV client project pierr3/TrackAudio (successor of pierr3/VectorAudio).

2023-05 We now have an RDF plugin for TrackAudio, too! The well known RDFPlugin by @chembergj has been extended in a fork by @KingfuChan. You can find downloads under "Releases".


  • On Mac, please install GNU getopt, for example via brew install gnu-getopt. Thanks to @daan33 for providing that solution.
  • bash, unzip, grep, wget
  • wine and winetricks. Suggested (unsure if needed): Packaged wine-gecko and wine-mono


# ./ --help
Usage: [<options>]
        -h|--help       this help
        -a|--afv        install only afv
        -e|--euroscope  install only EuroScope
        -B|--no-euroscope-beta do not install EuroScope beta
        -y|--yes        no confirmations
        --cached        use cached versions of already downloaded files
        -v|--verbose    echo all script commands


# create a new directory for your wine environment and change into it
mkdir -p "$wineDir" && cd "$wineDir"

# clone this repo
git clone && cd euroscope-afv-wine

# make the installer script executable
chmod +x

# switch into a directory where the wine environment will be created
mkdir -p wine && cd wine

# You'll now have a $USER/VATSIM-ATC/wine-install/euroscope-afv-wine/wine directory
# where we will setup the environment. This is called the "WINEPREFIX".

# check the script options
../ --help

# .. and install EuroScope with it
../ --euroscope --no-euroscope-beta

Tested with:

  • wine 6, 7.0-rc5, 7.5, 7.20, 7.22, 8.0-rc1, 8.0.1, 8.1, 9.0
  • Arch (Manjaro, EndeavourOS), Ubuntu (20.04, 23.04, 23.10, 24.04), openSUSE Tumbleweed

Please report your successes/failures with these or other environments.

Known issues:

  • 2023-10: On Ubuntu 23.04, winetricks would not run with wine – use wine-development (sudo apt install wine-development)
  • Audio for VATSIM sometimes starts fine, then on another day it might not start any more. It probably has something to
    do with its internal updater. Recommendation: Do not install AfV.
  • EuroScope hangs on quitting, after saving changed settings.
    (WineHQ AppDB entry)
  • AFV_BRIDGE does not work. EuroScope
    message: AFV_BRIDGE: Unable to open communication for AfV Bridge.
  • VCH Plugin outputs a message but seems to work fine. EuroScope
    message: ERROR DATA: ERROR: Request didn't work.

If you have any updates on these, please report. I would like to keep this list up-to-date.


Try updating winetricks if you experience problems with the "Installing libs…" step:

[sudo] winetricks --self-update

Don't do this on Debian/Ubuntu/... though. The packaged winetricks contains a patch that is important in those environments for working with win64.


Contributions of any form are very welcome. You can approach me via the "discussions" or "issues" functions here (prefered) or via my VATSIM forums profile.

Thank you

This is built on top of the work of Samir Gebran

Thank you to the creators of the EuroScope and Audio for VATSIM programs. It is a pity that they are not available cross-platform natively.