


All you need to debug the application is:

npm run dev

Rolling out a new version

Make sure to replace the version string in the package.json and package-lock.json.

Next to that, you also need to set your GH_TOKEN as an environment variable in the terminal that you wish to release the application. This token can be created from your own Github account; this token gives the application access to your Github account.

After that, run npm run build followed by npm run release on every machine that you wish to create a version on.

The machine itself should do the rest.

On Github, it should automatically create a release entry in the list with the latest version string.


Before putting the release public, make sure that all releases have been pushed for all devices.


The electron builder release system currently does NOT support automatically combining the latest-mac.yml files when releasing the amd64 AND arm versions.

In other words, you have to manually stitch both files together as follows:

version: 2.0.3
  - url: FlockFlasher-2.0.3-mac.zip
    sha512: pfNijx9AZuFEzN7/UTDhoKlKeG72A+c3EdGoBE+X6fyn7nO1ZO8McNcZFaExbO0RhN+svnqF6JrWPenIKEfdSQ==
    size: 133448877
  - url: FlockFlasher-2.0.3-arm64-mac.zip
    sha512: 8XOTrqvnGfmM1V9MAivyQ9BPbWyqtkTQ16pZAzSCRUwgLTtRswJZJ0cHIqYw1+6+yRWFdIgQXt1cu6YWkUpWzg==
    size: 128751915
  - url: flockflasher-x64.dmg
    sha512: b9XzDuF/+c3JCA/LLFciLUqyOw12xHmh0vZkZpvS6V8GCzFmz1maEXOkBYAYv9YQLcxhGaM0aMMVuQNiWHgjGg==
    size: 138481744
  - url: flockflasher-arm64.dmg
    sha512: jFZIxhz615EI2autjm4wnKOLGZchSKNOd3zmlRMFXdQjFEIZz6C8szgzjlYyzCfYH5hPOc+EQgbDVPIOla3Zew==
    size: 133845710
path: FlockFlasher-2.0.3-mac.zip
sha512: pfNijx9AZuFEzN7/UTDhoKlKeG72A+c3EdGoBE+X6fyn7nO1ZO8McNcZFaExbO0RhN+svnqF6JrWPenIKEfdSQ==
releaseDate: '2024-01-10T13:54:20.948Z'


In order to notarize the app for MacOS, you need to have the correct keys installed (see specific laptops).

After that, you need to supply a .env file which includes the correct APPLEID and APPLEIDPASS variables.

The APPLEID would be the email you use to login, and the APPLEIDPASS is the app-specific password that you can generate on your account. (How to)

After that, the npm run release process will automatically notarize the app for you.


FlockFlasher uses the etcher-sdk to flash and mount drives.

The etcher-sdk requires root permissions to access drives and flash drives.

In the current build for MacOS and Linux, we must spawn a subprocess within the FlockFlasher that gets elevated.

The easiest way to do that is to spawn a root process using sudo. This process will be a node process that runs the etcher-sdk code.

To do so, we create an external JavaScript script that uses the etcher-sdk. This script needs to point to the node_modules that are contained within the application (for production). To do so, we point to the compressed (ASAR) node_modules in the code.

To learn more about the compressed ASAR package: https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/tutorial/asar-archives

Since we don't want to rely on the user having the node binary installed, we can use the electron binary that comes with the application and run that as a node process to spawn an elevated process.

The electron binary can be accessed on process.execPath within the application and can be put into 'node mode' using the ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE environment variable.

Since we spawn a subprocess, we need to be able to read back the flashing progress of this subprocess. To do so, we print the progress data to the stdout in JSON string, which is then read and parsed in the frontend. (Line in code)


In order to access the USB drives in Windows, the etcher-sdk must include the winusb-driver-generator package. When running the npm i command on Windows, it will automatically and temporarily add this package using the scripts/windows.js script.

In order for Gulp to be able to build FlockFlasher on Windows, it must compile the underlying winusb driver.

Before you can do this, you must have the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) installed.

There's a known issue where the WDF redistributable co-installers don't work, which is required in order to build the windows usb driver. Solutions can be found here.

AppImages (Linux)

For AppImages, it is sadly not straightforward to access the packaged node_modules within the application. Since the AppImage is technically a drive, we must first mount it to a temporary folder (link to code) and then access the packaged node modules within.

Electron / Vue


Electron uses an RPC API to facilitate communication between frontend and backend tasks. All operations requiring system API calls must be executed on the Electron backend.

To streamline this process, we have defined a types file (types/index.ts) that contains all the RPC endpoints. These endpoints can be called from the frontend and are executed on the backend.

The RPCs that are executed on the backend are defined in main/ipcHandlers.ts, while the frontend RPCs, defined in preload/index.ts, simply call the RPCs registered on the backend.


We use Pinia, a straightforward and simple global state management tool, to manage global state in the Vue frontend. Event listeners and backend API calls are made and registered within Pinia. All stores are located in the renderer/src/store folder.


For app-wide translations, we utilize the I18next internationalization framework. Adding, updating, creating, and deleting translations is as simple as creating or editing a file in the renderer/locales folder and then registering the new languages in the renderer/src/main.ts file.

Extra binaries

To rebuild the .iso image, we use the xorriso binary. Unfortunately, this binary is not available on macOS and Windows. Therefore, we provide a statically cross-compiled binary for both Windows and Linux.

These binaries are distributed using the extraResources property of Electron Builder and are utilized during the flashing process.

You can find the binaries in the resources/binaries folder.

Important notes:

The etcher-sdk only works up to electron 19 due to security changes made in electron 20+