
Apache HertzBeat(incubating) is a real-time monitoring system with agentless, performance cluster, prometheus-compatible, custom monitoring and status page building capabilities.

APACHE-2.0 License


A real-time monitoring system with agentless, performance cluster, prometheus-compatible, custom monitoring and status page building capabilities.

Home: hertzbeat.apache.org Email: Mail to [email protected] to subscribe mailing lists

🎡 Introduction

Apache HertzBeat (incubating) is an easy-to-use, open source, real-time monitoring system with agentless, high performance cluster, prometheus-compatible, offers powerful custom monitoring and status page building capabilities.


  • Combines monitoring, alarm, and notification features into one platform, and supports monitoring for web service, program, database, cache, os, webserver, middleware, bigdata, cloud-native, network, custom and more.
  • Easy to use and agentless, web-based and with one-click monitoring and alerting, zero learning curve.
  • Makes protocols such as Http, Jmx, Ssh, Snmp, Jdbc, Prometheus configurable, allowing you to collect any metrics by simply configuring the template YML file online. Imagine being able to quickly adapt to a new monitoring type like K8s or Docker simply by configuring online with HertzBeat.
  • Compatible with the Prometheus ecosystem and more, can monitoring what Prometheus can monitoring with few clicks on webui.
  • High performance, supports horizontal expansion of multi-collector clusters, multi-isolated network monitoring and cloud-edge collaboration.
  • Provides flexible alarm threshold rules and timely notifications delivered via Discord Slack Telegram Email Dingtalk WeChat FeiShu Webhook SMS ServerChan.
  • Provides powerful status page building capabilities, easily communicate the real-time status of your service to users.

HertzBeat's powerful customization, multi-type support, high performance, easy expansion, and low coupling, aims to help users quickly build their own monitoring system.

🥐 Architecture

⛄ Supported

We define all monitoring collection types such as mysql, jvm, and k8s as YML monitoring templates, allowing users to import them to support corresponding types of monitoring. Welcome everyone to contribute your customized general monitoring type YML template during use.

🐕 Quick Start

  • If you wish to deploy HertzBeat locally, please refer to the following Deployment Documentation for instructions.

🍞 Install HertzBeat

HertzBeat supports installation through source code, docker or package, cpu support x86/arm64.

1:Install quickly via docker
  1. Just one command to get started

    docker run -d -p 1157:1157 -p 1158:1158 --name hertzbeat apache/hertzbeat
  2. Access http://localhost:1157 to start, default account: admin/hertzbeat

  3. Deploy collector clusters (Optional)

    docker run -d -e IDENTITY=custom-collector-name -e MANAGER_HOST= -e MANAGER_PORT=1158 --name hertzbeat-collector apache/hertzbeat-collector
    • -e IDENTITY=custom-collector-name : set the collector unique identity name.
    • -e MODE=public : set the running mode(public or private), public cluster or private cloud-edge.
    • -e MANAGER_HOST= : set the main hertzbeat server ip.
    • -e MANAGER_PORT=1158 : set the main hertzbeat server port, default 1158.

Detailed config refer to Install HertzBeat via Docker

2:Install via package
  1. Download the release package hertzbeat-xx.tar.gz Download
  2. Configure the HertzBeat configuration yml file hertzbeat/config/application.yml (optional)
  3. Run command $ ./bin/startup.sh or bin/startup.bat
  4. Access http://localhost:1157 to start, default account: admin/hertzbeat
  5. Deploy collector clusters (Optional)
    • Download the release package hertzbeat-collector-xx.tar.gz to new machine Download
    • Configure the collector configuration yml file hertzbeat-collector/config/application.yml: unique identity name, running mode (public or private), hertzbeat manager-host, hertzbeat manager-port
              enabled: true
              identity: ${IDENTITY:}
              mode: ${MODE:public}
              manager-host: ${MANAGER_HOST:}
              manager-port: ${MANAGER_PORT:1158}
    • Run command $ ./bin/startup.sh or bin/startup.bat
    • Access http://localhost:1157 and you will see the registered new collector in dashboard

Detailed config refer to Install HertzBeat via Package

3:Start via source code
  1. Local source code debugging needs to start the back-end project manager and the front-end project web-app.
  2. Backend:need maven3+, java17, lombok, start the manager service.
  3. Web:need nodejs npm angular-cli environment, Run ng serve --open in web-app directory after backend startup.
  4. Access http://localhost:4200 to start, default account: admin/hertzbeat

Detailed steps refer to CONTRIBUTING

4:Install All(hertzbeat+postgresql+tsdb) via Docker-compose

Install the postgresql/mysql database, victoria-metrics/iotdb/tdengine database and hertzbeat at one time through docker-compose deployment script.

Detailed steps refer to Install via Docker-Compose

5: Install All(hertzbeat+collector+postgresql+tsdb) via kubernetes helm charts

Install HertzBeat cluster in a Kubernetes cluster by Helm chart.

Detailed steps refer to Artifact Hub


✨ Contributors

Thanks to these wonderful people, welcome to join us: Contributor Guide

💬 Join discussion


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WeChat Group : Add friend ahertzbeat and invite to the group.

WeChat Public : Search ID usthecom.

QQ Group : Group num 630061200

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Open-Source Project Build From Open-Source

HertzBeat is built on so many great open source projects, thanks to them!

  • Java Spring SpringBoot Jpa Maven Assembly Netty Lombok Sureness Protobuf HttpClient Guava SnakeYaml JsonPath ...
  • TypeScript Angular NG-ZORRO NG-ALAIN NodeJs Npm Html Less Echarts Rxjs ZoneJs MonacoEditor SlickCarousel Docusaurus ...


🛡️ License

Apache License, Version 2.0