
Change i3-wm workspace names based on content

MIT License


i3wsr - i3 workspace renamer

i3wsr is a small program that uses I3's IPC Interface to change the name of a workspace based on its contents.



The chosen name for a workspace is a composite of the WM_CLASS X11 window property for each window in a workspace. In action it would look something like this:


i3wsr requires i3wm and numbered workspaces, see i3-configuration


Rust, and Cargo is required, and i3wsr can be installed using cargo like so:

cargo install i3wsr

Or alternatively, you can build a release binary,

cargo build --release

Then place the built binary, located at target/release/i3wsr, somewhere on your $path.

Arch linux

If you're running Arch you can install either stable, or latest from AUR thanks to reddit user u/OniTux.


Just launch the program and it'll listen for events if you are running I3. Another option is to put something like this in your i3 config

# cargo
exec_always --no-startup-id $HOME/.cargo/bin/i3wsr
exec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/i3wsr

i3 configuration

This program depends on numbered workspaces, since we're constantly changing the workspace name. So your I3 configuration need to reflect this:

bindsym $mod+1 workspace number 1
assign [class="(?i)firefox"] number 1

Keeping part of the workspace name

If you're like me and don't necessarily bind your workspaces to only numbers, or you want to keep a part of the name constant you can do like this:

set $myws "1:[Q]" # my sticky part
bindsym $mod+q workspace number $myws
assign [class="(?i)firefox"] number $myws

This way the workspace would look something like this when it gets changed:

1:[Q] Emacs|Firefox

You can take this a bit further by using a bar that trims the workspace number and be left with only

[Q] Emacs|Firefox

Configuration / options

Configuration for i3wsr can be done using cmd flags, or a config file. A config file allows for more nuanced settings, and is required to configure icons and aliases. By default i3wsr looks for the config file at $XDG_HOME/.config/i3wsr/config.toml or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/i3wsr/config.toml. To specify another path, pass it to the --config option on invocation:

i3wsr --config ~/my_config.toml

Example config can be found in assets/example_config.toml.


Sometimes a class, instance or name can be overly verbose, use aliases that match to window properties to create simpler names instead of showing the full property


# Exact match
"^Google-chrome-unstable$" = "Chrome-dev"

# Substring match
firefox = "Firefox"

# Escape if you want to match literal periods
"Org\\.gnome\\.Nautilus" = "Nautilus"

Alias keys uses regex for matching, so it's possible to get creative:

# This will match gimp regardless of version number reported in class
"Gimp-\\d\\.\\d\\d" = "Gimp"

Remember to quote anything but [a-zA-Z], and to escape your slashes. Due to rust string escapes if you want a literal backslash use two slashes \\d.

Aliases based on property

i3wsr supports 3 window properties currently:

[aliases.name]     # 1
[aliases.instance] # 2
[aliases.class]    # 3

These are checked in descending order, so if i3wsr finds a name alias, it'll use that and if not, then check instance, then finally use class

Deprecation note: previously wm_property defined which prop to check for aliases, but this newer approach will allow for multiple types of aliases


This is the default, and the most succinct.


Use WM_INSTANCE instead of WM_CLASS when assigning workspace names, instance is usually more specific. i3wsr will try to get the instance but if it isn't defined will fall back to class.

A use case for this option could be launching chromium --app="https://web.whatsapp.com", and then assign a different icon to whatsapp in your config file, while chrome retains its own alias:

"WhatsApp" = "πŸ—©"

Google-chrome = "Chrome"

"web\\.whatsapp\\.com" = "Whatsapp"


Uses WM_NAME instead of WM_INSTANCE and WM_CLASS, this option is very verbose and relies on regex matching of aliases to be of any use.

A use-case is running some terminal application, and as default i3wsr will only display class regardless of whats running in the terminal.

So you could do something like this:

".*mutt$" = "Mutt"

You could display whatever the terminal is running, but this comes with one caveat: i3 has no way of knowing what happens in a terminal and starting say mutt will not trigger any IPC events. The alias will take effect whenever i3 receives a window or workspace event.

It should be possible to write a launcher script, that wraps whatever command your running with a custom i3 ipc trigger event. If anyone figures out a nice way of doing it let me know.

Display property

Which property to display if no aliases is found:

display_property = "instance"

Possible options are class, instance, and name, and will default to class if not present.

You can alternatively supply cmd argument:

i3wsr --display-property instance


You can configure icons for your WM property, a very basic preset for font-awesome is configured, to enable it use the option --icons awesome (requires font-awesome to be installed).

A more in depth icon configuration can be setup by using a configuration file. In there you can define icons for whatever title you'd like.

Firefox = "🌍"

# Use quote when matching anything other than [a-zA-Z]
"Org.gnome.Nautilus" = "πŸ“˜"

i3wsr tries to match an icon with an alias first, if none are found it then checks your display_property, and tries to match an icon with a non aliased display_property, lastly it will try to match on class.

"Gimp-\\d\\.\\d\\d" = "Gimp"

Gimp = "πŸ“„"

A font that provides icons is of course recommended, like font-awesome. Make sure your bar has that font configured.


Normally i3wsr uses the pipe character | between class names in a workspace, but a custom separator can be configured in the config file:

separator = " ξ‚± "

Default icon

To use a default icon when no other is defined use:

default_icon = "πŸ’€"

Empty label

Set a label for empty workspaces.

empty_label = "πŸŒ•"

No icon names

To display names only if icon is not available, you can use the --no-icon-names flag, or enable it in your config file like so:

no_icon_names = true

No names

If you don't want i3wsr to display names at all, you can use the --no-names flag, or enable it in your config file like so:

no_names = true

Remove duplicates

If you want duplicates removed from workspaces use either the flag --remove-duplicates, or configure it in the options section of the config file:

remove_duplicates = true

Split at character

By default i3wsr will keep everything until the first space character is found, then replace the remainder with titles.

If you want to define a different character that is used to split the numbered/constant part of the workspace and the dynamic content, you can use the option --split-at [CHAR]

split_at = ":"

Here we define colon as the split character, which results in i3wsr only keeping the numbered part of a workspace name when renaming.

This can give a cleaner config, but I've kept the old behavior as default.


Check [Pedro Scaff](https://github.com/pedroscaff)'s port [swaywsr](https://github.com/pedroscaff/swaywsr).


To run tests locally Vagrant is required. Run script/run_tests.sh to run tests on ubuntu xenial.


This program would not be possible without i3ipc-rs, a rust library for controlling i3wm through its IPC interface and rust-xcb, a set of rust bindings and wrappers for XCB.