
My configuration for awesome window manager


My Awesome Configuration

Awesome is a highly configurable, tiling window manager for X. It is very fast, extensible and licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license. Awesome is a perfect "first" tiling window manager for those who want to try out tiling, but the extreme customization that you can achieve with awesome makes it a power user's dream. Awesome is configured with Lua.


  • Simple enough for beginner's but flexible enough for the power user.
  • Extremely customizable, maybe more so than any other window manager.
  • Configured in Lua.
  • A documented API to configure and define the behavior of your window manager.


sudo pacman -S awesome dmenu rofi thunar firefox alacritty
paru -S i3lock-fancy-git picom-ibhagwan-git

Additional tools for Customizing it.

sudo pacman -S lxappearance nitrogen
  • For Fonts Im using Terminus
sudo pacman -S terminus-font 
paru -S consolas-font

My Keybindings

The MODKEY is set to the Super key (aka the Windows key). I try to keep the keybindings consistent with all of my window managers.

Keybinding Action
MODKEY + RETURN opens terminal (Alarcritty is the terminal but can be easily changed)
MODKEY + x opens run launcher (rofi (random) is the run launcher but can be easily changed)
MODKEY + SHIFT + c closes window with focus
MODKEY + SHIFT + r restarts awesome
MODKEY + CTRL + q quits awesome
MODKEY + 1-9 switch focus to workspace (1-9)
MODKEY + SHIFT + 1-9 send focused window to workspace (1-9)
MODKEY + j switches focus between windows in the stack, going down
MODKEY + k switches focus between windows in the stack, going up
MODKEY + h switches focus between windows in the stack, going left
MODKEY + l switches focus between windows in the stack, going right
MODKEY + SHIFT + j rotates the windows in the stack, going down
MODKEY + SHIFT + k rotates the windows in the stack, going up
MODKEY + SHIFT + h rotates the windows in the stack, going left
MODKEY + SHIFT + l rotates the windows in the stack, going right
MODKEY + period switch focus to next monitor
MODKEY + comma switch focus to prev monitor
MODKEY + SHIFT + w opens default web-browser
MODKEY + d minimize current window
MODKEY + CTRL + d restore recent minimize window

Getting Help With Awesome


You can join the #awesome channel on the OFTC IRC network.

IRC Webchat

Stack Overflow

You can ask questions on Stack Overflow.


There is an awesome subreddit where you can share your work and ask questions.

Reporting issues

Please report any issues you have with AwesomeWM on our bugtracker.

Contributing code

You can submit pull requests on the github repository. Please read the contributing guide for any coding, documentation or patch guidelines.


Online documentation is available here.


The project is licensed under GNU General Public License v2 or later. You can read it online at (v2 or v3).