
NixOS flake containing full system configuration

MIT License


NixOS + Hyprland (Secureboot enabled)

⚠ WARNING! This configuration uses lanzaboote for Secure boot support. If you want to use the flake and don't need secure boot, make appropriate changes in boot.nix.

⚠ WARNING! Make sure to change hardware-configuration.nix according to your PC or generate a new one via nixos-generate-config --root /mnt while installing.

⚠ WARNING! Make sure to change home paths for config files in user.

⚠ WARNING! This configuration uses Podman as opposed to Docker, if you want to use dokcer make according changes in virtualisation.

⚠ WARNING! There might be some non-critical bugs in configuration as I'm still working on it.

Table Of Contents

ℹ About

This repository is housing my daily drive NixOS configuration using ❄️ flakes, running Hyprland. Feel free to utilize it in its entirety or borrow specific components for your own configuration.

Configuration is not lightweight and may require some disk space.

Notably, it utilizes:

  • flake (Experimental feature of the Nix package manager)
  • nixpkgs: unstable (only used for hyprshot & Vesktop)

🔧 Components

Component Version/Name
Distro NixOS
Shell Zsh
Display Server Wayland
WM (Compositor) Hyprland
Bar Waybar
Notification Mako
Launcher Wofi
Editor Neovim
Terminal Kitty
Fetch Utility Neofetch
Theme Catppuccin Macchiato
Font JetBrains Mono & Font Awesome
File Browser Thunar & viewnior for images
Internet Browser Firefox
Screenshot Hyprshot
Clipboard wl-clipboard
Idle Swayidle
Lock Swaylock
Logout menu Wlogout
Wallpaper Hyprpaper
Display Manager SDDM
Containerization Podman
Virtualisation qemu + virt-manager + libvirtd

⌨ Keybindings

Key Combination Action
SUPER + H, J, K, L Change window focus
SUPER + CTRL + H, J, K, L Resize window
SUPER + SHIFT + H,J,K,L Move windows
SUPER + 1..0 Change workspace
SUPER + SHIFT + 1..0 Move window to workspace
SUPER + S Toggle split
SUPER + Q Kill active window
SUPER + SHIFT + Q Launch swaylock
SUPER + M Exit from hyprland
SUPER + Return Launch kitty
SUPER + D Launch wofi
SUPER + E Launch thunar
SUPER + M Launch wlogout
SUPER + B Launch firefox
SUPER + C Launch telegram-desktop
Print Take screenshot (currently configured to area capture into clipboard)

All other keybindings can be found at bind.conf

NixOS specific zsh aliases

  • fullClean - Fully clean old generations data
  • rebuild - alias to nixos-rebuild switch
  • fullRebuild - same as previous but also includes home-manager switch
  • homeRebuild - only rebuild home-manager

Make sure to make appropriate changes to shell.nix flake paths.

📖 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.