
Password Safe - popular secure and convenient password manager

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Why Cmake?

  • Cmake provides a portable way of configuring the build environment
    for passwordsafe.
  • Source tree is untouched, all build-related files are in specified
    "build" subdirectory. By convention under the main project
    directory, "build" on unix/mac, "_build" on Windows.
    passwordsafe.sln/Makefile is created under build directory.
    (I'm using this to keep _build-mfc and _build-wx off the same source tree).
  • Supports all Visual Studio versions, saving the need to update
    manually when adding/removing files.

Step-by-step for getting started with Cmake using Visual Studio 2022

  1. After installing cmake, create a _build directory under pwsafe's toplevel directory. To keep MFC & wxWidgets files separate, suggest _build_mfc & _build_wx.

  2. Start cmake-gui. Set "Where is the source code" to the top of the git repository source tree, and "Where to build the binaries" to the _build directory you created in the previous step depending on whether you wish to build the MFC or wxWidgets version. To select the wxWidgets version, check the box WX_WINDOWS, otherwise you will build the MFC version.

  3. Click on Configure. Select the "Visual Studio 17 2022" generator. If you want to build x64, choose "Visual Studio 17 2022 Win64" generator.

Cmake will think a bit and then report errors:

"CMake Error at [...] (message):

To fix this, click on the "Advanced" check box to see all of the variables. Find GTEST_ROOT in the list and set it to the directory where gtest is installed on your machine - for example: C:/local/src/gtest/. This should enable cmake to at least find the include directory.

Note: If you do not use the default locations for the built libraries (e.g. different directories for the VS2015 & VS2022 builds), cmake will not find the libraries but you can specify the path relative to the GTEST_ROOT, e.g.,

You need to define all of these values.

CMake Variable Your Configuration
GTEST_ROOT C:/local/src/gtest-svn
GTEST_LIBRARY .\build-vc17\Release
GTEST_LIBRARY_DEBUG .\build-vc17\Debug
GTEST_MAIN_LIBRARY .\build-vc17\Release

If you are building x64, you need to build gtest in x64 mode. The VS solutions that come with gtest do not include an x64 build, so you will need to create an x64 build configuration. Only the Debug/x64 configuration is needed. You should name the output directory in a way that that identifies it clearly (e.g. Debug64). Otherwise, it is easy to end up with x86/x64 collisions.

  1. XML support: For the MFC build, you can choose either: (a)
    XML_MSXML, which will use Microsoft's implementation for XML
    validation, (b) XML_XERCESC, which uses the XercesC library, or (c)
    neither, in which case the PUGI XML library is used to import
    XML data.

The wx build doesn't support XML_MSXML. For Xerces XML processing, check the "Advanced" checkbox, and set the values of XercesC_INCLUDE_DIR, XercesC_LIBRARY_DEBUG and XercesC_LIBRARY_RELEASE to the correct values.

Note: Currently only 32-bit compilations are supported.

For example:

XercesC_INCLUDE_DIR     C:/local/xerces-c-3.1.3-x86_64-windows-vc-14.0/include
XercesC_LIBRARY_DEBUG   C:/local/xerces-c-3.1.3-x86-windows-vc-14.0/lib
XercesC_LIBRARY_RELEASE C:/local/xerces-c-3.1.3-x86-windows-vc-14.0/lib

Again, if you are building x64, you need to build Xerces in x64 mode.

  1. If you wish to build the wxWidgets version, check the box WX_WINDOWS and
    pick a different _build directory (e.g. _build_wx) so that your MFC files are
    not overwritten. You will have to click Configure whenever you change the _build

In addition, you will need to define the following:

wxWidgets_ROOT_DIR     C:/local/wxWidgets/3.0.2/
wxWidgets_LIB          C:/local/wxWidgets/3.0.2/lib/vc170_lib

You may wish to define other variables from your environment e.g.

HHC                   C:/Program Files (x86)/HTML Help Workshop/hhc.exe
PERL_EXECUTABLE       perl.exe

Note: wxWidgets_wxrc_EXECUTABLE is not required for pwsafe wxWidgets builds.

  1. Click on Generate. This will create the passwordsafe.sln file in the appropriate _build directory.

  2. Open passwordsafe.sln and right-click on the pwsafe project, select "Set as StartUp Project" and then build the solution.


For Linux, similarly, only to get started, do:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake-gui .. # configure stuff as needed
$ cmake ..
$ make